
Chainlink——PriceFeeds智能合約分析1 Chainlink PriceFeeds 基本使用2 PriceFeeds合約分析3 PriceFeeds合約調用示意圖4 最後

1 Chainlink PriceFeeds 基本使用


        Chainlink 官網給了一個PriceFeeds的使用例子: 

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";

contract PriceConsumerV3 {
    AggregatorV3Interface internal priceFeed;

     * Network: Goerli
     * Aggregator: ETH/USD
     * Address: 0xD4a33860578De61DBAbDc8BFdb98FD742fA7028e
    constructor() {
        priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(	//執行個體化AggregatorV3Interface接口
            0xD4a33860578De61DBAbDc8BFdb98FD742fA7028e	//指向ETH/USD價格參考合約

     * Returns the latest price
    function getLatestPrice() public view returns (int) {
            uint80 roundID, 	//目前喂價輪次的ID
            int price, 	//ETH/USD币對價格
            uint startedAt,	//本輪喂價開始的時間戳
            uint timeStamp,	//獲得最終聚合價格的時間戳
            uint80 answeredInRound	//價格被計算出來時的輪次ID
        ) = priceFeed.latestRoundData();
        return price;




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2 PriceFeeds合約分析



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Chainlink——PriceFeeds智能合約分析1 Chainlink PriceFeeds 基本使用2 PriceFeeds合約分析3 PriceFeeds合約調用示意圖4 最後



2.1 EACAggregatorProxy合約

 * @title External Access Controlled Aggregator Proxy
 * @notice A trusted proxy for updating where current answers are read from
 * @notice This contract provides a consistent address for the
 * Aggregator and AggregatorV3Interface but delegates where it reads from to the owner, who is
 * trusted to update it.
 * @notice Only access enabled addresses are allowed to access getters for
 * aggregated answers and round information.
contract EACAggregatorProxy is AggregatorProxy {	//繼承AggregatorProxy合約

  AccessControllerInterface public accessController;	//定義一個合約接口類型

    address _aggregator,	//聚合器合約位址
    address _accessController	//權限控制位址,用于權限判定
    AggregatorProxy(_aggregator)	//執行個體化父合約

   * @notice Allows the owner to update the accessController contract address.
   * @param _accessController The new address for the accessController contract
  function setController(address _accessController)
    accessController = AccessControllerInterface(_accessController);



interface AccessControllerInterface {
  function hasAccess(address user, bytes calldata data) external view returns (bool);



   * @notice get data about the latest round. Consumers are encouraged to check
   * that they're receiving fresh data by inspecting the updatedAt and
   * answeredInRound return values.
   * Note that different underlying implementations of AggregatorV3Interface
   * have slightly different semantics for some of the return values. Consumers
   * should determine what implementations they expect to receive
   * data from and validate that they can properly handle return data from all
   * of them.
   * @return roundId is the round ID from the aggregator for which the data was
   * retrieved combined with a phase to ensure that round IDs get larger as
   * time moves forward.
   * @return answer is the answer for the given round
   * @return startedAt is the timestamp when the round was started.
   * (Only some AggregatorV3Interface implementations return meaningful values)
   * @return updatedAt is the timestamp when the round last was updated (i.e.
   * answer was last computed)
   * @return answeredInRound is the round ID of the round in which the answer
   * was computed.
   * (Only some AggregatorV3Interface implementations return meaningful values)
   * @dev Note that answer and updatedAt may change between queries.
  function latestRoundData()
    returns (
      uint80 roundId,	//聚合器進行資料聚合的輪次ID
      int256 answer,	//最終聚合得到的價格資料
      uint256 startedAt,	//聚合開始的時間戳
      uint256 updatedAt,	//聚合結束的時間戳(算出最終answer并更新的時間戳)
      uint80 answeredInRound	//answer被計算出來時的輪次ID
    return super.latestRoundData();




modifier checkAccess() {
    AccessControllerInterface ac = accessController;
    require(address(ac) == address(0) || ac.hasAccess(msg.sender, msg.data), "No access");




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 * @title SimpleWriteAccessController
 * @notice Gives access to accounts explicitly added to an access list by the
 * controller's owner.
 * @dev does not make any special permissions for externally, see
 * SimpleReadAccessController for that.
contract SimpleWriteAccessController is AccessControllerInterface, ConfirmedOwner {
  bool public checkEnabled;
  mapping(address => bool) internal accessList;

  constructor() ConfirmedOwner(msg.sender) {
    checkEnabled = true;

   * @notice Returns the access of an address
   * @param _user The address to query
  function hasAccess(address _user, bytes memory _calldata) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
    return accessList[_user] || !checkEnabled;

 * @title SimpleReadAccessController
 * @notice Gives access to:
 * - any externally owned account (note that off-chain actors can always read
 * any contract storage regardless of on-chain access control measures, so this
 * does not weaken the access control while improving usability)
 * - accounts explicitly added to an access list
 * @dev SimpleReadAccessController is not suitable for access controlling writes
 * since it grants any externally owned account access! See
 * SimpleWriteAccessController for that.
contract SimpleReadAccessController is SimpleWriteAccessController {
   * @notice Returns the access of an address
   * @param _user The address to query
  function hasAccess(address _user, bytes memory _calldata) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
    return super.hasAccess(_user, _calldata) || _user == tx.origin;






