
FastReport VCL程式員手冊:如何使用樣式

FastReport VCL是用于Delphi,C ++ Builder,RAD Studio和Lazarus的報告和文檔建立VCL庫。它提供了可視化模闆設計器,可以通路為30多種格式,并可以部署到雲,網站,電子郵件和列印中。

近日,FastReport VCL更新至v6.9,在新版本中,在PDF更新中增加了對以下對象的并行表單支援:文本,替換和圖檔。互相之間形式中。同時修複了多個Bug問題。歡迎下載下傳體驗。(旁邊向下按鈕下載下傳)






TfrxStyleItem = class(TCollectionItem)
 // Style name.
 property Name: String;// Background color.
property Color: TColor;

// Font.
property Font: TFont;

// Frame.
property Frame: TfrxFrame;end;      

樣式集由TfrxStyles類表示。它包括執行讀取、儲存、添加、删除以及搜尋樣式等設定操作的方法。預設情況下,樣式檔案集具有 FS3 擴充名。

TfrxStyles = class(TCollection)
 // Creates the styles set. One can specify “nil” instead of “AReport,” however in this case a user would be unable to use the “Apply” method.
 constructor Create(AReport: TfrxReport);// Adds a new style.
function Add: TfrxStyleItem;

// Returns the style with the given name.
function Find(const Name: String): TfrxStyleItem;

// Applies a set to a report.
procedure Apply;

// Returns the list of the styles names.
procedure GetList(List: TStrings);

// Reads a set.
procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: String);
procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);

// Saves a set.
procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: String);
procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);

// The list of styles.
property Items[Index: Integer]: TfrxStyleItem; default;

// A set’s name.
property Name: String;end;      
TfrxStyleSheet = class(TObject)
 // Constructs a library.
 constructor Create;// Clears a library.
 procedure Clear;// Deletes a set with certain number.
 procedure Delete(Index: Integer);// Returns the list of the names of styles’ sets.
 procedure GetList(List: TStrings);// Loads a library.
 procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: String);
 procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);// Saves a library.
 procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: String);
 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);// Adds a new set of styles to the library.
 function Add: TfrxStyles;// Returns a number of styles’ sets in the library.
 function Count: Integer;// Returns a set with the given name.
 function Find(const Name: String): TfrxStyles;// Returns a set number with the given name.
 function IndexOf(const Name: String): Integer;// The list of styles’ sets.
 property Items[Index: Integer]: TfrxStyles; default;