
mit python 公開課_MIT 計算機科學及程式設計導論 Python 筆記 1

計算機科學及程式設計導論在 MIT 的課程編号是 6.00.1,是計算機科學及工程學院的經典課程。之前,課程一直使用 Scheme 作為教學語言,不過由于 Python 簡單、易學等原因,近年來已經改用 Python 作為教學語言了。更多介紹

最初知道這個課程的時候大概是在 2014 年,對于做事拖沓的我,這門課程已經從低清随堂錄制變成了 edX 平台的一門 高清的 MOOC,轉眼間已經大三,希望自己能夠完成自己曾經定下的計劃。以下是在我在學習本課程時的一些筆記,在此與大家共享、共勉。

What does a computer do?

Fundamentally a computer:

Performs some calculations

Remembers results

What calculations?

Built in primitives

Creating our own methods of calculating

Simple calculations are not enough, so good algorithm design also needed to accomplish a task.

Despite its speed and storage, a computer does have limitations

Some problems still too complex

Some problems are fundamentally impossible to computer (e.g. Turing's Halting Problem)



Imperative (likes a recipe, "how-to")


Fixed-program computers (earliest computers)

To solve specific problems

Atanasoff (1941) - linear equations

Turing bombe

Stored-program computers

mit python 公開課_MIT 計算機科學及程式設計導論 Python 筆記 1

Program is a recipe. Each programming language provides a set of primitive operations.

Given a fixed set of primitives, a good programmer can program anything.

Anything you can do with a language, you can do with another.

About python

High(√) vs. Low

General(√) vs. Targetted

Interpreted(√) vs. Compiled

Aspects of languages & Common Errors



Primitive constructs

numbers, strings, simple operators


which strings of charactres and symbols are well-formed

Static semantics

which syntactically valid strings have a meaning

Full semantics

what is the meaning associated with a syntactically correct string of symbols with no static semantic errors





Learn the syntax and semantics of a programming language.

Learn how to use those elements to translate “recipes” for solving a problem into a form that the computer can use to do the work for us.

Computational modes of thought enable us to use a suite of methods to solve problems.