2.2 AggregatorProxy合約


   * @notice get data about the latest round. Consumers are encouraged to check
   * that they're receiving fresh data by inspecting the updatedAt and
   * answeredInRound return values.
   * Note that different underlying implementations of AggregatorV3Interface
   * have slightly different semantics for some of the return values. Consumers
   * should determine what implementations they expect to receive
   * data from and validate that they can properly handle return data from all
   * of them.
   * @return roundId is the round ID from the aggregator for which the data was
   * retrieved combined with an phase to ensure that round IDs get larger as
   * time moves forward.
   * @return answer is the answer for the given round
   * @return startedAt is the timestamp when the round was started.
   * (Only some AggregatorV3Interface implementations return meaningful values)
   * @return updatedAt is the timestamp when the round last was updated (i.e.
   * answer was last computed)
   * @return answeredInRound is the round ID of the round in which the answer
   * was computed.
   * (Only some AggregatorV3Interface implementations return meaningful values)
   * @dev Note that answer and updatedAt may change between queries.
  function latestRoundData()
    returns (
      uint80 roundId,	//聚合器進行資料聚合的輪次ID
      int256 answer,	//最終聚合得到的價格資料
      uint256 startedAt,	//聚合開始的時間戳
      uint256 updatedAt,	//聚合結束的時間戳(算出最終answer并更新的時間戳)
      uint80 answeredInRound	//answer被計算出來時的輪次ID
    Phase memory current = currentPhase; // cache storage reads

      uint80 roundId,
      int256 answer,
      uint256 startedAt,
      uint256 updatedAt,
      uint80 ansIn
    ) = current.aggregator.latestRoundData();	//從current.aggregator中擷取傳回值

    return addPhaseIds(roundId, answer, startedAt, updatedAt, ansIn, current.id);




2.2.1 Phase結構體

struct Phase {
    uint16 id;	//該Phase的id号
    AggregatorV2V3Interface aggregator;	//該Phase的聚合器合約(接口執行個體化)
  Phase private currentPhase;	//用于存儲最新的Phase
  AggregatorV2V3Interface public proposedAggregator;	//用于提議新的聚合器合約
  //Phase結構體中id到對應聚合器合約的映射 phaseAggregators,友善根據id查找對應階段的聚合器
  mapping(uint16 => AggregatorV2V3Interface) public phaseAggregators;





   * Internal

  function setAggregator(address _aggregator)
    uint16 id = currentPhase.id + 1;	//id自增
    currentPhase = Phase(id, AggregatorV2V3Interface(_aggregator));	
    phaseAggregators[id] = AggregatorV2V3Interface(_aggregator);




   * @notice Allows the owner to propose a new address for the aggregator
   * @param _aggregator The new address for the aggregator contract
  function proposeAggregator(address _aggregator)
    proposedAggregator = AggregatorV2V3Interface(_aggregator);
   * @notice Allows the owner to confirm and change the address
   * to the proposed aggregator
   * @dev Reverts if the given address doesn't match what was previously
   * proposed
   * @param _aggregator The new address for the aggregator contract
  function confirmAggregator(address _aggregator)
    require(_aggregator == address(proposedAggregator), "Invalid proposed aggregator");	//判斷傳入的要确認的位址是否是已經提議的聚合器合約位址,不是的話則報錯
    delete proposedAggregator;	//位址确認完成,删除提議的聚合器合約
    setAggregator(_aggregator);	//确認提議的聚合器合約,生成對應的currentPhase






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2.2.2 addPhaseIds函數


function addPhaseIds(
      uint80 roundId,	//聚合器進行資料聚合的輪次ID
      int256 answer,	//最終聚合得到的價格資料
      uint256 startedAt,	//聚合開始的時間戳
      uint256 updatedAt,	//聚合結束的時間戳(算出最終answer并更新的時間戳)
      uint80 answeredInRound,	//answer被計算出來時的輪次ID
      uint16 phaseId	//currentPhase中的id,與聚合器聚合資料的輪次id不同
    returns (uint80, int256, uint256, uint256, uint80)
    return (
      addPhase(phaseId, uint64(roundId)),
      addPhase(phaseId, uint64(answeredInRound))



        從上面addPhaseIds函數的具體實作中我們可以看到answer、startedAt和updatedAt三個參數被原封不動地return了回去,隻有roundId和answeredInRound以及phaseId三個參數被addPhase函數進行了處理。也就是說,最後傳回給使用者的latestRoundData函數中的roundId是addPhase(phaseId, uint64(roundId)),answeredInRound則是addPhase(phaseId, uint64(answeredInRound))。

function addPhase(
    uint16 _phase,
    uint64 _originalId
    returns (uint80)
    return uint80(uint256(_phase) << PHASE_OFFSET | _originalId);	//位運算




uint256 constant private PHASE_OFFSET = 64;




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        當位運算結束後,uint256(_phase) << PHASE_OFFSET | _originalId的長度為256,而有實際意義的長度為80,是以最後再強制轉換成uint80。(從uint256轉為uint80會保留右邊80位)



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2.2.3 currentPhase.aggregator 聚合器合約


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2.3 AccessControlledOffchainAggregator合約

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.1;

import "./OffchainAggregator.sol";
import "./SimpleReadAccessController.sol";

 * @notice Wrapper of OffchainAggregator which checks read access on Aggregator-interface methods
contract AccessControlledOffchainAggregator is OffchainAggregator, SimpleReadAccessController {

  /// @inheritdoc OffchainAggregator
  function latestRoundData()
    checkAccess()	//在SimpleWriteAccessController合約中實作
    returns (
      uint80 roundId,
      int256 answer,
      uint256 startedAt,
      uint256 updatedAt,
      uint80 answeredInRound
    return super.latestRoundData();




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2.4 OffchainAggregator父合約


   * @notice aggregator details for the most recently transmitted report
   * @return roundId aggregator round of latest report (NOT OCR round)
   * @return answer median of latest report
   * @return startedAt timestamp of block containing latest report
   * @return updatedAt timestamp of block containing latest report
   * @return answeredInRound aggregator round of latest report
  function latestRoundData()
    returns (
      uint80 roundId,
      int256 answer,
      uint256 startedAt,
      uint256 updatedAt,
      uint80 answeredInRound
    roundId = s_hotVars.latestAggregatorRoundId;	

    // Skipped for compatability with existing FluxAggregator in which latestRoundData never reverts.
    // require(roundId != 0, V3_NO_DATA_ERROR);

    Transmission memory transmission = s_transmissions[uint32(roundId)];
    return (
      transmission.answer,	//從transmission中擷取最後的answer
      roundId	//直接将roundId的值傳回給answeredInRound




