





​​💥1 概述​​

​​📚2 運作結果​​

​​🎉3 參考文獻​​

​​👨‍💻4 Matlab代碼實作​​

💥1 概述

       2006年, Donoho等人[4提出壓縮感覺(Com-pressive Sensing , CS)概念架構,并用數學模型為理論提供支撐。壓縮感覺理論突破了奈奎斯特采樣定理對信号次元的限制,避免稀疏信号在奈奎斯特采樣時會産生的大量備援資訊,并緩解硬體裝置和算法負擔。

📚2 運作結果

% Channel estimation using LS, WOA and MMSE 
 % Number of OFDM Symbol = 1e1
 % Channel model: TDLC-300clc, clear; close all;
 methods = {'LS ', 'WOA', 'MMSE'}            % Channel estimation methodssnrRange            = 0:5:30;               % Signal to noise ratio in dB
 numSymbol           = 1e1;                  % Number of symbols
 numFft              = 4096;                 % Size of DFT 
 numCp               = numFft/4;             % Number of CP
 subCarrierSpacing   = 30e3;                 % Subcarrier Spacing
 numBitPerSym        = 4;                    % Number of bits per (modulated) symbol
 numSymPerPilot      = 12;                   % Number of (modulated) symbol per pilots
 numBitBerSecond     = 1e3;                  % Number of bits per second
 signalEnergy        = 100;                  % Energy of signal% Propagation Channel Model Configuration
 % Create a TDL channel model object and specify its propagation characteristics.
 numTapEst   = 400;                          % Number of est. channel taps
 numTap      = 320;                          % Number of true channel taps% TDLC300-100
 tapDelay    = [0    65 70   190  195  200  245  325  520  1045  1510  2595];    % in ns
 tapPower    = [-6.9 0  -7.7 -2.5 -2.4 -9.9 -8.0 -6.6 -7.1 -13.0 -14.2 -16.0];   % in dB % WOA Alg
 maxIter     = 8;                            % maximum number of generations
 numAgent    = 8;                            % Number of search agentsub          = [50   100 400];               % [ub1,ub2,...,ubn] where ubn is the upper bound of variable n
 lb          = [0    20  0];                 % [lb1,lb2,...,lbn] where lbn is the lower bound of variable n
 dim         = 3;                            % Number of variables
 positions   = rand(numAgent, dim).*(ub-lb) + lb;visualization = 0;
 saveOrNot = 0;                              % = 1 for savesampRate    = numFft*subCarrierSpacing;     % Sample rate
 numPilot    = ceil(numFft/numSymPerPilot);  % Number of pilots per OFDM symbol
 pilotLoc    = zeros(numPilot, 1);           % Pilot's LocationpathLoss    = zeros(numTap, 1);         
 tapSample   = round(tapDelay*1e-9*sampRate);  
 pathLoss(tapSample+1) = 10.^(tapPower/10);  % Path loss of channelM           = 2^numBitPerSym;               % M - QAM
 A           = sqrt(3/2/(M-1)*signalEnergy); % QAM normalization factor
 Nofdm       = numFft + numCp;               % Number of OFDM
 numData     = numFft - numPilot;            % Number of dataMSEs_snr    = zeros(length(snrRange),length(methods));
 ber_snr     = zeros(length(snrRange),length(methods));
 fileIdx     = getFileId(saveOrNot);
 tic for snrIdx = 1:length(snrRange)
     SNR = snrRange(snrIdx);
     er = zeros(1,length(methods));
     MSE = zeros(1,length(methods));
     for nsym=1:numSymbol        msgint = randi([0 M-1],numFft-numPilot,1);      % Symbol generation
         data = qammod(msgint, M);         % Add pilot
         p = randi([0, M-1], numPilot, 1);               % Pilot sequence generation
         pilot = qammod(p, M);
         ip = 0;
         X = zeros(numFft, 1);        for k=1:numFft
