Some applications will require not just a predetermined chain of calls to LLMs/other tools, but potentially an unknown chain that depends on the user's input. In these types of chains, there is a “agent” which has access to a suite of tools. Depending on the user input, the agent can then decide which, if any, of these tools to call.
At the moment, there are two main types of agents:
Action Agents: these agents decide an action to take and take that action one step at a time
Plan-and-Execute Agents: these agents first decide a plan of actions to take, and then execute those actions one at a time.
When should you use each one?
Action Agents are more conventional, and good for small tasks.
For more complex or long running tasks, the initial planning step of Plan-and-Execute Agents helps to maintain long term objectives and focus, at the expense of generally more calls and higher latency.
These two agents are also not mutually exclusive - in fact, it is often best to have an Action Agent be in charge of the execution for the Plan and Execute agent.
這兩個代理也不是互斥的 - 事實上,通常最好讓一個操作代理負責計劃和執行代理的執行。
Action Agents 操作代理
The high-level pseudocode of an Action Agent looks something like:
- Some user input is received 收到一些使用者輸入
The agent decides which tool - if any - to use, and what the input to that tool should be
agent 決定使用哪個 tool (如果有),以及該工具的輸入應該是什麼
That tool is then called with that tool input, and an observation is recorded (this is just the output of calling that tool with that tool input).
然後用那個 tool input 調用該 tool ,并記錄一個 observation (這隻是使用該工具輸入調用該工具的輸出)。
That history of tool, tool input, and observation is passed back into the agent, and it decides what steps to take next
tool 、 tool input 和 observation 的曆史記錄将傳遞回 agent ,并決定下一步要采取的步驟
This is repeated until the agent decides it no longer needs to use a tool, and then it responds directly to the user.
重複此操作,直到 agent 決定不再需要使用 tool ,然後直接響應使用者。
interface AgentStep {
action: AgentAction;
observation: string;
interface AgentAction {
tool: string; //
toolInput: string; // argument
interface AgentFinish {
returnValues: object;
class Agent {
plan(steps: AgentStep[], inputs: object): Promise<AgentAction | AgentFinish>;
Plan-and-Execute Agents 計劃和執行代理
The high level pseudocode of a Plan-and-Execute Agent looks something like:
- Some user input is received 收到一些使用者輸入
The planner lists out the steps to take
The executor goes through the list of steps, executing them one-by-one until outputting the final result
The current implementation is to use an LLMChain as the planner and an Action Agent as the executor.
目前的實作是使用 LLMChain 作為計劃者,使用 Action Agent 作為執行者。
Go deeper 更深入
️Agents ️代理
️Action Agents ️操作代理
️Plan-and-Execute Agent ️計劃與執行代理
This example shows how to use an agent that uses the Plan-and-Execute framework to answer a query.
️Custom Agents ️定制代理
️Agent Executors ️代理執行人
️Tools ️工具
️Integrations ️內建
LangChain provides the following tools you can use out of the box:
️Agents with Vector Stores ️具有矢量存儲的代理
This notebook covers how to combine agents and vector stores. The use case for this is that you’ve ingested your data into a vector store and want to interact with it in an agentic manner.
️ChatGPT Plugins ️聊天插件
This example shows how to use ChatGPT Plugins within LangChain abstractions.
️Custom Tools ️自定義工具
One option for creating a tool that runs custom code is to use a DynamicTool.
建立運作自定義代碼的工具的一個選項是使用 DynamicTool。
️Agent with AWS Lambda ️使用 AWS Lambda 的代理
Full docs here//
完整文檔 here//
️Web Browser Tool ️網頁浏覽器工具
The Webbrowser Tool gives your agent the ability to visit a website and extract information. It is described to the agent as
️Agent with Zapier NLA Integration️使用Zapier NLA內建的代理
Full docs here//
️Toolkits ️工具包
️JSON Agent Toolkit ️JSON 代理工具包
This example shows how to load and use an agent with a JSON toolkit.
此示例示範如何通過 JSON 工具包加載和使用代理。
️OpenAPI Agent Toolkit ️OpenAPI 代理工具包
This example shows how to load and use an agent with a OpenAPI toolkit.
此示例示範如何通過 OpenAPI 工具包加載和使用代理。
️SQL Agent Toolkit ️SQL 代理工具包
This example shows how to load and use an agent with a SQL toolkit.
此示例示範如何通過 SQL 工具包加載和使用代理。
️VectorStore Agent Toolkit ️矢量存儲代理工具包
This example shows how to load and use an agent with a vectorstore toolkit.
️Additional Functionality ️附加功能
We offer a number of additional features for Agents. You should also look at the LLM-specific features and Chat Model-specific features.