大約在今年秋天的時候,微軟就會推出令人期待的.Net Micro Framework 3.0。在業内對微軟的産品,有這個麼說法,3.0之前的隻能算體驗版,隻有在3.0之後,才是比較穩定可靠及實用的。.Net Micro Framework版本的演化,也無疑證明了這一點。
沒有想到将要推出的.Net Micro Framework 3.0在此基礎上邁了很大一步,3.0版本将包括一個新的檔案系統,觸摸屏支援,無線網絡(wifi), USB及各種其它的硬體支援,此外模拟器也支援橫豎屏切換。更令人期待的是.Net Micro Framework已經支援P/Invoke功能,有穿透.Net Micro Framework直接通路硬體的能力了,這樣對一些要求實時性的項目可以避開MF的弱點,直接發揮底層硬體的性能了。
Touchscreen: We're adding touchscreen support in v3, and that includes support for simple inking scenarios, allowing you to build a small kiosk that captures a credit card signature, for example.
Filesystem: Yep, there's a file system in v3. You can still use extended weak references, but it no longer is the only option for storing configuration or logging data to storage devices, like nand flash, which will also be supported.
VS2008: Goodbye Visual Studio 2005, Hello Visual Studio 2008! VS2005 served us well, but with the cool features in VS2008, we're excited to have full support for it in v3.
DPWS Tools: .NET MF v2.5 included a preview of Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS, formerly known as WSD). NET MF 3.0 includes full support for DPWS *and* easy to use tools that weren't include in 2.5.
Wi-Fi: We're adding the infrastructure for Wi-Fi / 802.11. Partners will now be able to integrate Wi-Fi stacks, drivers, and supplicants in a standard way and interface with the rest of the TCP/IP stack. v3 will provide hooks for WEP, WPA/WPA2, and Windows Connect Now (WCN).
SSL: The TCP/IP stack in v3 will include support for SSL, allowing secure connections like HTTPS.
Serial enhancements: The serial model in v3 is being improved to more closely follow the .NET Framework implementation. This includes support for hardware flow control, e.g. RTS/CTS.
USB Device: You'll be able to create devices using .NET MF 3.0 which identify themselves as standard USB types when plugged into a PC. For example, you could create a small data logger which collects data from a sensor network and presents itself as a standard mass storage device when it is plugged into the PC using USB.
Fonts: The font support in version 3.0 is being greatly enhanced. Watch for more information about the specific capabilities and changes.
More cores: version 3.0 will support more hardware than any previous version of .NET Micro Framework. Stay tuned for more information from our partners as they announce their plans for .NET MF v3.0.
Emulator enhancements and diag enhancements are also included in v3.