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2.4.1 s_hotVars結構體

// Storing these fields used on the hot path in a HotVars variable reduces the
  // retrieval of all of them to a single SLOAD. If any further fields are
  // added, make sure that storage of the struct still takes at most 32 bytes.
  struct HotVars {
    // Provides 128 bits of security against 2nd pre-image attacks, but only
    // 64 bits against collisions. This is acceptable, since a malicious owner has
    // easier way of messing up the protocol than to find hash collisions.
    // 最新的資料聚合配置參數,出于安全考慮用于對抗碰撞
    bytes16 latestConfigDigest;
    // 最新一輪所處的階段和輪次,前32位元組代表階段,後8個位元組用于表明輪次
    uint40 latestEpochAndRound; // 32 most sig bits for epoch, 8 least sig bits for round
    // Current bound assumed on number of faulty/dishonest oracles participating
    // in the protocol, this value is referred to as f in the design
    // 預言機網絡中能容忍的不誠實節點或錯誤節點的最大數量門檻值
    uint8 threshold;
    // Chainlink Aggregators expose a roundId to consumers. The offchain reporting
    // protocol does not use this id anywhere. We increment it whenever a new
    // transmission is made to provide callers with contiguous ids for successive
    // reports.
    // 最新一輪資料聚合的輪次ID
    uint32 latestAggregatorRoundId;
  HotVars internal s_hotVars;	//HotVars結構體的執行個體化s_hotVars




   * @notice immediately requests a new round
   * @return the aggregatorRoundId of the next round. Note: The report for this round may have been
   * transmitted (but not yet mined) *before* requestNewRound() was even called. There is *no*
   * guarantee of causality between the request and the report at aggregatorRoundId.
  function requestNewRound() external returns (uint80) {
    require(msg.sender == owner || s_requesterAccessController.hasAccess(msg.sender, msg.data),
      "Only owner&requester can call");	//權限控制,隻有管理者或聚合器合約擁有者才能發起新的輪次請求

    HotVars memory hotVars = s_hotVars;

    emit RoundRequested(	//廣播新的輪次需求事件,預言機在接收到新的事件後就開始聚合資料
      uint32(s_hotVars.latestEpochAndRound >> 8),
    return hotVars.latestAggregatorRoundId + 1;	//傳回新請求的id數






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2.4.2 s_transmissions結構體映射及transmit函數


// Transmission records the median answer from the transmit transaction at
  // time timestamp
  struct Transmission {
    int192 answer; // 192 bits ought to be enough for anyone
    uint64 timestamp;	//時間戳
  mapping(uint32 /* aggregator round ID */ => Transmission) internal s_transmissions;



   * @notice transmit is called to post a new report to the contract
   * @param _report serialized report, which the signatures are signing. See parsing code below for format. The ith element of the observers component must be the index in s_signers of the address for the ith signature
   * @param _rs ith element is the R components of the ith signature on report. Must have at most maxNumOracles entries
   * @param _ss ith element is the S components of the ith signature on report. Must have at most maxNumOracles entries
   * @param _rawVs ith element is the the V component of the ith signature
  function transmit(
    // NOTE: If these parameters are changed, expectedMsgDataLength and/or
    // TRANSMIT_MSGDATA_CONSTANT_LENGTH_COMPONENT need to be changed accordingly
    // 鍊下報告内容
    bytes calldata _report,	
    // 報告附帶的預言機節點的簽名
    bytes32[] calldata _rs, bytes32[] calldata _ss, bytes32 _rawVs // signatures
  	// 擷取目前剩餘可用的gas,一般來說gasleft()函數被放在函數的開頭和結尾用于判斷整個函數使用了多少gas
  	// 這裡是為了計算報告送出者送出報告所使用的gas,然後在函數結尾根據gas消耗返還送出者gas費
    uint256 initialGas = gasleft(); // This line must come first
    // Make sure the transmit message-length matches the inputs. Otherwise, the
    // transmitter could append an arbitrarily long (up to gas-block limit)
    // string of 0 bytes, which we would reimburse at a rate of 16 gas/byte, but
    // which would only cost the transmitter 4 gas/byte. (Appendix G of the
    // yellow paper, p. 25, for G_txdatazero and EIP 2028 for G_txdatanonzero.)
    // This could amount to reimbursement profit of 36 million gas, given a 3MB
    // zero tail.
    // 報告長度合理性判斷,包括簽名長度
    // 因為在最後返還gas費時有一部分是根據傳入參數長度進行償還,償還價格為16gas/位元組
    // 而送出者這部分的實際花費為4gas/位元組,是以為避免送出者惡意套取gas的償還費用需要下列判斷
    require(msg.data.length == expectedMsgDataLength(_report, _rs, _ss),
      "transmit message too long");
    // 定義一個ReportData結構體r
    ReportData memory r; // Relieves stack pressure
      r.hotVars = s_hotVars; // cache read from storage 從s_hotVars直接擷取資料初始化

      bytes32 rawObservers;	// 定義一個bytes32類型的rawObservers
      // 對鍊下報告進行解碼成報告内容,資料提供節點索引和價格資料集合
      (r.rawReportContext, rawObservers, r.observations) = abi.decode(
        _report, (bytes32, bytes32, int192[])
	  // 鍊下報告内容包括11位元組的0字元填充,16位元組本輪聚合配置參數,4位元組報告所處階段及1位元組報告所處輪次
      // rawReportContext consists of:
      // 11-byte zero padding
      // 16-byte configDigest
      // 4-byte epoch
      // 1-byte round

	  // 将報告内容左移88位獲得聚合配置參數(将左邊11位元組的0填充移除以截取配置參數)
      bytes16 configDigest = bytes16(r.rawReportContext << 88);
      // 判斷報告的配置參數和hotVars的配置參數是否一緻,不一緻則停止上傳報告
        r.hotVars.latestConfigDigest == configDigest,
        "configDigest mismatch"

	  // 截取報告的階段和輪次資訊
      uint40 epochAndRound = uint40(uint256(r.rawReportContext));

