
log4net.Layout.PatternLayout 用 conversion 模式格式化日志事件【翻譯】



線程安全。該類型的 Public static 成員對多線程操作是安全的。執行個體成員不保證線程安全。


該類的目标是把 LoggingEvent 格式化成字元串。格式化的結果依賴于 conversion 模式。

conversion 模式與 C 語言的 printf 函數很像。conversion 模式是由文字文本和格式控制表達式(稱為轉換指定符)組成。


每個轉換指定符(conversion specifier)以百分号(%)開始,後面跟一個可選的格式修飾符(format modifiers)和轉換模式(conversion pattern)名稱。 轉換模式名稱指定資料的類型,例如,日志器(logger)、級别(level)、日期(date)、線程名(thread name)。格式修飾符控制諸如,字段寬度,填充,左邊和右邊對齊等事情。


轉換模式為 "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline",并假設 log4net 環境設定為 PatternLayout,那麼,下面語句:

ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp));      
log.Debug("Message 1");      
log.Warn("Message 2");        


DEBUG [main]: Message 1      
WARN  [main]: Message 2        

需要注意的是,文字和轉換訓示器之間沒有明确的分隔符。當模式解析器讀取一個轉換字元時,它知道何時已經達到了一個轉換訓示器的末尾。上面的例子,在轉換訓示符 %-5level 含義是,日志事件的級别占 5 個字元的寬度,并且左邊對齊。


轉換模式名稱 效果
a 等價于 appdomain
用于輸出當産生日志事件時的 AppDomain 名稱。
aspnet-cache 指定 %aspnet-cache 時輸出所有 cache 項;指定 %aspnet-cache{key}

時隻輸出 key 指定的項。

該模式對 Compact Framework or Client Profile 不可用。

aspnet-context %aspnet-context 時輸出所有 context 項;指定
aspnet-request %aspnet-request 時輸出所有請求參數的項;指定 %aspnet-request{key}
aspnet-session %aspnet-session 時輸出所有 session 項;指定 %aspnet-session{key}
c logger
C type
d date
以 local time zone 輸出日志事件的日期。若輸出 universal time 日期要使用


模式。日期格式也可以在模式後用大括号指定,例如, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff}

或 %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}。若沒有指定日期格式,則将采用 ISO8601(Iso8601DateFormatter)。日期格式訓示器跟 ToString 方法個式化日期時采用時間模式具有相同的文法。

推薦使用 log4net 日期格式化器,能得到更好的輸出。通過指定字元串“ABSOLUTE”,“DATE”和“ISO8601”中的一個,分别表示 AbsoluteTimeDateFormatter, DateTimeDateFormatter 和  Iso8601DateFormatter。例如,


或 %date{ABSOLUTE}。

這寫專用的日期格式化要比 ToString 更好。


Used to output the exception passed in with the log message.

If an exception object is stored in the logging event it will be rendered into the pattern output with a trailing newline. If there is no exception then nothing will be output and no trailing newline will be appended. It is typical to put a newline before the exception and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern.

F file



See the note below on the availability of caller location information.

identity 輸出目前活躍使用者的使用者名(Principal.Identity.Name)。
l location
L line

Used to output location information of the caller which generated the logging event.

位置資訊(location information)依賴 CLI 的實作,但通常是由調用方法的完整限定名(fully qualified name)組成,後面跟調用者源檔案名和行号。


level 輸出日志事件的級别。

輸出日志事件的日志器。The logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in brackets.

If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding number of right most components of the logger name will be printed. By default the logger name is printed in full.

例如,若日志器名為 "a.b.c",模式為 %logger{2},将輸出 "b.c".

m message
M method
mdc The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility but is equivalent to property .
n newline


This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator.

ndc 輸出與生産日志事件線程有關的 NDC(nested diagnostic context)。
Used to output the an event specific property. The key to lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default the


property is set to the name of machine on which the event was originally logged.

If no key is specified, e.g.


then all the keys and their values are printed in a comma separated list.

The properties of an event are combined from a number of different contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched.

the event properties
The event has Properties that can be set. These properties are specific to this event only.
the thread properties
The Properties that are set on the current thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread.
the global properties
The Properties that are set globally. These properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain.
r timestamp
stacktrace Used to output the stack trace of the logging event The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}

. If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed

Output uses the format: type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1

This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies.

stacktracedetail %stacktracedetail{level} Output uses the format: type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...)
t thread
Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the application until the creation of the logging event.

Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in brackets.

If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding number of right most components of the class name will be printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form.

For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the pattern

%type{1} will output "PatternLayout".
username 輸出目前活躍使用者的 WindowsIdentity。
utcdate Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. The date conversion specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff} . If no date format specifier is given then ISO8601 format is assumed ( Iso8601DateFormatter


The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the time pattern string of the



For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying

AbsoluteTimeDateFormatter , DateTimeDateFormatter and respectively . For example, %utcdate{ISO8601} %utcdate{ABSOLUTE} These dedicated date formatters perform significantly better than
% 連續兩個百分号 %% 會輸出一個百分号。

The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the longer more descriptive pattern names.

By default the relevant information is output as is. However, with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification.

The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign and the conversion pattern name.

The first optional format modifier is the left justification flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal constant that represents the minimum number of characters to output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on either the left or the right until the minimum width is reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the data. The value is never truncated.

This behavior can be changed using the maximum field width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum field, then the extra characters are removed from the beginning of the data item and not from the end. For example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C where truncation is done from the end.

Below are various format modifier examples for the logger conversion specifier.

格式修飾符 左邊對齊 最小寬度 最大寬度 備注
%20logger false 20 若日志器的名稱小于 20 個字元,則左邊補空格。
%-20logger true 若日志器的名稱小于 20 個字元,則右邊補空格。
%.30logger NA 30 若日志器的名稱大于 30 個字元,則截取。
%20.30logger 若日志器的名稱小于 20 個字元,則左邊補空格。但是,若日志器名稱的長度大于 30 個字元,則截取。
%-20.30logger 若日志器的名稱小于 20 個字元,則右邊補空格。但是,若日志器名稱的長度大于 30 個字元,則截取。
關于調用者位置資訊(caller location information)


%type、%file、%line、%method、%location、%class、%C、%F、%L、%l 和 %M





.NET Compact Framework 1.0 不支援




class has this to say about Release builds:

"StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations that occur during optimization."

This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build.

Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific


instance using the



This is a more detailed pattern.

%timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline      

A similar pattern except that the relative time is right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if longer.

%-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline