


try {      
        // Load the JDBC driver 加載指定名稱的類
        String driverName = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver";      
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {      
        // Could not find the driver


List drivers = Collections.list(DriverManager.getDrivers());      
    for (int i=0; i<drivers.size(); i++) {      
        Driver driver = (Driver)drivers.get(i);      
        // Get name of driver 驅動名稱
        String name = driver.getClass().getName();      
        // Get version info 驅動程式的版本資訊
        int majorVersion = driver.getMajorVersion();      
        int minorVersion = driver.getMinorVersion();      
        boolean isJdbcCompliant = driver.jdbcCompliant();      


連接配接Oracle 資料庫

Connection connection = null;     try {         // Load the JDBC driver         String driverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";         Class.forName(driverName);             // Create a connection to the database         String serverName = "";         String portNumber = "1521";         String sid = "mydatabase";         String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + serverName + ":" + portNumber + ":" + sid;         String username = "username";         String password = "password";         connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);     } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {         // Could not find the database driver     } catch (SQLException e) {         // Could not connect to the database     }

連接配接MYSQL 資料庫

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO [email protected]     IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;         Connection connection = null;     try {         // Load the JDBC driver         String driverName = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"; // MySQL MM JDBC driver         Class.forName(driverName);             // Create a connection to the database         String serverName = "localhost";         String mydatabase = "mydatabase";         String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + serverName +  "/" + mydatabase; // a JDBC url         String username = "username";         String password = "password";         connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);     } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {         // Could not find the database driver     } catch (SQLException e) {         // Could not connect to the database     }


Connection connection = null;     try {         String driverName = "com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver"; // NetDirect JDBC driver         String serverName = "";         String portNumber = "1433";         String mydatabase = serverName + ":" + portNumber;         String url = "jdbc:JSQLConnect://" + mydatabase; // a JDBC url         String username = "username";         String password = "password";             // Load the JDBC driver         Class.forName(driverName);             // Create a connection to the database         connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);     } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {         // Could not find the database driver     } catch (SQLException e) {         // Could not connect to the database }


private  void getConnect(){            try{              URL url=this.getClass().getResource("../DataBase/"+DBname.toString());              String uri = new String(url.toString());              String sql_url="jdbc:odbc:Driver={MicroSoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="+uri.substring(6);              connect = DriverManager.getConnection(sql_url);              statem = connect.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);              // 建立資料庫操作類的執行個體,該管理器對該資料庫享有修改的權限            }catch(SQLException er){//捕獲錯誤 :: SQL錯誤               System.out.println("Driver can not get connection"+er.getMessage());               System.exit(0);//軟體正常退出             }//end_catch();           }


try {

        // Load the driver

        String driverName = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"; // MySQL MM JDBC driver


        // Get the Driver instance 擷取驅動的執行個體類

        String url = "jdbc:mysql://a/b";

        Driver driver = DriverManager.getDriver(url);

        // Get available properties 擷取可以使用的屬性

        DriverPropertyInfo[] info = driver.getPropertyInfo(url, null);

        for (int i=0; i<info.length; i++) {

            // Get name of property

            String name = info[i].name;

            // Is property value required?

            boolean isRequired = info[i].required;

            // Get current value

            String value = info[i].value;

            // Get description of property

            String desc = info[i].description;

            // Get possible choices for property; if null, value can be any string

            String[] choices = info[i].choices;


    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

       // Could not find the database driver

    } catch (SQLException e) {


Here's the property values for the MySql driver:

    Name(isRequired): Description

        default: default value

        choices: ...

    HOST(true): Hostname of MySQL Server

        default: a

    PORT(false): Port number of MySQL Server

        default: 3306

    DBNAME(false): Database name

        default: b

    user(true): Username to authenticate as

        default: null

    password(true): Password to use for authentication

        default: null

    autoReconnect(false): Should the driver try to re-establish bad connections?

        default: false

        choices: true, false

    maxReconnects(false): Maximum number of reconnects to attempt if autoReconnect is true

        default: 3

    initialTimeout(false): Initial timeout (seconds) to wait between failed connections

        default: 2


try {         DatabaseMetaData dmd = connection.getMetaData();         if (dmd.supportsTransactions()) {             // Transactions are supported         } else {             // Transactions are not supported         }     } catch (SQLException e) {     }


    try {

        // Disable auto commit 設定送出的為手動送出資料操作動作


        // Do SQL updates...

        // Commit updates 送出資料庫操作



    } catch (SQLException e) {

        // Rollback update 取消本次全部的資料庫操作



操作處理SQL Exception

try {         // Execute SQL statements... 操作SQL的語句     } catch (SQLException e) {         while (e != null) {             // Retrieve a human-readable message identifying the reason for the exception             String message = e.getMessage();                 // This vendor-independent string contains a code that identifies             // the reason for the exception.             // The code follows the Open Group SQL conventions.             String sqlState = e.getSQLState();                 // Retrieve a vendor-specific code identifying the reason for the exception.             int errorCode = e.getErrorCode();                 // If it is necessary to execute code based on this error code,             // you should ensure that the expected driver is being             // used before using the error code.                 // Get driver name             String driverName = connection.getMetaData().getDriverName();             if (driverName.equals("Oracle JDBC Driver") && errorCode == 123) {                 // Process error...             }                 // The exception may have been chained; process the next chained exception             e = e.getNextException();         }     }

查詢是否有SQL Warning 發生

try {         // Get warnings on Connection object         SQLWarning warning = connection.getWarnings();         while (warning != null) {             // Process connection warning             String message = warning.getMessage();             String sqlState = warning.getSQLState();             int errorCode = warning.getErrorCode();             warning = warning.getNextWarning();         }             // Create a statement         Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();             // Use the statement...             // Get warnings on Statement object         warning = stmt.getWarnings();         if (warning != null) {             // Process statement warnings...         }             // Get a result set         ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM my_table");         while (resultSet.next()) {             // Use result set                 // Get warnings on the current row of the ResultSet object             warning = resultSet.getWarnings();             if (warning != null) {                 // Process result set warnings...             }         }     } catch (SQLException e) {     }


try {

        DatabaseMetaData dmd = connection.getMetaData();

        String driverName = dmd.getDriverName();  // Mark Matthew's MySQL Driver

    } catch (SQLException e) {


//The best you can do is to use the URL used to create the connection: 最好的方法

    try {

        // Create connection from URL

        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

        // Get driver from URL

        Driver driver = DriverManager.getDriver(url);

    } catch (SQLException e) {



try {         // Get the fetch size of a statement         Statement stmt = connection.createStatement ();         int fetchSize = stmt.getFetchSize();             // Set the fetch size on the statement 設定傳回的行數         stmt.setFetchSize(100);             // Create a result set 建立一個結果集         ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM my_table");             // Change the fetch size on the result set 指定結果集的容量         resultSet.setFetchSize(100);     } catch (SQLException e) {     }
