1 發現問題
在部署的時候,遇到相同的包,一般直接使用“更新”功能,更新多次之後,發現項目部署的越來越慢,而且還會列印java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space,OutOfMemoryError是記憶體溢出,PermGen space說明是永久代(即方法區)發生異常。
2 分析問題
Why does the memory usage increase when I redeploy a web application?
That is because your web application has a memory leak.
A common issue are “PermGen” memory leaks. They happen because the Classloader (and the Class objects it loaded) cannot be recycled unless some requirements are met (*). They are stored in the permanent heap generation by the JVM, and when you redeploy a new class loader is created, which loads another copy of all these classes. This can cause OufOfMemoryErrors eventually.
(*) The requirement is that all classes loaded by this classloader should be able to be gc’ed at the same time.
3 解決問題
set MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_64BIT=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m
set MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_32BIT=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m
注:PermGen space,permanent heap generation space,即永久代或方法區。