      // direct numerical comparison works here, because
      //   ((e,r) <= (e',r')) implies (epochAndRound <= epochAndRound')
      // because alphabetic ordering implies e <= e', and if e = e', then r<=r',
      // so e*256+r <= e'*256+r', because r, r' < 256
      // 判斷該報告輪次是否是最新為最新輪次
      require(r.hotVars.latestEpochAndRound < epochAndRound, "stale report");
      // 判斷簽名數量是否大于最大可容忍不誠實節點的數量
      require(_rs.length > r.hotVars.threshold, "not enough signatures");
      // 判斷簽名數量是否小于最大的預言機節點數量(預言機節點數量在父合約中被定義為31個)
      require(_rs.length <= maxNumOracles, "too many signatures");
      // 判斷簽名的R,S元件數量是否比對
      require(_ss.length == _rs.length, "signatures out of registration");
      // 判斷價格資料集的資料數量是否小于最大的預言機節點數量
      require(r.observations.length <= maxNumOracles,
              "num observations out of bounds");
      // 判斷價格資料集的資料數量是否大于2倍的最大可容忍不誠實節點的數量
      require(r.observations.length > 2 * r.hotVars.threshold,
              "too few values to trust median");

	  // 擷取簽名集合的V元件集合并傳給r結構體
      // Copy signature parities in bytes32 _rawVs to bytes r.v
      r.vs = new bytes(_rs.length);
      for (uint8 i = 0; i < _rs.length; i++) {
        r.vs[i] = _rawVs[i];

	  // 擷取價格資料提供節點的索引資料并傳給r結構體
      // Copy observer identities in bytes32 rawObservers to bytes r.observers
      r.observers = new bytes(r.observations.length);	//有多少價格資料就有多少資料提供節點
      bool[maxNumOracles] memory seen;	//輔助bool數組,用于判斷有無出現重複的資料提供節點
      for (uint8 i = 0; i < r.observations.length; i++) {
        uint8 observerIdx = uint8(rawObservers[i]);	//擷取提供第i個價格資料的節點索引
        require(!seen[observerIdx], "observer index repeated");	//有重複節點則停止報告
        seen[observerIdx] = true;	//标記某個節點在本輪報告中提供了價格資料
        r.observers[i] = rawObservers[i];	//将索引資訊複制到結構體r中

      Oracle memory transmitter = s_oracles[msg.sender];	//擷取此次報告的送出者
      require( // Check that sender is authorized to report
        transmitter.role == Role.Transmitter &&	//檢查該送出者是否有送出報告的權限
        msg.sender == s_transmitters[transmitter.index],	//檢查送出者的索引是否正确
        "unauthorized transmitter"
      // 擷取此次報告的階段及輪次并傳給r結構體
      // record epochAndRound here, so that we don't have to carry the local
      // variable in transmit. The change is reverted if something fails later.
      r.hotVars.latestEpochAndRound = epochAndRound;

    { // Verify signatures attached to report
      bytes32 h = keccak256(_report);	//加密報告
      bool[maxNumOracles] memory signed;	//輔助數組,用于判斷是否有重複簽名

      Oracle memory o;
      for (uint i = 0; i < _rs.length; i++) {
        address signer = ecrecover(h, uint8(r.vs[i])+27, _rs[i], _ss[i]);
        o = s_oracles[signer];
        require(o.role == Role.Signer, "address not authorized to sign");
        require(!signed[o.index], "non-unique signature");	//判斷有無重複簽名
        signed[o.index] = true;	//标記

    { // Check the report contents, and record the result
      // 檢查價格資料集合observations中的價格資料是否已經按照從小到大排序,友善後面取中位數作為結果
      for (uint i = 0; i < r.observations.length - 1; i++) {
        bool inOrder = r.observations[i] <= r.observations[i+1];
        require(inOrder, "observations not sorted");
	  // 取價格資料集合中的中位數作為該輪BTC/ETH價格聚合中的最終結果
      int192 median = r.observations[r.observations.length/2];
      // 最終價格需要在預設的合理區間内
      require(minAnswer <= median && median <= maxAnswer, "median is out of min-max range");
      // 2.4.1的requestNewRound函數發出新價格資料請求時沒有變更latestAggregatorRoundId
      // 擷取最終價格資料後才将latestAggregatorRoundId變量+1
      // 将結果存入s_transmissions映射中
      s_transmissions[r.hotVars.latestAggregatorRoundId] =
        Transmission(median, uint64(block.timestamp));
      emit NewTransmission(
      // Emit these for backwards compatability with offchain consumers
      // that only support legacy events
      // 廣播新輪次ID
      emit NewRound(
       // 廣播新價格資料
      emit AnswerUpdated(
	  // 資料校驗
      validateAnswer(r.hotVars.latestAggregatorRoundId, median);
    s_hotVars = r.hotVars;	//更新s_hotVars
    assert(initialGas < maxUint32);	//斷言
    // 為參與價格聚合的節點發放link代币作為激勵(實際發放過程更複雜一些,在父合約實作)
    // 并且償還報告送出者的gas消耗,initialGas在transmit函數開頭通過gasleft()獲得
    reimburseAndRewardOracles(uint32(initialGas), r.observers);




2.4.3 transmit函數片段1(gasleft和expectedMsgDataLength)

   * @notice transmit is called to post a new report to the contract
   * @param _report serialized report, which the signatures are signing. See parsing code 		below for format. The ith element of the observers component must be the index in 		s_signers of the address for the ith signature
   * @param _rs ith element is the R components of the ith signature on report. Must have 		at most maxNumOracles entries
   * @param _ss ith element is the S components of the ith signature on report. Must have 		at most maxNumOracles entries
   * @param _rawVs ith element is the the V component of the ith signature
	function transmit(
    // NOTE: If these parameters are changed, expectedMsgDataLength and/or
    // TRANSMIT_MSGDATA_CONSTANT_LENGTH_COMPONENT need to be changed accordingly
    // 鍊下報告内容
    bytes calldata _report,	
    // 報告附帶的預言機節點的簽名
    bytes32[] calldata _rs, bytes32[] calldata _ss, bytes32 _rawVs // signatures
  	// 擷取目前剩餘可用的gas,一般來說gasleft()函數被放在函數的開頭和結尾用于判斷整個函數使用了多少gas
  	// 這裡是為了計算報告送出者送出報告所使用的gas,然後在函數結尾根據gas消耗返還送出者gas費
    uint256 initialGas = gasleft(); // This line must come first
    // Make sure the transmit message-length matches the inputs. Otherwise, the
    // transmitter could append an arbitrarily long (up to gas-block limit)
    // string of 0 bytes, which we would reimburse at a rate of 16 gas/byte, but
    // which would only cost the transmitter 4 gas/byte. (Appendix G of the
    // yellow paper, p. 25, for G_txdatazero and EIP 2028 for G_txdatanonzero.)
    // This could amount to reimbursement profit of 36 million gas, given a 3MB
    // zero tail.
    // 報告長度合理性判斷,包括簽名長度
    // 因為在最後返還gas費時有一部分是根據傳入參數長度進行償還,償還價格為16gas/位元組
    // 而送出者這部分的實際花費為4gas/位元組,是以為避免送出者惡意套取gas的償還費用需要下列判斷
    require(msg.data.length == expectedMsgDataLength(_report, _rs, _ss),
      "transmit message too long");





