Computer Graphics Basics - Ⅰ
1. Vector
- Vector has length and direction
- Representation
- Usually drawn as segment with arrow-head
Vector Operations
- Scalar Multiplicaiton
- Negative of a Vector
- Addition of Vectors
- Dot(Inner) Product 點積
$u \cdot v = u v cos(\theta)$
$u \cdot v = \sum_i u_i v_i$
$u \cdot v = {||u||} {||v||} cos \theta$
$u \cdot v = u^T v$
- 點積 = 0 -> 向量垂直
- 向量點積通常用于求投影
- Length(Norm) of Vector
- ||v|| = sqrt(v.v)
- 利用點積求向量長度
- ||v|| = sqrt(v.v)
- Normalization of a Vector 機關化
$v' = \frac{v}{||v||} = \frac{1}{\sqrt(v_1^2 + v_2^2 + ... + v_n^2)}v$
- 令向量長度為1
- Cross Product 叉積
- 方向:右手法則
- 大小:平行四邊形面積
Scalar Triple Product
$A\cdot(B \times C)$
- 體積:叉乘的值是BC形成的面積,方向與BC形成的面垂直;再點乘時相當于A在BC垂線上的投影->高與面積相乘->體積
- 可以判斷三向量共面,若共面,A與BC叉乘的點乘應為0
2. Point
- Point has a position in space
- Origin is a special point 原點
O = (0, 0, ...)
- Position Vector: Vector joining origin to a point
⭐Points and Vectors
- Vector operations can not be done on points
- Displacement Vector: A vector denoting transition
3. Co-ordinate Systems
- Concept of Dimension
Dimension of Space v/s Dimension of Object
- Cartesian Co-ordinates
- Polar Co-ordinates 極坐标
- 柱坐标、球坐标
- Coordinate systems let us define points in 3D
- Right handed 右手系
- Left handed 左手系
4. Line
- Representation
- (Start Point, End Point)
- (Point, Direction)
- Equation of Line
$L = P + t * D$
$L = P_1 + t * (P_2-P_1)$
5. Ray and Segments
- A Ray is a line with
$0 \leq t \leq \infty$
- A segment is a line with
$0 \leq t \leq 1$
6. Other Simple Objects
- Circle
$x^2 + y^2 = R^2$
- Triangle: Inside Points Area
7. Affine Combinations 仿射變換
- Affine combination of points
is given by$P_i$
where,$P = \sum_i a_i P_i$
$\sum_i a_i = 1$
Consider, the equation of line\begin{aligned} L &= P_1 + t * ( P_2-P_1 )\\ &= (1-t) * P_1 + t * P_2 \end{aligned}
8. Barycentric Co-ordinates
- Any point on a plane can be written as affine combination of three distinct points
where,$P = \alpha P_1 + \beta P_2 + \gamma P_3$
$\alpha + \beta + \gamma = 1$
- Note that, if
point P lies inside the triangle$0 < (\alpha , \beta , \gamma) < 1$
9. Polygons
- Polygon is a closed figure formed by an ordered set of points
- These corner points are usually termed as Vertices
10. Convex Combination 凸組合
- Convex combination is an ++affine combination++, where all the weights are constrained to interval [0,1]
- Given a polygon, if all convex combinations of the vertices of the polygon lie inside the polygon, then we say that, the polygon is Convex(凸) otherwise it is said to be Concave(凹)
11. Intersections
- Finding intersections between various geometric objects is one of the important task in Computer Graphics Algotithms
- How to find the intersection between a moving vertex and a static triangle?
- Line-plane intersection 求出運動軌迹直線與平面的交點
- Inside test 判斷交點是否在内部
- How to find the intersection between a moving vertex and a deforming triangle?
deforming 變形,并非剛體移動。如布料随風飄動
- Coplanar test 共面檢測
- Inside test
-> Continuous Collision Deteciton 連續碰撞檢測
- Heuristic Culling -> Non-Penetraion Filters 非穿透性過濾器
- 如果點一直在面的一側,能否判斷沒有發生過穿透:兩個叉積是不夠的,要做六個
- M. Tang, D. Manocha, and R. F. Tong. Fast continuous collision detection using deforming non-penetration filters. Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Interactive 3D Graphicsand Games, pages 7-14, 2010
12. Area Computations
- Finding lengths, areas, volumes, etc.. of various geometric objects is another important problem in Computer Graphics
- How to find an area of a polygon in 2D?
13. Matrix
- Two dimensional arrangement of numbers
In a sense, it is a generalization of vectors
- It has number of rows and columns
Various Matrices
- Square Matrix 方陣
Matrix whose columns = rows
- Identity Matrix: I
A square matrix with diagonal elements = 1 and other elements = 0
- Transpose of a Matrix:
Matrix Operations
- Scalar Multiplication:
$R[i,j] = k * A[i,j]$
- Addition of Matrices:
$R[i,j] = A[i,j] + B[i,j]$
- Multiplication of Matrices:
$R[i,j] = \sum A[i,k] * B[k,j]$
In general,
$AB \ne BA$
- Vector - Matrix Multiplication
- Matrix - Matrix Multiplication
- Inverse of Matrix: A
This is usually used while solving a set of linear equations:
\begin{aligned} Ax &= B\\ x &= A^{-1} B \end{aligned}