Stereo Camera Calibrator AppStereo Camera Calibrator Overview
You can use the
Rectify stereo images using the rectifyStereoImages function.
Reconstruct the 3-D scene using the reconstructScene function.
Compute 3-D locations corresponding to matching pairs of image points using the triangulate function.
The suite of calibration functions used by the ® workspace. For a list of calibration functions, see Camera Calibration.
You can use the Camera Calibrator app with cameras up to a field of view (FOV) of 95
degrees.Stereo Camera Calibration
Follow this workflow to calibrate your stereo camera using the app:
Prepare images, camera, and calibration pattern.
Add image pairs.
Calibrate the stereo camera.
Evaluate calibration accuracy.
Adjust parameters to improve accuracy (if necessary).
Export the parameters object.
In some cases, the default values work well, and you do not need to make any improvements
before exporting parameters. You can also make improvements using the camera calibration
functions directly in the MATLAB workspace. For a list of functions, see Camera Calibration.Open the Stereo Camera Calibrator
MATLAB Toolstrip: On the Apps tab, in the Image
Processing and Computer Vision section, click the Stereo Camera
Calibrator icon.
MATLAB command prompt: Enter stereoCameraCalibratorPrepare Pattern, Camera, and Images
To improve the results, use between 10 and 20 images of the calibration pattern. The
calibrator requires at least three images. Use uncompressed images or lossless compression
formats such as PNG. The calibration pattern and the camera setup must satisfy a set of
requirements to work with the calibrator. For greater calibration accuracy, follow these
instructions for preparing the pattern, setting up the camera, and capturing the images.
The Camera Calibration for the list of
You can print (from MATLAB) and use the checkerboard
pattern provided. The checkerboard pattern you use must not be square. One side must
contain an even number of squares and the other side must contain an odd number of squares.
Therefore, the pattern contains two black corners along one side and two white corners on the
opposite side. This criteria enables the app to determine the orientation of the pattern. The
calibrator assigns the longer side to be the x-direction.
To prepare the checkerboard pattern:
Attach the checkerboard printout to a flat surface. Imperfections on the surface can
affect the accuracy of the calibration.
Measure one side of the checkerboard square. You need this measurement for calibration.
The size of the squares can vary depending on printer settings.
To improve the detection speed, set up the pattern with as little background clutter as
To calibrate your camera, follow these rules:
Keep the pattern in focus, but do not use autofocus.
If you change zoom settings between images, the focal length changes.
For best results, use at least 10 to 20 images of the calibration pattern. The calibrator
requires at least three images. Use uncompressed images or images in lossless compression
formats such as PNG. For greater calibration accuracy:
Capture the images of the pattern at a distance roughly equal to the distance from your
camera to the objects of interest. For example, if you plan to measure objects from 2 meters,
keep your pattern approximately 2 meters from the camera.
Place the checkerboard at an angle less than 45 degrees relative to the camera plane.
Do not modify the images, (for example, do not crop them).
Do not use autofocus or change the zoom settings between images.
Capture the images of a checkerboard pattern at different orientations relative to the camera.
Capture a variety of images of the pattern so that you have accounted for as much of the
image frame as possible. Lens distortion increases radially from the center of the image and
sometimes is not uniform across the image frame. To capture this lens distortion, the pattern
must appear close to the edges of the captured images.
Make sure the checkerboard pattern is fully visible in both images of each stereo pair.
Keep the pattern stationary for each image pair. Any motion of the pattern between
taking image 1 and image 2 of the pair negatively affects the calibration.
Create a stereo display, or anaglyph, by positioning the two cameras approximately 55 mm
apart. This distance represents the average distance between human eyes.
For greater reconstruction accuracy at longer distances, position your cameras farther
apart.Add Image Pairs
To begin calibration, click Add images, to select two sets of stereo
images of the checkerboard, one set from each camera.
You can add images from multiple folders by clicking Add images in the
File section of the Calibration tab. Select the
location for the images corresponding to camera 1 using the Browse
button, then do the same for camera 2. Specify Size of checkerboard square
by entering the length of one side of a square from the checkerboard pattern.