function expectedMsgDataLength(
    bytes calldata _report, bytes32[] calldata _rs, bytes32[] calldata _ss
  ) private pure returns (uint256 length)
    // calldata will never be big enough to make this overflow
      _report.length + // one byte pure entry in _report
      _rs.length * 32 + // 32 bytes per entry in _rs
      _ss.length * 32 + // 32 bytes per entry in _ss
      0; // placeholder

  // The constant-length components of the msg.data sent to transmit.
  // See the "If we wanted to call sam" example on for example reasoning
  // https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.7.2/abi-spec.html
    4 + // function selector
    32 + // word containing start location of abiencoded _report value
    32 + // word containing location start of abiencoded  _rs value
    32 + // word containing start location of abiencoded _ss value
    32 + // _rawVs value
    32 + // word containing length of _report
    32 + // word containing length _rs
    32 + // word containing length of _ss
    0; // placeholder



2.4.4 transmit函數片段2(ReportData、configDigest和s_oracles)

  ReportData memory r; // Relieves stack pressure
    r.hotVars = s_hotVars; // cache read from storage 從s_hotVars直接擷取資料初始化

    bytes32 rawObservers;	// 定義一個bytes32類型的rawObservers
    // 對鍊下報告進行解碼成報告内容,資料提供節點索引和價格資料集合
    (r.rawReportContext, rawObservers, r.observations) = abi.decode(
      _report, (bytes32, bytes32, int192[])
	// 鍊下報告内容包括11位元組的0字元填充,16位元組本輪聚合配置參數,4位元組報告所處階段及1位元組報告所處輪次
    // rawReportContext consists of:
    // 11-byte zero padding
    // 16-byte configDigest
    // 4-byte epoch
    // 1-byte round

	// 将報告内容左移88位獲得聚合配置參數(将左邊11位元組的0填充移除以截取配置參數)
    bytes16 configDigest = bytes16(r.rawReportContext << 88);
    // 判斷報告的配置參數和hotVars的配置參數是否一緻,不一緻則停止上傳報告
      r.hotVars.latestConfigDigest == configDigest,
      "configDigest mismatch"

	// 截取報告的階段和輪次資訊
    uint40 epochAndRound = uint40(uint256(r.rawReportContext));

    // direct numerical comparison works here, because
    //   ((e,r) <= (e',r')) implies (epochAndRound <= epochAndRound')
    // because alphabetic ordering implies e <= e', and if e = e', then r<=r',
    // so e*256+r <= e'*256+r', because r, r' < 256
    // 判斷該報告輪次是否是最新為最新輪次
    require(r.hotVars.latestEpochAndRound < epochAndRound, "stale report");
	// 判斷簽名數量是否大于最大可容忍不誠實節點的數量
    require(_rs.length > r.hotVars.threshold, "not enough signatures");
    // 判斷簽名數量是否小于最大的預言機節點數量(預言機節點數量在父合約中被定義為31個)
    require(_rs.length <= maxNumOracles, "too many signatures");
    // 判斷簽名的R,S元件數量是否比對
    require(_ss.length == _rs.length, "signatures out of registration");
    // 判斷價格資料集的資料數量是否小于最大的預言機節點數量
    require(r.observations.length <= maxNumOracles,
            "num observations out of bounds");
    // 判斷價格資料集的資料數量是否大于2倍的最大可容忍不誠實節點的數量
    require(r.observations.length > 2 * r.hotVars.threshold,
            "too few values to trust median");

	// 擷取簽名集合的V元件集合并傳給r結構體
    // Copy signature parities in bytes32 _rawVs to bytes r.v
    r.vs = new bytes(_rs.length);
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < _rs.length; i++) {
      r.vs[i] = _rawVs[i];
	// 擷取價格資料提供節點的索引資料并傳給r結構體
    // Copy observer identities in bytes32 rawObservers to bytes r.observers
    r.observers = new bytes(r.observations.length); //有多少價格資料就有多少資料提供節點
    bool[maxNumOracles] memory seen; //輔助bool數組,用于判斷有無出現重複的資料提供節點
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < r.observations.length; i++) {
      uint8 observerIdx = uint8(rawObservers[i]);	//擷取提供第i個價格資料的節點索引
      require(!seen[observerIdx], "observer index repeated"); //有重複節點則停止報告
      seen[observerIdx] = true;	//标記某個節點在本輪報告中提供了價格資料
      r.observers[i] = rawObservers[i];	//将索引資訊複制到結構體r中

    Oracle memory transmitter = s_oracles[msg.sender];	//擷取此次報告的送出者
    require( // Check that sender is authorized to report
      transmitter.role == Role.Transmitter &&	//檢查該送出者是否有送出報告的權限
      msg.sender == s_transmitters[transmitter.index], //檢查送出者的索引是否正确
      "unauthorized transmitter"
    // 擷取此次報告的階段及輪次并傳給r結構體
    // record epochAndRound here, so that we don't have to carry the local
    // variable in transmit. The change is reverted if something fails later.
    r.hotVars.latestEpochAndRound = epochAndRound;



