ddl_log.log 于是官網檢視了一下,英文好的可以自己閱讀一下,不好的就麻煩了:(
A record of metadata operations such as those just described are written to the file <code>ddl_log.log</code>, in the MySQL data directory. This is a binary file; it is not intended to be human-readable, and you should not attempt to modify its contents in any way.
Currently, <code>ddl_log.log</code> can hold up to 1048573 entries, equivalent 4 GB in size. Once this limit is exceeded, you must rename or remove the file before it is possible to execute any additional DDL statements. This is a known issue which we are working to resolve (Bug #83708).
There are no user-configurable server options or variables associated with this file.
本文轉自andylhz 51CTO部落格,原文連結:http://blog.51cto.com/andylhz2009/1948981,如需轉載請自行聯系原作者