             if rem(k,numSymPerPilot)== 1
                 ip = ip+1;
                 X(k)=pilot(floor(k/numSymPerPilot)+1);  % For pilot
                 pilotLoc(ip) = k;                       % For pilot location
                 X(k) = data(k-ip);                      % For data
         end        % OFDM
         x = ifft(X,numFft);                             % IFFT
         xt = [x(numFft-numCp+1:numFft); x];             % add CP        % PA
         tx = A*xt;
         signalPowerdB = 10*log10(cov(tx));        % Channal gain
         h = (randn(numTap, 1)+1j*randn(numTap, 1))...
             .*sqrt(pathLoss/2);                        % Channel gain
         H = fft(h,numFft);                             % True channel frequency respond
         H_power_dB = 10*log10(abs(H.*conj(H)));        % True channel power in dB
         y_channel = conv(tx,h);                        % Channel path (convolution)        % Add noise
         rx = awgn(y_channel, SNR, 'measured');
         % rx = y_channel + 1/(sqrt(2.0)*10^(SNR/20))*complex(randn(size(y_channel)),randn(size(y_channel)));        % sto = sto_est(rx, numFft, numCp);
         % Receiver
         y = rx(numCp+1:Nofdm);                         % Remove CP
         Y = fft(y);                                    % FFT         % Channel estimation
         for methodIdx = 1:length(methods)
             method = methods{methodIdx};
             if     method(1) == 'L'
                 % LS estimation with linear interpolation
                 H_est = LS_CE(Y,pilot,pilotLoc,numFft, 'linear');            elseif method(1) == 'W'
                 % WOA estimation
                 [H_est, positions] = WOA_CE(Y,pilot,pilotLoc,numFft, numSymPerPilot, numBitPerSym, ...
                         positions,  numAgent, maxIter, lb, ub, dim);
             elseif method(1) == 'M'
                 % MMSE estimation
                 H_est = MMSE_CE(Y,pilot,pilotLoc,numFft,numSymPerPilot,h,SNR);
             end             if method(end) == 'T'
                 h_est = ifft(H_est);                   % Esti channel gain
                 h_est = h_est(1:numTapEst);            % N-tap channel gain
                 H_est = fft(h_est,numFft);             % DFT-based channel estimation
             end            H_est_power_dB = ...
                 10*log10(abs(H_est.*conj(H_est)));     % Esti channel power in dB             Y_eq = Y./H_est;
             Data_extracted = zeros(numFft- numPilot, 1);
             ip = 0;            for k=1:numFft
                 if mod(k,numSymPerPilot)==1
             end            msg_detected = qamdemod(Data_extracted, M);
             bitDetected = de2bi(msg_detected, numBitPerSym);
             bitTrans    = de2bi(msgint, numBitPerSym);            er(methodIdx) = er(methodIdx) + sum(sum(bitDetected~=bitTrans));
            MSE(methodIdx) = MSE(methodIdx) + (H-H_est/A)'*(H-H_est/A);
             if visualization
                 subplot(1, length(methods), methodIdx)
                 hold on
                 scatter(real(Data_extracted), imag(Data_extracted), 'b.')
             end        end
     end    MSEs = MSE/(numFft*numSymbol);
     MSEs_snr(snrIdx, :) = MSEs;
     ber_snr(snrIdx, :) = er/(numSymbol*numData*numBitPerSym);
     for methodIdx = 1:length(methods)
         str = sprintf('SNR = %2.0f dB: BER of %s \t= %6.5f\n', SNR, methods{methodIdx}, ber_snr(snrIdx, methodIdx));