  // Used to relieve stack pressure in transmit
  struct ReportData {
    HotVars hotVars; // Only read from storage once
    bytes observers; // ith element is the index of the ith observer
    int192[] observations; // ith element is the ith observation
    bytes vs; // jth element is the v component of the jth signature
    bytes32 rawReportContext;



function configDigestFromConfigData(
    address _contractAddress,	//合約位址
    uint64 _configCount,	//配置版本号,每次配置變更+1
    address[] calldata _signers,	//簽名節點位址集合
    address[] calldata _transmitters,	//報告送出節點位址集合
    uint8 _threshold,	//最大可容忍誠實節點數量
    uint64 _encodedConfigVersion,	//鍊下編碼版本号
    bytes calldata _encodedConfig	//鍊下編碼配置
  ) internal pure returns (bytes16) {
    return bytes16(keccak256(abi.encode(_contractAddress, _configCount,
      _signers, _transmitters, _threshold, _encodedConfigVersion, _encodedConfig




// Maximum number of oracles the offchain reporting protocol is designed for
  uint256 constant internal maxNumOracles = 31;




mapping (address=> Oracle) internal s_oracles;
  struct Oracle {
  	// 預言機節點索引号
    uint8 index; // Index of oracle in s_signers/s_transmitters
    // 在報告中扮演的角色
    Role role;   // Role of the address which mapped to this struct
  // Used for s_oracles[a].role, where a is an address, to track the purpose
  // of the address, or to indicate that the address is unset.
  enum Role {
    // No oracle role has been set for address a
    Unset,	// 沒有角色
    // Signing address for the s_oracles[a].index'th oracle. I.e., report
    // signatures from this oracle should ecrecover back to address a.
    Signer,	// 簽名者
    // Transmission address for the s_oracles[a].index'th oracle. I.e., if a
    // report is received by OffchainAggregator.transmit in which msg.sender is
    // a, it is attributed to the s_oracles[a].index'th oracle.
    Transmitter	// 送出者



// s_transmitters contains the transmission address of each oracle,
  // i.e. the address the oracle actually sends transactions to the contract from
  address[] internal s_transmitters;




2.4.5 transmit函數片段3(擷取最終價格資料median)

{ // Verify signatures attached to report
  	bytes32 h = keccak256(_report);	//加密報告
    bool[maxNumOracles] memory signed;	//輔助數組,用于判斷是否有重複簽名

    Oracle memory o;
    for (uint i = 0; i < _rs.length; i++) {
      address signer = ecrecover(h, uint8(r.vs[i])+27, _rs[i], _ss[i]);
      o = s_oracles[signer];
      require(o.role == Role.Signer, "address not authorized to sign");
      require(!signed[o.index], "non-unique signature");	//判斷有無重複簽名
      signed[o.index] = true;	//标記

  { // Check the report contents, and record the result
  	// 檢查價格資料集合observations中的價格資料是否已經按照從小到大排序,友善後面取中位數作為結果
    for (uint i = 0; i < r.observations.length - 1; i++) {
      bool inOrder = r.observations[i] <= r.observations[i+1];
      require(inOrder, "observations not sorted");
	// 取價格資料集合中的中位數作為該輪BTC/ETH價格聚合中的最終結果
    int192 median = r.observations[r.observations.length/2];
    // 最終價格需要在預設的合理區間内
    require(minAnswer <= median && median <= maxAnswer, "median is out of min-max range");
    // 2.4.1的requestNewRound函數發出新價格資料請求時沒有變更latestAggregatorRoundId
    // 擷取最終價格資料後才将latestAggregatorRoundId變量+1
    // 将結果存入s_transmissions映射中
    s_transmissions[r.hotVars.latestAggregatorRoundId] =
      Transmission(median, uint64(block.timestamp));
    emit NewTransmission(
    // Emit these for backwards compatability with offchain consumers
    // that only support legacy events
    // 廣播新輪次ID
    emit NewRound(
    // 廣播新價格資料
    emit AnswerUpdated(
	// 資料校驗
    validateAnswer(r.hotVars.latestAggregatorRoundId, median);
  s_hotVars = r.hotVars;	//更新s_hotVars
  assert(initialGas < maxUint32);	//斷言
  // 為參與價格聚合的節點發放link代币作為激勵(實際發放過程更複雜一些,在父合約實作)
  // 并且償還報告送出者的gas消耗,initialGas在transmit函數開頭通過gasleft()獲得
  reimburseAndRewardOracles(uint32(initialGas), r.observers);







2.5 OffchainAggregatorBilling合約


function reimburseAndRewardOracles(
    uint32 initialGas,	//發送鍊下報告時最開始記錄下的剩餘可用gas,用于計算發送鍊下報告的總gas開銷
    bytes memory observers	//發送價格資料集合的所有節點索引,每一位代表一個節點的索引
    Oracle memory txOracle = s_oracles[msg.sender];	//記錄送出報告的預言機節點
    Billing memory billing = s_billing;	//賬單相關參數,記錄固定激勵金額以及每機關gas報帳額度等
    // Reward oracles for providing observations. Oracles are not rewarded
    // for providing signatures, because signing is essentially free.
    // 獲得預言機送出價格資料的次數以用于發放link代币獎勵
    // link代币不會在送出資料後立即發放,而是可以在多次送出價格資料後由預言機主動領取(節約gas)
    // oracleRewards函數會對本輪送出過資料的節點的送出資料次數進行更新,以友善後續獎勵發放
    s_oracleObservationsCounts =
      oracleRewards(observers, s_oracleObservationsCounts);
    // Reimburse transmitter of the report for gas usage
    require(txOracle.role == Role.Transmitter,	//報告需要由本輪被標明出的transmitter送出
      "sent by undesignated transmitter"
    uint256 gasPrice = impliedGasPrice(	//設定合理的gasPrice
      tx.gasprice / (1 gwei), // convert to ETH-gwei units
    // 計算callData的gas開銷
    // The following is only an upper bound, as it ignores the cheaper cost for
    // 0 bytes. Safe from overflow, because calldata just isn't that long.
    uint256 callDataGasCost = 16 * msg.data.length;
    // If any changes are made to subsequent calculations, accountingGasCost
    // needs to change, too.
    uint256 gasLeft = gasleft();	//擷取目前交易剩餘可用gas
    uint256 gasCostEthWei = transmitterGasCostEthWei(// 擷取送出該報告所花費的gas總額

