
Oracle cursor pin S wait on X 等待事件 說明

  這個等待事件也算一個常見的等待事件。 在warehouse viewspace blog和  itpub 上有相關的2個文章。 連接配接如下:

cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件模拟


cursor: pin S wait on X


一.  Mutex 說明

       Oracle Mutex 機制 說明


       To improve cursor execution and also hard parsing, a new memory serialization mechanism has been created in 10gR2.

       For certain shared-cursor related operations, mutexes are used as a replacement for library cache latches and librarycache pins.

       -- mutexes 替代 library cache latches 和 librarycache pins。

       Using mutexes is faster, uses less CPU and also allows significantly improved concurrency over the existing latch mechanism.

       The use of mutexes for cursor pins can be enabled by setting the init.ora parameter _use_kks_mutex toTRUE.

       Btw, things get more fun in 10.2, you can pin cursors without getting library cache pin latch, using KGX mutexes. Mutexes are new thing in 10.2 and they enable shared access to objects in somewhat similar manner than shared latches, that every successful get of particular mutex will increment its value and release will decrement. When the count is zero, no-one has the mutex and it is safe to get it in exclusive mode too. However they are more fine grained than kgl latches and provide better waiting mechanism as far as I understand.

       So if your environment supports atomic compare and swap operation (as CMPXCHG on Intel), you might get away without cursor_space_for_time setting for ultrahigh execution rates. Otherwise the atomic mutex operations would be achieved using new KGX latches.

       At least on my laptop this feature isn’t enabled by default (from andOracleWorld’s paper I remember that it should become default in, but so far you can experiment with it if you set _kks_use_mutex_pin = true and bounce the instance (mutex structures will be stored in shared pool, so you might need to increase SP size).

       There are also x$mutex_sleep and x$mutex_sleep_history fixed tables that can show some interesting information if you generate some mutex waits into them.

       在Oracle 10.2中,對shared pool中的一些Serialization operation使用更輕量的 KGX mutexes (_use_kks_mutex) 取代library cache pin,進而降低CPU Usage, 是否使用這種muetx機制受到隐含參數_kks_use_mutex_pin的限制。

       從10.2.0.2開始該參數default為true,使用這種機制oracle是為了解決library cache bin latch的串行使用問題,但是mutex貌似還不是很穩定,在很多系統中會出現cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件,這個事件和mutex的使用有關,最近一客戶受到cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件的困擾,出現cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件時通常等待比較嚴重,系統會出現hang。

cursor: pin S wait on X

       A session waits for this event when it is requesting a shared mutex pin and another session is holding an exclusive mutex pin on the same cursor object.

Wait Time: Microseconds

Parameter Description 

       P1 Hash value of cursor 

       P2 Mutex value (top 2 bytes contains SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0) 

       P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleeps



              (2)過渡硬解析,造成library cache中的cursor object被頻繁的reload


       _kks_use_mutex_pin 是隐含參數,通過v$parameter 視圖查不到,需要通過如下SQL 來檢視。

SELECT   i.ksppinm name,

           i.ksppdesc description,

           CV.ksppstvl VALUE,

           CV.ksppstdf isdefault,

           DECODE (BITAND (CV.ksppstvf, 7),

                   1, 'MODIFIED',

                   4, 'SYSTEM_MOD',



           DECODE (BITAND (CV.ksppstvf, 2), 2, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') isadjusted

    FROM   sys.x$ksppi i, sys.x$ksppcv CV

   WHERE       i.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')

           AND CV.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')

           AND i.indx = CV.indx

           AND i.ksppinm LIKE '/_%' ESCAPE '/'

           and i.ksppinm like '_kks%'

ORDER BY   REPLACE (i.ksppinm, '_', '');

Oracle cursor pin S wait on X 等待事件 說明

Oracle 參數分類 和 參數的檢視方法


二. 相關測試

[email protected](rac2)> select * from v$version where rownum<2;



Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod




[email protected](rac2)> create table t as select * from dba_objects;

Table created.