The calibrator attempts to detect a checkerboard in each of the added images, displaying an
Analyzing Images progress bar window, indicating detection progress. If any of the images are
rejected, the Detection Results dialog box appears, which contains diagnostic information. The
results indicate how many total images were processed, and of those processed, how many were
accepted, rejected, or skipped. The calibrator skips duplicate images.
To view the rejected images, click View images. The calibrator
rejects duplicate images. It also rejects images where the entire checkerboard could not be
detected. Possible reasons for no detection are a blurry image or an extreme angle of the
pattern. Detection takes longer with larger images and with patterns that contain a large number
of squares.
The Data Browser pane displays a list of image pairs with IDs. These
image pairs contain a detected pattern. To view an image, select it from the Data
Browser pane.
The Image pane displays the selected checkerboard image
pair with green circles to indicate detected points. You can verify that the corners were
detected correctly using the zoom controls. The yellow square indicates the (0,0) origin. The X
and Y arrows indicate the checkerboard axes orientation.
You can choose for the app to compute camera intrinsics or you can load pre-computed fixed
intrinsics. To load intrinsics into the app, select Use Fixed Intrinsics in
the Intrinsics section of the Calibration tab. The Radial
Distortion and Compute options in the
Options section are disabled when you load intrinsics.
To load intrinsics as variables from your workspace, click Load
Intrinsics. For example, if the wideBaselineStereo struct
contains the intrinsics for both
ld = load('wideBaselineStereo');
int1 = ld.intrinsics1
int2 = ld.intrinsics2Then,
click Load Intrinsics to specify these variables in the dialog box, as shown.
Once you are satisfied with the accepted image pairs, click the
Calibrate button on the Calibration tab. The default
calibration settings assume the minimum set of camera parameters. Start by running the
calibration with the default settings. After evaluating the results, you can try to improve
calibration accuracy by adjusting the settings and adding or removing images, and then calibrate
When the camera has severe lens distortion, the app can fail to compute the initial values for
the camera intrinsics. If you have the manufacturer’s specifications for your camera and know
the pixel size, focal length, or lens characteristics, you can manually set initial guesses for
camera intrinsics and radial distortion. To set initial guesses, click
Options > Optimization Options.
These options are not available for preloaded intrinsics.
Select the top checkbox and then enter a 3-by-3 matrix to specify initial intrinsics. If
you do not specify an initial guess, the function computes the initial intrinsic matrix using
linear least squares.
Select the bottom checkbox and then enter a 2- or 3-element vector to specify the
initial radial distortion. If you do not provide a value, the function uses
0 as the initial value for all the coefficients.Evaluate Calibration Results
You can evaluate calibration accuracy by examining the reprojection errors, examining the
camera extrinsics, or viewing the undistorted image. For best calibration results, use all three
methods of evaluation.
The reprojection errors are the distances, in pixels, between the
detected and the reprojected points. The
The Data
Browser pane.
Reprojection Errors Bar Graph
The bar graph
displays the mean reprojection error per image, along with the overall mean error. The bar
labels correspond to the image IDs. The highlighted bars correspond to the selected image pair.
Select an image pair in one of these ways:
Clicking the corresponding bar in the graph.
Select the image pair from the list in the Data
Browser pane.
Adjust the overall mean error. Click and slide the red line up or down to select outlier
The 3-D extrinsic parameters plot provides a camera-centric view of the patterns and a
pattern-centric view of the camera. The camera-centric view is helpful if the camera was
stationary when the images were captured. The pattern-centric view is helpful if the pattern was
stationary. You can click the cursor and hold down the mouse button with the rotate icon to
rotate the figure. Click a checkerboard (or camera) to select it. The highlighted data in the
visualizations correspond to the selected image in the list. Examine the relative positions of
the pattern and the camera to determine if they match what you expect. For example, a pattern
that appears behind the camera indicates a calibration error.
