
How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

All system status are queried from TJ02 table:

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

The description of status code is from TJ02T table:

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

And there is a view which joins the two views above in order to return both system status code and system status description.

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

Data preview looks like below:

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

However this SystemStatusValueHelp view is only used in one OData service below:

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

And there is no model for user status.

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

For Opportunity status related HANA model, since in the report, it will show the total number of Opportunities with the following status:






Its modelling detail:

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

the logic for isWon:

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

Final data preview result below:

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio

From here we get the conclusion that the cardinality of Opportunity UUID : SystemStatus code is: 1:N.

For example, an Opportunity can have the system status “hasError” and “In process” for the same time, as also introduced in this picture below.

How is CRM order status modelling in HANA studio