    // microLinkPerEth is 1e-6LINK/ETH units, gasCostEthWei is 1e-18ETH units
    // (ETH-wei), product is 1e-24LINK-wei units, dividing by 1e6 gives
    // 1e-18LINK units, i.e. LINK-wei units
    // Safe from over/underflow, since all components are non-negative,
    // gasCostEthWei will always fit into uint128 and microLinkPerEth is a
    // uint32 (128+32 < 256!).
    // 計算所需補償的link代币
    uint256 gasCostLinkWei = (gasCostEthWei * billing.microLinkPerEth)/ 1e6;

    // Safe from overflow, because gasCostLinkWei < 2**160 and
    // billing.linkGweiPerTransmission * (1 gwei) < 2**64 and we increment
    // s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei[txOracle.index] at most 2**40 times.
    // 計算需要發送給該報告送出者的總link代币數量(gas報帳+發送報告獎勵)
    s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei[txOracle.index] =
      s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei[txOracle.index] + gasCostLinkWei +
      uint256(billing.linkGweiPerTransmission) * (1 gwei); // convert from linkGwei to linkWei

    // Uncomment next line to compute the remaining gas cost after above gasleft().
    // See OffchainAggregatorBilling.accountingGasCost docstring for more information.
    // gasUsedInAccounting = gasLeft - gasleft();





2.5.1 txOracle和billing



// Parameters for oracle payments
  struct Billing {

    // Highest compensated gas price, in ETH-gwei uints
    uint32 maximumGasPrice;	//	發送報告的最大可接受gasPrice

    // If gas price is less (in ETH-gwei units), transmitter gets half the savings
    // 合理的gasPrice,如果報告送出者transmitter送出報告時的gasPrice低于reasonableGasPrice
    // 則報告送出者可以獲得比實際gasPrice更多的gasPrice補償
    uint32 reasonableGasPrice;

    // Pay transmitter back this much LINK per unit eth spent on gas
    // (1e-6LINK/ETH units)
    uint32 microLinkPerEth;	//根據花費在gas的每機關eth開銷而返還給報告送出者的link代币

    // Fixed LINK reward for each observer, in LINK-gwei units
    uint32 linkGweiPerObservation;	//送出一次價格資料的固定link代币獎勵

    // Fixed reward for transmitter, in linkGweiPerObservation units
    uint32 linkGweiPerTransmission;	//送出一次報告的固定link代币獎勵
  Billing internal s_billing;



2.5.2 s_oracleObservationsCounts和oracleRewards


// ith element is number of observation rewards due to ith process, plus one.
  // This is expected to saturate after an oracle has submitted 65,535
  // observations, or about 65535/(3*24*20) = 45 days, given a transmission
  // every 3 minutes.
  // This is always one greater than the actual value, so that when the value is
  // reset to zero, we don't end up with a zero value in storage (which would
  // result in a higher gas cost, the next time the value is incremented.)
  // Calculations using this variable need to take that offset into account.
  uint16[maxNumOracles] internal s_oracleObsrvationsCounts;




function oracleRewards(
    bytes memory observers,
    uint16[maxNumOracles] memory observations
    returns (uint16[maxNumOracles] memory)
    // reward each observer-participant with the observer reward
    for (uint obsIdx = 0; obsIdx < observers.length; obsIdx++) {
      uint8 observer = uint8(observers[obsIdx]); //擷取預言機節點下标index
      // observer對應下标的預言機節點的價格資料送出個數+1,為防止溢出進行了特殊處理
      observations[observer] = saturatingAddUint16(observations[observer], 1);
    return observations;




function saturatingAddUint16(uint16 _x, uint16 _y)
    returns (uint16)
    return uint16(min(uint256(_x)+uint256(_y), maxUint16));




2.5.3 gas報帳計算和s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei



// Gas price at which the transmitter should be reimbursed, in ETH-gwei/gas
  function impliedGasPrice(
    uint256 txGasPrice,         // ETH-gwei/gas units	//實際的gasPrice
    uint256 reasonableGasPrice, // ETH-gwei/gas units	//官方設定的合理的gasPrice
    uint256 maximumGasPrice     // ETH-gwei/gas units	//可接受的最大gasPrice
    returns (uint256)
    // Reward the transmitter for choosing an efficient gas price: if they manage
    // to come in lower than considered reasonable, give them half the savings.
    // The following calculations are all in units of gwei/gas, i.e. 1e-9ETH/gas
    // chainlink鼓勵報告送出者選擇低gasPrice,并會對該行為進行獎勵
    uint256 gasPrice = txGasPrice;	//擷取實際的gasPrice
    if (txGasPrice < reasonableGasPrice) {	//如果送出報告時的gasPrice較低則給予獎勵
      // Give transmitter half the savings for coming in under the reasonable gas price
      gasPrice += (reasonableGasPrice - txGasPrice) / 2;//多獎勵兩者差額的一半
    // Don't reimburse a gas price higher than maximumGasPrice
    // 如果送出報告時gasPrice過高,隻會報帳低于maximumGasPrice的部分
    return min(gasPrice, maximumGasPrice);  //傳回兩者之間較小值