--檢視session ID

[email protected](rac2)> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;




[email protected](rac2)> declare

  2  v_string varchar2(100) := 'alter system flush shared_pool';

  3  msql varchar2(200);

  4  begin

  5  loop

  6  execute immediate v_string;

  7  for i in 1..100 loop

  8  msql:='select object_id from t where object_id='||i;

  9  execute immediate msql;

 10  end loop;

 11  end loop;

 12  end;

 13  /

session 2:


--檢視session ID

[email protected](rac2)> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;




[email protected](rac2)> declare

  2  v_string varchar2(100) := 'alter system flush shared_pool';

  3  msql varchar2(200);

  4  begin

  5  loop

  6  execute immediate v_string;

  7  for i in 1..100 loop

  8  msql:='select object_id from t where object_id='||i;

  9  execute immediate msql;

 10  end loop;

 11  end loop;

 12  end;

 13  /

session 3:


用如下SQL 進行監控,在sqlplus 裡看起來格式有點亂,我放到Toad執行了。

SELECT b.*, sq.sql_text

  FROM v$session se,

       v$sql sq,

       (SELECT a.*, s.sql_text

          FROM v$sql s,

               (SELECT sid,





                       TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (p2raw, 1, 4), 'xxxx')


                  FROM v$session_wait

                 WHERE event LIKE 'cursor%') a

         WHERE s.HASH_VALUE = a.p1) b

 WHERE se.sid = b.sid AND se.sql_hash_value = sq.hash_value;

Oracle cursor pin S wait on X 等待事件 說明

       通過監控發現兩個session在執行相同的sql,他們在相同的cursor object上互動請求a shared mutex pin或者 an exclusive mutex pin 進而造成等待。

--監視sql reae區的cursor object reload情況

[email protected](rac2)>  select namespace ,reloads from v$librarycache;


--------------- ----------

SQL AREA            790805


BODY                    59

TRIGGER                 27

INDEX                94280

CLUSTER                 11

OBJECT                   0

PIPE                     0

JAVA SOURCE              0

JAVA RESOURCE            0

JAVA DATA                0

11 rows selected.


[email protected](rac2)> col name format a40

[email protected](rac2)> select s.sid, s.serial#,b.name,a.value

  2   from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s

  3   where a.statistic# = b.statistic# and s.sid=a.sid

  4   and b.name like '%parse%'

  5   and s.sid in (130,125);

sid    serial# name                         value

---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------

125      41915 parse time cpu                115260

125      41915 parse time elapsed             146605

125      41915 parse count (total)             633792

125      41915 parse count (hard)             602732

125      41915 parse count (failures)           4

130       6074 parse time cpu                69559

130       6074 parse time elapsed              99149

130       6074 parse count (total)              394689

130       6074 parse count (hard)               365538

130       6074 parse count (failures)             0

從這裡看出,硬解析很多,library cache中的cursor object被頻繁的reload。

三. 幾個與mutex 相關的視圖

       在第一部分,提到了x$mutex_sleep 和x$mutex_sleep_history。我們在聯機文檔裡看不到相關的說明。

       不過可以檢視到v$mutex_sleep  和v$mutex_sleep_history的說明。 但是v$ 比x$ 字典顯示的列要少。

select * from x$mutex_sleep;

Oracle cursor pin S wait on X 等待事件 說明

select * from v$mutex_sleep;

Oracle cursor pin S wait on X 等待事件 說明

[email protected](rac2)> desc x$mutex_sleep_history

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ADDR                                               RAW(4)

 INDX                                               NUMBER

 INST_ID                                            NUMBER

 MUTEX_ADDR                                         RAW(4)

 MUTEX_IDENTIFIER                                   NUMBER

 SLEEP_TIMESTAMP                                    TIMESTAMP(6)

 MUTEX_TYPE                                         VARCHAR2(32)

 MUTEX_TYPE_ID                                      NUMBER

 GETS                                               NUMBER

 SLEEPS                                             NUMBER

 REQUESTING_SESSION                                 NUMBER

 BLOCKING_SESSION                                   NUMBER

 LOCATION_ID                                        NUMBER

 LOCATION                                           VARCHAR2(40)

 MUTEX_VALUE                                        RAW(4)

 P1                                                 NUMBER

 P1RAW                                              RAW(4)

 P2                                                 NUMBER

 P3                                                 NUMBER

 P4                                                 NUMBER

 P5                                                 VARCHAR2(64)

[email protected](rac2)> desc v$mutex_sleep_history

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 MUTEX_IDENTIFIER                                   NUMBER

 SLEEP_TIMESTAMP                                    TIMESTAMP(6)

 MUTEX_TYPE                                         VARCHAR2(32)

 GETS                                               NUMBER

 SLEEPS                                             NUMBER

 REQUESTING_SESSION                                 NUMBER

 BLOCKING_SESSION                                   NUMBER

 LOCATION                                           VARCHAR2(40)

 MUTEX_VALUE                                        RAW(4)

 P1                                                 NUMBER

 P1RAW                                              RAW(4)

 P2                                                 NUMBER

 P3                                                 NUMBER

 P4                                                 NUMBER

 P5                                                 VARCHAR2(64)

