Silicon 提供了很多例程,這裡介紹怎樣生成和配置RAILTEST工程,我使用的官方開發闆,是以有現成的例程,不需要做更改,但是我們的産品往往都是需要作一些修改的,以下内容将講述如何配置一個RAILTEST工程:
下面的比較重要,選擇開發闆型号(沒有開發闆的可以不選)和晶片型号(必須選擇),然後點選 “Finish”按鈕生成工程。
2、生工程後IDE會自動打開配置檔案,選中Plugins項,配置輸出輸入裝置,如果你沒有使用Silicon提供的顯示屏,那麼需要将Application Graphics插件前面的“√”去掉,我有顯示屏,是以√上,如圖:
5、生成的檔案如下圖,如果在步驟2中沒有選擇“Application Graphics”插件的話可以将圖中框起來的幾個檔案删除;
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("Application Configuration"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setEventConfig", "ww", setEventConfig, "[mask events] Modify RAIL_ConfigEvents with the given mask and events"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("printDataRates", "", printDataRates, "Print the data rates of the current PHY"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("resetCounters", "", resetCounters, "Resets the Tx and Rx counters"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setPeripheralEnable", "u", setPeripheralEnable, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) LEDs and LCD peripherals"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setNotifications", "u", setNotifications, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) status prints that happen asynchronously (rxPacket, txEnd, txError)"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getLogLevels", "", getLogLevels, "Get whether notifications are set or peripherals are enabled"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getVersion", "", getVersion, "Get version information."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getVersionVerbose", "", getVersionVerbose, "Get verbose version information."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setPtiProtocol", "u", setPtiProtocol, "Get version information."), \
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("Receive and Transmit"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("rx", "w", rx, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) receive mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("rxAt", "wbwbu*", rxAt, "[start mode end mode rxTransEndSched hardEnd] Configure scheduled receive."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setRxOptions", "w", setRxOptions, "[rxOptionsBitField] Configure receive options, based on RAIL_RX_OPTION defines"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("tx", "w", tx, "[n] Transmit n packets. If n is 0 transmit infinitely"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("txWithOptions", "w", txWithOptions, "[n] Transmit n packets with tx options. If n is 0 transmit infinitely"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("txAt", "wb*", txAtTime, "[time mode] Transmit a packet at the time and mode specified"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("txAfterRx", "w", txAfterRx, "[time] Schedule a TX for a delay in us after each receive. 0 to disable"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("configTxOptions", "u", configTxOptions, "[txOptionsBitfield] Sets the bitmask to be used as the tx options. See #defines starting with \"RAIL_TX_OPTION_\" in rail_types.h"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setFixedLength", "v", setFixedLength, "[fixedLength] Configure fixed length"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setchannel", "u", setChannel, "[channel] Set the current radio channel"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getchannel", "", getChannel, "Get the current radio channel"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setPower", "sb*", setPower, "[power raw] Set the current transmit power in deci dBm, or raw units if 'raw' is specified"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getPower", "", getPower, "Get the current transmit power in deci dBm"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("sweepTxPower", "", sweepTxPower, "Sweep power levels for the current PA and stream at each level."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getRssi", "w*", getRssi, "[wait] Get RSSI in dBm if the receiver is turned on. Optionally specify whether or not to wait for a valid value in case it is initially invalid."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("sweepPower", "ssw", sweepPower, "[lowPower] [hiPower] [period] Sweep power in square wave fashion. Specify power in deci dBm, period in microseconds."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("startAvgRssi", "wu*", startAvgRssi, "[averageTimeUs] [channel] Start AGC RSSI averaging"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getAvgRssi", "", getAvgRssi, "Get AGC RSSI averaging result."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setRssiOffset", "s", setRssiOffset, "Sets the RSSI offset in dBm."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getRssiOffset", "", getRssiOffset, "Gets the RSSI offset."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxTone", "w", setTxTone, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) a tone from the radio"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxStream", "w", setTxStream, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) a PN9 stream from the radio"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("status", "", getStatus, "Print the current status counters"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("fifoStatus", "", fifoStatus, "Print the current fifo related counters"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxDelay", "w", setTxDelay, "[delay] Set the inter-packet delay in milliseconds for repeated Tx"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getTxDelay", "", getTxDelay, "Get the inter-packet delay in milliseconds for repeated Tx"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxPayload", "vu*", setTxPayload, "[offset byte0 byte1 ...] Set the packet bytes to be sent"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxPayloadQuiet", "vu*", setTxPayloadQuiet, "[offset byte0 byte1 ...] Functions like 'setTxPayload', but outputs less information"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxLength", "v", setTxLength, "[length] Set the number of bytes to load into the FIFO before transmitting. Actual packet length may vary based on radio configuration"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("printTxPacket", "", printTxPacket, "Print the current Tx data and length"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("peek", "v*", peekRx, "[number of bytes] [offset] Peek at the start of receive buffer."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getTime", "", getTime, "Get the current time from the RAIL timebase in microseconds"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTime", "w", setTime, "Set the current time in the RAIL timebase in microseconds"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("dataConfig", "bb", dataConfig, "[txMethod rxMethod] Choose between 'pkt' and 'fifo' data methods for RAIL Tx and Rx"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setRxFifo", "v", setRxFifo, "[length] Set the receive buffer's length, which is used in both packet mode and FIFO mode. The length cannot be set above RX_BUFFER_SIZE."