// gas reimbursement due the transmitter, in ETH-wei
  // If this function is changed, accountingGasCost needs to change, too. See
  // its docstring
  function transmitterGasCostEthWei(
    uint256 initialGas,	// transmit函數開頭記錄的剩餘可用gas
    uint256 gasPrice, // ETH-gwei/gas units	//用impliedGasPrice函數算出的gasPrice
    uint256 callDataCost, // gas units	//傳入參數calldata的gas開銷
    uint256 gasLeft	// 調用transmitterGasCostEthWei函數前剩餘可用gas
    returns (uint128 gasCostEthWei)
    require(initialGas >= gasLeft, "gasLeft cannot exceed initialGas");
    uint256 gasUsed = // gas units	//計算總共使用的gas
      initialGas - gasLeft + // observed gas usage	//transmit函數開始到該函數前的總gas開銷
      // accountingGasCost為reimburseAndRewardOracles函數後續語句的gas開銷
      // 因為調用transmitterGasCostEthWei函數後還會執行其它語句,是以要計算accountingGasCost
      callDataCost + accountingGasCost; // estimated gas usage
    // gasUsed is in gas units, gasPrice is in ETH-gwei/gas units; convert to ETH-wei
    uint256 fullGasCostEthWei = gasUsed * gasPrice * (1 gwei);	//計算總gas開銷
    assert(fullGasCostEthWei < maxUint128); // the entire ETH supply fits in a uint128...
    return uint128(fullGasCostEthWei); //傳回總gas開銷


        transmitterGasCostEthWei函數的語句作用如上所示,從函數可以看到發送報告所使用的總gas數量gasUsed由兩部分組成,第一部分是傳入calldata所需要的gas數量,第二部分是整個transmit函數運作時所需要的gas數量。而第二部分在transmitterGasCostEthWei函數中又被分為transmitterGasCostEthWei函數前使用gas數量(initialGas - gasLeft)和transmitterGasCostEthWei函數後使用gas數量accountingGasCost。


// This value needs to change if maxNumOracles is increased, or the accounting
  // calculations at the bottom of reimburseAndRewardOracles change.
  // To recalculate it, run the profiler as described in
  // ../../profile/README.md, and add up the gas-usage values reported for the
  // lines in reimburseAndRewardOracles following the "gasLeft = gasleft()"
  // line. E.g., you will see output like this:
  //      7        uint256 gasLeft = gasleft();
  //     29        uint256 gasCostEthWei = transmitterGasCostEthWei(
  //      9          uint256(initialGas),
  //      3          gasPrice,
  //      3          callDataGasCost,
  //      3          gasLeft
  //      .
  //      .
  //      .
  //     59        uint256 gasCostLinkWei = (gasCostEthWei * billing.microLinkPerEth)/ 1e6;
  //      .
  //      .
  //      .
  //   5047        s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei[txOracle.index] =
  //    856          s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei[txOracle.index] + gasCostLinkWei +
  //     26          uint256(billing.linkGweiPerTransmission) * (1 gwei);
  // If those were the only lines to be accounted for, you would add up
  // 29+9+3+3+3+59+5047+856+26=6035.
  uint256 internal constant accountingGasCost = 6035;





2.5.4 節點領取link代币獎勵(payOracle和owedPayment)



function withdrawPayment(address _transmitter)
  	// 需要發起link代币提現的位址為預先登記在案的收款位址
    require(msg.sender == s_payees[_transmitter], "Only payee can withdraw");
    payOracle(_transmitter);	//往收款位址支付link代币



// Addresses at which oracles want to receive payments, by transmitter address
  mapping (address /* transmitter */ => address /* payment address */)



// payOracle pays out _transmitter's balance to the corresponding payee, and zeros it out
  function payOracle(address _transmitter)
    Oracle memory oracle = s_oracles[_transmitter];	//擷取Oracle資訊
    // 用owedPayment函數擷取該預言機節點可擷取的link代币數量
    uint256 linkWeiAmount = owedPayment(_transmitter);
    if (linkWeiAmount > 0) {
      address payee = s_payees[_transmitter];	//擷取該預言機收款位址
      // Poses no re-entrancy issues, because LINK.transfer does not yield
      // control flow.
      // 調用link代币合約向收款位址轉賬
      require(LINK.transfer(payee, linkWeiAmount), "insufficient funds");
      // 初始化s_oracleObservationsCounts中對應預言機的送出資料數量
      s_oracleObservationsCounts[oracle.index] = 1; // "zero" the counts. see var's docstring
      // 初始化s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei中對應預言機的可擷取報帳和獎勵的link代币數量
      s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei[oracle.index] = 1; // "zero" the counts. see var's docstring
      emit OraclePaid(_transmitter, payee, linkWeiAmount);	//廣播



   * @notice query an oracle's payment amount
   * @param _transmitter the transmitter address of the oracle
  function owedPayment(address _transmitter)
    returns (uint256)
    Oracle memory oracle = s_oracles[_transmitter]; //擷取Oracle資訊
    if (oracle.role == Role.Unset) { return 0; }	//預言機需要已注冊在案
    Billing memory billing = s_billing;	//擷取billing賬單設定
    // 擷取資料送出獎勵,= 資料送出個數 * 每個資料的link獎勵數量
    uint256 linkWeiAmount =
      uint256(s_oracleObservationsCounts[oracle.index] - 1) * //初始值為1,需減去
      uint256(billing.linkGweiPerObservation) *
      (1 gwei);
    // 加上該預言機作為transmitter送出報告時的報帳和獎勵
    linkWeiAmount += s_gasReimbursementsLinkWei[oracle.index] - 1;
    return linkWeiAmount;	// = 資料送出獎勵 + 報告送出獎勵 + gas報帳



2.6 PriceFeeds合約部署時constrctor賦予的初始值



Chainlink——PriceFeeds智能合約分析1 Chainlink PriceFeeds 基本使用2 PriceFeeds合約分析3 PriceFeeds合約調用示意圖4 最後


Chainlink——PriceFeeds智能合約分析1 Chainlink PriceFeeds 基本使用2 PriceFeeds合約分析3 PriceFeeds合約調用示意圖4 最後


3 PriceFeeds合約調用示意圖

Chainlink——PriceFeeds智能合約分析1 Chainlink PriceFeeds 基本使用2 PriceFeeds合約分析3 PriceFeeds合約調用示意圖4 最後


4 最後

        攥寫這篇文章的目的主要是加深自己對于Chainlink PriceFeeds合約的了解,并作為記錄以友善後續回頭查閱。為了降低閱讀門檻會有些許地方稍顯啰嗦,各位挑選可能對自己有用處的地方來看即可(整篇文章是照着我看代碼的順序梳理的,是以按順序看可能更容易了解)。