To view the effects of stereo rectification, click Show Rectified in the
View section of the Calibration tab. If the
calibration was accurate, the images become undistorted and row-aligned.
Checking the rectified images is important even if the reprojection errors are
low. For example, if the pattern covers only a small percentage of the image, the distortion
estimation might be incorrect, even though the calibration resulted in few reprojection
errors.The following image shows an example of this type of incorrect estimation for a single
camera calibration.
Improve Calibration
To improve the calibration, you can remove high-error image
pairs, add more image pairs, or modify the calibrator settings.
Consider adding more images if:
You have less than 10 images.
The patterns do not cover enough of the image frame.
The patterns do not have enough variation in orientation with respect to the
Consider removing images if the images:
The images have a high mean reprojection error.
The images are blurry.
The images contain a checkerboard at an angle greater than 45 degrees relative to the
camera plane.
The images contain incorrectly detected checkerboard points.
You can specify 2 or 3 radial distortion coefficients by selecting
the corresponding radio button from the Options section. Radial
distortion occurs when light rays bend more near the edges
of a lens than they do at its optical center. The smaller the lens,
the greater the distortion.
The radial distortion
coefficients model this type of distortion. The distorted points are
denoted as (xdistorted, ydistorted):
xdistorted = x(1
+ k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6)
ydistorted= y(1
+ k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6)
x, y —
Undistorted pixel locations. x and y are
in normalized image coordinates. Normalized image coordinates are
calculated from pixel coordinates by translating to the optical center
and dividing by the focal length in pixels. Thus, x and y are
k1, k2,
and k3 — Radial distortion
coefficients of the lens.
r2: x2 + y2
Typically, two coefficients are sufficient for calibration.
For severe distortion, such as in wide-angle lenses, you can select
3 coefficients to include k3.
When you select the Compute Skew
check box, the calibrator estimates the image axes skew. Some camera sensors contain
imperfections that cause the x- and y-axes of the image to
not be perpendicular. You can model this defect using a skew parameter. If you do not select the
check box, the image axes are assumed to be perpendicular, which is the case for most modern
Tangential distortion occurs when the lens and the image plane
are not parallel. The tangential distortion coefficients model this
type of distortion.
The distorted
points are denoted as (xdistorted, ydistorted):
xdistorted = x +
[2 * p1 * x * y + p2 *
(r2 + 2 * x2)]
ydistorted = y +
[p1 * (r2 +
2 *y2) + 2 * p2 * x * y]
x, y —
Undistorted pixel locations. x and y are
in normalized image coordinates. Normalized image coordinates are
calculated from pixel coordinates by translating to the optical center
and dividing by the focal length in pixels. Thus, x and y are
p1 and p2 —
Tangential distortion coefficients of the lens.
x2 +
When you select the Compute Tangential Distortion check box, the
calibrator estimates the tangential distortion coefficients. Otherwise, the calibrator sets the
tangential distortion coefficients to zero.Export Camera Parameters
When you are satisfied with calibration accuracy, click Export Camera
Parameters. You can either save and export the camera parameters to an object by
selecting Export Camera Parameters or generate the camera parameters as a
MATLAB script.
Select Export Camera Parameters > Export Parameters to Workspace to create a stereoParameters object in your workspace. The
object contains the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera and the distortion
coefficients. You can use this object for various computer vision tasks, such as image
undistortion, measuring planar objects, and 3-D reconstruction. See Measuring Planar Objects with a Calibrated Camera. You can
optionally export the stereoCalibrationErrors object, which contains the
standard errors of estimated stereo camera parameters, by selecting the Export
estimation errors check box.
Select Export Camera Parameters > Generate MATLAB script to save your camera parameters to a MATLAB script, enabling you to reproduce the steps from your calibration session.
[1] Zhang, Z. “A Flexible New Technique
for Camera Calibration”. IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence.Vol. 22, No. 11, 2000,
pp. 1330–1334.
[2] Heikkila, J, and O. Silven. “A
Four-step Camera Calibration Procedure with Implicit Image Correction.” IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
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