
Blood sausage white flesh, starvation to death of individuals

author:Chef Wang's Food Diary
Blood sausage white flesh, starvation to death of individuals

White flesh and blood sausage

[Main ingredients and accessories] pork belly 1000 g

8 grams of sand kernels 1000 grams of pork intestines

Cinnamon 8 g Pig clear blood l000 g

West side cinnamon 8 g Salt 75 g

Purple Kou 8 g Vinegar 100 g

Cloves 8 g MSG 10 g

Sauerkraut shredded 250 g meat noodles 25 g

〔Preparation Method〕

1. White meat preparation method:

(1) Put the meat fork on top of the iron fork, grill it over medium heat, bake the oil slick, and bake the hair clean. (2) After soaking the roasted meat in water for 10 minutes, use the brush to brush 3 to 4 times, brush to clean the pollution, and lift it to wipe the sewage.

(3) The skin of the meat is downward, boil the pot under water, after the water is boiled, move to a low heat to cook for about an hour, until six or seven mature, extract the bones and bones, and then cook until it is cooked.

(4) Slice the cooked meat, each 1.3 to 16 cm long and 0.5 cm thick.

2. Blood sausage preparation method:

(1) Add 50 grams of salt and 100 grams of vinegar to the pork intestines, stir to see the white foam, wash the white foam and dirt with water, and put them in the refrigerator box for use.

(2) Take the blood that flows out of the slaughter of the pig, sit clear twice, and separate the clear blood from the mixed blood.

(3) Mixed blood and clear blood plus water 125 grams each, salt 10 grams, monosodium glutamate 1 gram, sand kernels, cinnamon, west side cinnamon, purple kou noodles 20 grams.

(4) Take the pig intestines out of the refrigeration box, wash them with water, tie one end with marlene, irrigate blood from the other end, after irrigation, tie the mouth, and then tie it from the middle, divided into two sections.

(5) Boil the underwater pot, cook for about 10 minutes, and see the blood intestine floating up and fishing out. Put it in a cold water basin and cut the cooked blood sausage into 1.3 to 1.6 cm slices with a knife.

3. Combine the white meat, blood sausage, sauerkraut shredded vegetables and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Dipping seasoning to eat: seasoning with soy sauce, leek flower sauce, chili oil, curd milk, garlic paste, shrimp oil, sesame oil, coriander powder synthesis.

〔Process Key〕

1. To choose the meat is tender, the thickness of the fat is appropriate, with bone and skin.

2. The roasted meat should be drained in water. Use hot water in winter and warm water in summer.

3. When cutting the meat into juices, cut from the outside to the inside while it is hot, cool it slightly back to the pot, and then change to another piece of hot meat to cut.

4. It is good to use pig blood to flavor, when enema, stir the blood up and down.

5. When making leek flower sauce, in addition to leek flowers, add an appropriate amount of tender leeks, apples, pears, cucumbers, etc., fragrant and delicious, with unique flavor; make chili noodles with chili peppers, first use a clean cloth to wipe the dust, cut into a fine circle with scissors, and fry the powder together into pepper oil, with a paste flavor.

〔Flavor characteristics〕

1. Pork is sweet, salty and flat. The protein content is 16.1 to 16.7%, and it also contains fat and ash. Sugars, calcium. phosphorus. Iron, vitamin b1, b2, c, niacin and other ingredients, with the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, suitable for fever injuries, thirst, thinness, dry cough, constipation, etc.; pig blood has the effect of tonifying blood, suitable for stroke vertigo. Abdominal distension, noisiness, cervical erosion, anemia, etc.; pig intestines have the function of replenishing weakness and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and are suitable for weak labor, diarrhea, diarrhea, thirst, frequent urination, pediatric chancre, etc.

2. This dish is red and white in color, delicious paste, diverse in taste, fat but not greasy, thin but not chai, tender but not broken, soft and tender, hot and cold, delicious and affordable, unique flavor, is one of the traditional dishes of Northeast Folk.

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