         if saveOrNot
             if methodIdx == 1            fprintf(fileIdx, '\n-----------------------------------------\n');
             end            fprintf(fileIdx, str);
 endif saveOrNot  
 semilogy(snrRange, ber_snr)
 grid onsubplot(122)
 semilogy(snrRange, MSEs_snr)
 grid on
 toc% Local Functions
 function [H_interpolated] = interpolate(H,pilot_loc,Nfft,method)
 % Input: H = Channel estimate using pilot sequence
 % pilot_loc = Location of pilot sequence
 % Nfft = FFT size
 % method = 鈥檒inear鈥�/鈥檚pline鈥�
 % Output: H_interpolated = interpolated channel
 if pilot_loc(1)>1
     slope = (H(2)-H_est(1))/(pilot_loc(2)-pilot_loc(1));
     H = [H(1)-slope*(pilot_loc(1)-1); H]; pilot_loc = [1; pilot_loc];
 endif pilot_loc(end) <Nfft
     slope = (H(end)-H(end-1))/(pilot_loc(end)-pilot_loc(end-1));
     H = [H; H(end)+slope*(Nfft-pilot_loc(end))];
     pilot_loc = [pilot_loc; Nfft];
 endif lower(method(1))=='l'
     H_interpolated = interp1(pilot_loc,H,[1:Nfft]', 'linear');
     H_interpolated = interp1(pilot_loc,H,[1:Nfft]', 'spline');
 endfunction H_LS = LS_CE(Y,Xp,pilot_loc,Nfft,int_opt)
 % LS channel estimation function
 % Inputs:
 % Y = Frequency-domain received signal
 % Xp = Pilot signal
 % pilot_loc = Pilot location
 % N = FFT size
 % Nps = Pilot spacing
 % int_opt = 鈥檒inear鈥� or 鈥檚pline鈥�
 % output:
 % H_LS = LS Channel estimateLS_est = Y(pilot_loc)./Xp; % LS channel estimation
 if lower(int_opt(1))=='l'
 % Linear/Spline interpolation
 H_LS = interpolate(LS_est,pilot_loc,Nfft,method);
 end function H_MMSE = MMSE_CE(Y,Xp,pilot_loc,Nfft,Nps,h,SNR)
 % MMSE channel estimation function
 % Inputs:
 % Y = Frequency-domain received signal
 % Xp = Pilot signal
 % pilot_loc = Pilot location
 % Nfft = FFT size
 % Nps = Pilot spacing
 % h = Channel impulse response
 % SNR = Signal-to-Noise Ratio[dB]
 % output:
 % H_MMSE = MMSE channel estimate% Calculate RMS delay spread
 Ph = h.*conj(h);
 Ptotal = h'*h;
 t_sym = 1*(0:length(h)-1)';
 t_mean = sum(t_sym.*Ph/Ptotal);
 t_cov = sum(t_sym.^2.*Ph/Ptotal);
 t_rms = sqrt(t_cov-t_mean^2);
 f_max = 100;H_MMSE = MMSE_ideal(Y,Xp,pilot_loc,Nfft,Nps,SNR, t_rms, f_max);
 end function [H_WOA, Positions] = WOA_CE(Y,Xp,pilot_loc,Nfft,Nps, Nbs, ...
                  Positions, NumAgent, Max_iter, lb, ub, dim)    % fobj              = @CostFunction
 % dim               = number of your variables
 % Max_iteration     = maximum number of generations
 % SearchAgents_no   = number of search agents
 % lb                = [lb1,lb2,...,lbn] where lbn is the lower bound of variable n
 % ub                = [ub1,ub2,...,ubn] where ubn is the upper bound of variable n fobj = @ (x) MMSE_loss(Y, Xp, pilot_loc, Nfft, Nps, Nbs, x(1), x(2), x(3));
x = WhaleOptAlg(NumAgent,Max_iter,lb,ub,dim,fobj);
 SNR   = x(1);
 t_rms = x(2);
 f_max = x(3);H_WOA = MMSE_ideal(Y,Xp,pilot_loc,Nfft,Nps,SNR, t_rms, f_max);
function fileId = getFileId(enable)
 if enable == 0
     fileId = 0;
 endctime       = clock;
 cmonth     = ctime(2); smonth  = num2str(cmonth);
 cday       = ctime(3); sday    = num2str(cday);
 chour      = ctime(4); shour   = num2str(chour);
 cminute    = ctime(5); sminute = num2str(cminute);fileName = ['CE', smonth, sday, shour, sminute, '.txt'];
fileId = fopen(fileName, 'w');

🎉3 參考文獻

👨‍💻4 Matlab代碼實作