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxFifoThreshold", "v", setTxFifoThreshold, "[txFifoThreshold] Set the Tx Fifo Almost Emtpy threshold"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setRxFifoThreshold", "v", setRxFifoThreshold, "[rxFifoThreshold] Set the Rx Fifo Almost Emtpy threshold"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("fifoModeTestOptions", "bb", fifoModeTestOptions, "[txFifoManual rxFifoManual] Manual control over RAILTEST fifo actions"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("rxFifoManualRead", "bvb*", rxFifoManualRead, "[appendedInfo bytesToRead printTiming] Read bytes out of receive fifo and print"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("txFifoManualLoad", "", txFifoManualLoad, "Will attempt to load data into the fifo if there is space"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("fifoReset", "bb", fifoReset, "[tx rx] Reset the transmit or receive fifo"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("abortRxPacket", "w", abortRxPacket, "[abortOffset] Delay after sync word before idling radio."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("printTxAcks", "w", printTxAcks, "[printTxAcks] Enable printing of tx ack packets as they happen."), \
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("Energy Modes and RF Sense"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("sleep", "bw*", sleep, "[EM# [RfSenseUs RfBand]] Sleep in EM# with RFSenseUs on RfBand (0=none,1=2.4GHz,2=SubGHz,3=both) (and UART input)"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("rfsense", "ww", rfSense, "[RfSenseUs RfBand] Start RfSensing with RSenseUs on RfBand"), \
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("Address Filtering"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("configAddressFilter", "wu*", setAddressFilterConfig, "[matchTable offset0 size0 offset1 size1] Configure the addresss filter."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setAddressFiltering", "u", setAddressFilter, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) address filtering."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getAddressFiltering", "", getAddressFilter, "Print the current state of address filtering."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("printAddresses", "", printAddresses, "Print the current address filtering addresses."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setAddress", "uuu*", setAddress, "[field index value...] Set the address value at (field, index) to value."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setAddressEnable", "uuu", enableAddress, "[field index enable] Enable address filtering for the given address."), \
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("Error Rate Testing"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("perRx", "ww", startPerMode, "[packets delayUs] Start a Packet Error Rate test. 'perRx 0 0' will disable ongoing test."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("perStatus", "", getPerStats, "Output the results of the PER test. Also see 'status' command"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setBerConfig", "w", berConfigSet, "[number bytes] Set number of bytes to receive in BER mode; 536870911 = max number of bytes to test; 0 = set max number of bytes to test"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("berRx", "w", berRx, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) BER receive mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("berStatus", "", berStatusGet, "Get status of last BER test or of current running test; status information is reset for commands setBerConfig and berRx enable"), \
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("Listen Before Talk (LBT)"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setLbtMode", "b*", setLbtMode, "[modeStr] Set LBT mode off, csma, lbt"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getLbtParams", "", getLbtParams, "Get the current LBT parameters"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setLbtParams", "uuusvvw", setLbtParams, "[minBo maxBo tries thresh backoff duration timeout] Set LBT parameters"), \
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("802.15.4 Mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("enable802154", "bvvv", ieee802154Enable, "[defaultState idleTime turnaroundTime ackTimeout] Enable 802.15.4 mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("config2p4GHz802154", "", config2p4Ghz802154, "Configure the radio for 2.4 GHz 802.15.4. This should be called in addition to 'enable802154'."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("config863MHz802154", "", config863Mhz802154, "Configure the radio for 863 MHz 802.15.4 GB868. This should be called in addition to 'enable802154'."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("config915MHz802154", "", config915Mhz802154, "Configure the radio for 915 MHz 802.15.4 GB868. This should be called in addition to 'enable802154'."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("acceptFrames", "uuuu", ieee802154AcceptFrames, "[command ack data beacon] Enable(1) or Disable(0) 802.15.4 frame acceptance. Default settings for 802.15.4 are 1 0 1 1."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setPromiscuousMode", "u", ieee802154SetPromiscuousMode, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) promiscuous mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setPanCoordinator", "u", ieee802154SetPanCoordinator, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) the node acting as a PAN coordinator"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setPanId802154", "vu*", ieee802154SetPanId, "[panId index] Set the PAN ID for the given index. Index defaults to 0 if not given"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setShortAddr802154", "vu*", ieee802154SetShortAddress, "[shortAddr index] Set the short address(es) for the given index. Index defaults to 0 if not given"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setLongAddr802154", "uuuuuuuuu*", ieee802154SetLongAddress, "[longAddr_0 ... longAddr_7 index] Set the long address for the given index. Index defaults to 0 if not given"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setAddresses802154", "vvb*", ieee802154SetAddresses, "[panId0 shortAddr0 longAddr0 panId1 ... ] Set all 802.15.4 address information."