
Mapbox之vector tiles(矢量切片)

Mapbox之vector tiles(矢量切片)

​​ https://docs.mapbox.com/vector-tiles/reference/​​

Vector tiles矢量切片

  • A broad collection of natural, built, and place data廣泛收集的自然、建築和地點資料
  • Global elevation data全球高程資料
  • Constantly updating traffic data不斷更新交通資料
  • Open standard開放的标準
Mapbox之vector tiles(矢量切片)

Vector tiles make huge maps fast while offering full design flexibility. The vector tile format is the vector data equivalent of raster image tiles for web mapping, with the strengths of tiling: optimized for caching, scaling, and serving map imagery rapidly.


The Mapbox-owned vector tilesets described in this documentation are freely available for developers to use as data sources. Mapbox-maintained styles use these tilesets as data sources.


These vector tile reference documents include information to help you style the data from each tileset. You can refer to these documents to find information about layers, data fields, data sources, and more.


How web maps work網絡地圖是如何工作的

Traditionally, maps are created from image tiles. Like for instance this PNG image tile depicting the corner of lower Manhattan with roads, building footprints, and parks:


Mapbox之vector tiles(矢量切片)

To get the underlying vector tile data that makes up this image, you can request it specifically:


http://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.mapbox-streets-v8/14/4823/6160.mvt?access_token=<your access token>