
"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

author:Hibiscus said emotionally

Yesterday's Shanghai Magnolia Awards ceremony can be described as a star-studded ceremony, Wan Qian and Liu Yifei as special guests, presented awards to the winners, they were dressed in elegant dresses, exquisite makeup, outstanding temperament, and became the focus of the red carpet.

Especially Wan Qian, she is very beautiful and bright, and netizens say that she is in a unique state on the red carpet and has never missed.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

Sharp-eyed netizens found that at the Magnolia award ceremony, Wan Qian dyed the ends of her hair green, and netizens said that this was her unique way to respond to the rumors of her husband's cheating.

Indeed, in the past two days, there have been endless topics around Wan Qian's husband, and similar entries have appeared on major websites, such as Wan Qian's husband suspected of cheating, Wan Qian's husband cheated on Li Jiaqi, who played Xiaoyou in "Meteor Garden", the real situation of Wan Qian's marriage, and so on.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

Don't say it, Wan Qian's mentality is really good, the day before yesterday, the paparazzi broke the news that her husband was suspected of cheating, which caused her a lot of pressure, but yesterday, Wan Qian dyed her new green hair and shined on the red carpet.

Seeing Wan Qian's optimism and self-confidence, it reminded me of Su Gengsheng in "The Story of Rose" she played. In and out of the play, Wan Qian and Su Gengsheng have similarities.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

If the rumors of Wan Qian's husband are true, maybe Su Gengsheng's experience can give her some realistic enlightenment.

So how did Su Gengsheng, who was so bad in his original family, raise himself again, piece it together little by little, and then sew up the wounds of his soul, and finally bloom his own flowers?

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

Su Gengsheng was the original pain of the family

In "The Story of Rose", if the screenwriter gave all the good cards to Huang Yimei, then the cards that Su Gengsheng got were absolute, and the worst hand. Su Gengsheng lost her father when she was a child, and after her mother remarried, she was sexually assaulted by her stepfather, and her mother not only protected her, but even said such chilling words: "Fortunately, it was Su Gengsheng who sexually assaulted her, if it were a woman outside, how would we live our mother's life." The only close half-brother also refused to testify against her stepfather because of cowardice.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

has seen the evil of Su Gengsheng's mother, even a mother like Fang Xiewen doesn't feel disgusted anymore!

The reason why Su Gengsheng's mother did not protect Su Gengsheng was because she was deeply affected by the "husband-oriented", misogynistic, and patriarchal thinking, in her mother's heart, women are the appendages of men, and they cannot survive without men, and daughters, including themselves, can be victims of the family.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

The harm to the child by the toxic parents in the family of origin is like a toxin, which spreads to the child's body and mind, and the pain suffered by the child will also deepen with age.

is like the weak Su Gengsheng, under the deterrence of her parents and those insurmountable rules in the family, she can only obey unconditionally. Growing up in such an environment, she had low self-esteem, sensitivity, constant anxiety, fear of the bathtub and stepfather, and even psychological disorders, which forced her to suppress and hide and close herself, and did not dare to love.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

If Huang Yimei did not suffer anything in the first half of her life, the only biggest suffering she has ever suffered is emotional suffering.

And Su Gengsheng, the most suffering is the suffering of life, she has seen the darkest part of human nature.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

Su Gengsheng raised himself again

Su Gengsheng has seen the abyss of human nature, does not have too many expectations and illusions about human nature, and can understand and accept the imperfections of human nature, so she has a particularly strong sense of tolerance.

In other words, only by understanding the evil of human nature can we truly possess the goodness of human nature.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

In her friendship with Huang Yimei, she lent the silk scarf to Huang Yimei for the interview, and after the interview, she took the initiative to notify Huang Yimei to participate in the second round of interviews and take her to meet the general manager to introduce the company. Every time Huang Yimei's feelings are frustrated, she can comfort her as soon as possible and give Huang Yimei emotional support and understanding.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

She could empathize, saw Fang Xiewen's inferiority complex and sensitivity, and persuaded him not to be so controlling, telling him: "Since Huang Yimei chose you, she will not fall in love with others." She knows that this kind of emotion will affect the relationship between the two of them, and hopes that Fang Xiewen can give Huang Yimei more trust and understanding.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

She would tell Huang Zhenhua, who pursued him, that she had been sexually assaulted, and the reason why she told Huang Zhenhua was because she was open to the relationship, and she was not afraid of the future and went with the flow. One of the most important reasons is that she has already decided to report the case to the police and pursue her stepfather's legal responsibility.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

In the trough of life, Su Gengsheng is really admirable, her kindness and ability to understand people are really not simple. She accepted and faced the pain of her original family, no longer escaped or denied it, sent her stepfather to prison, sought professional help from a psychiatrist, and slowly became financial, emotionally and life-independent, and learned to make a complete cut with her original family.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

Su Gengsheng's redemption of himself is like a phoenix nirvana, full of pain and struggle, but it is also pregnant with hope and rebirth.

As Romain Rolland said, there is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of life, he still loves life.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

Wan Qian should be like Su Gengsheng and face herself bravely

Su Gengsheng's original family has a great influence on her, but when she becomes an adult, how to choose depends on herself. Whether it is Su Gengsheng in the play or Wan Qian who is suspected of cheating on her husband, you need to face yourself sincerely and bravely, stay optimistic and confident, work hard to act, solve problems calmly, come out of the predicament, and bring more wonderful works to the audience.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

Do ordinary people have problems with their family of origin? To be honest, in this world, how can there be a perfect person and a perfect original family, although the current family will not be as bad as Su Gengsheng. But the problems are actually more insidious, such as experiencing emotional neglect or indifference from family members, excessive protection and restriction by parents. Violence or punishment, unclear family boundaries or shirking each other's responsibilities, lack of support and encouragement, cold violence, high expectations and pressure, lack of communication, etc., this kind of growing pains in the original family, constantly accumulating, can make people explode one day.

"The Story of Rose" reflects reality, whether Wan Qian's husband betrayed her or not, Su Gengsheng has told her the answer

But in any case, the pain caused by the original family or husband is a woman's lifelong problem, and women must learn to raise themselves again when they are self-reliant and financially allowed.

If you can, watch dramas and read, exercise more, care about your health, cultivate several hobbies, improve your taste in dressing, develop the ability to love others, establish good interpersonal relationships, develop savings habits, maintain a positive attitude, and develop a new self.

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