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setBleMode", "u", bleEnable, "[enable] Set BLE mode to enabled or disabled"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getBleMode", "", bleStatus, "Get the current BLE mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setBleChannelParams", "uw*", bleSetChannelParams, "[logicalChannel accessAddr crcInit disableWhiten] Configure channel parameters related to BLE"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setBleAdvertising", "u", bleAdvertisingConfig, "[advChannel] Configure for BLE advertising on channel 37, 38, or 39"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setBle1Mbps", "u*", bleSet1MbpsPhy, "[isViterbi] Switch to the 1Mbps BLE PHY"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setBle2Mbps", "u*", bleSet2MbpsPhy, "[isViterbi] Switch to the 2Mbps BLE PHY"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setBleCoding", "u", bleSetCoding, "[coding] Switch to the given RAIL_BLE_Coding_t value"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTimer", "wb", setTimer, "[timeout mode] Set the RAIL timer timeout. You can use either an absolute (abs) or relative (rel) timer mode."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("timerCancel", "", timerCancel, "Cancel the RAIL timer if it's active."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("printTimerStats", "", printTimerStats, "Print current timer configuration."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("autoAckConfig", "bvvv", autoAckConfig, "[defaultState idleTime turnaroundTime ackTimeout] Configure and enable auto ack functionality in RAIL. "), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("autoAckDisable", "", autoAckDisable, "Disable auto ack. Use autoAckConfig to reenable."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setAckPayload", "vu*", setAckPayload, "[offset byte0 byte1 ...] Set the ack bytes to be sent."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setAckLength", "v", setAckLength, "[length] Set the number of bytes to transmit for ack payloads"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("printAckPacket", "", printAckPacket, "Print the current ack data and length"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getAutoAck", "", getAutoAck, "Print the current state of auto acking."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("autoAckPause", "uu", autoAckPause, "[RxPause TxPause] Pause(1) or Resume(0) Auto Acking"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxAckOptions", "uu", setTxAckOptions, "[cancelAck useTxBuf] Enable(1) or Disable(0) feature for one receive"), \
COMMAND_SEPARATOR("Diagnostic and Test"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getmemw", "ww*", getMemWord, "[address count] Read count 32bit words starting at address"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setmemw", "ww*", setMemWord, "[address value...] Write as many 32bit values as specified starting at address"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setCtune", "v", setCtune, "[ctune] Set the value of CTUNE in the CMU->HFXOSTEADYSTATECTRL register"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getCtune", "", getCtune, "Get the value of CTUNE in the CMU->HFXOSTEADYSTATECTRL register"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setPaCtune", "uu", setPaCtune, "[txPaCtune] [rxPaCtune] Set the value of PACTUNE for TX and RX mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("enablePaCal", "u", enablePaCal, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) PA power calibration"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setDebugSignal", "?", setDebugSignal, "Configure chip specific debug output. Use 'setDebugSignal help' for more details."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setDebugMode", "w", setDebugMode, "[mode] 1 = Frequency Override. 0 = Disable debug mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("freqOverride", "w", setFrequency, "[freq] Change to freq specified in Hz. Requires debug mode to be enabled. Only small frequency deviations from the current configuration are supported."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("directMode", "u", setDirectMode, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) direct mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("directTx", "u", setDirectTx, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) TX in direct mode"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("txCancel", "s", txCancel, "[delay] Set the time in microseconds after which we should cancel a tx (a negative value disables this)"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getRandom", "vu*", getRandom, "[len hidden] Get len bytes of random data from the radio. Only print them to the screen if hidden is 0 (default)."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxUnderflow", "w", setTxUnderflow, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) TX underflows"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setRxOverflow", "w*", setRxOverflow, "[enable delayUs] Enable(1) or Disable(0) RX overflows. The overflow will be caused by hanging in the interrupt handler for delayUs"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setCalibrations", "w", setCalibrations, "[enable] Enable(1) or Disable(0) RAIL calibrations"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTxTransitions", "bb", setTxTransitions, "[txSuccess txError] Set each RAIL TX state transition value to r(x) or i(dle)"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setRxTransitions", "bb", setRxTransitions, "[rxSuccess rxError] Set each RAIL RX state transition value to t(x), r(x), or i(dle)."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("setTimings", "vvvv*", setTimings, "[idleToRx txToRx idleToTx rxToTx rxSearch txToRxSearch] Set RAIL state transition timings in microseconds"), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("forceAssert", "w", forceAssert, "[errorCode] Force a RAIL assert with the given error code."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("printEvents", "w", configPrintEvents, "[printEvents] Enable printing of RAIL events in chronological order."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getAppMode", "", getAppMode, "Print the current app mode of RAILTEST. Values printed are those to be found in AppMode_t."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("getRadioState", "", getRadioState, "Get the RAIL radio state. Values returned correspond to RAIL_RadioState_t."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("verifyRadio", "wuuu", verifyRadio, "[durationUs restart override callback] Verify radio memory contents and return after duration in microseconds. Restart (1) or resume (0) from last run."), \
COMMAND_ENTRY("reset", "", resetChip, "Perform a reboot of the chip")