
The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast

author:Old Trumpet Battalion

Once upon a time, a song "Northeast People Are Living Lei Feng" triggered a flash animation trend on the Internet, witty and humorous lyrics, so that everyone can hum a few words "They are all Northeasterners, they are rich in Korean ginseng, they are rich in Pork Stew Noodles, they are all live Lei Feng... Jade flowers, on sauerkraut! "Sauerkraut here refers to "sauerkraut stewed white meat blood sausage", in the northeast, almost every household has to make white meat and blood sausage, but to say that the most authentic one has to be the old brand of the restaurant, that is the restaurant's home dish, but also the essence of a hundred years of history.

The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast

The original name of that museum is Jixingyuan, located in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, it can be said that in Shenyang City, no one does not know the old-fashioned museum. The museum was first founded in 1874 during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. The founder, Naji, has his ancestral home in Shenyang and is a Manchu Zhengbaiqi person. Naji has the habit of killing pigs and eating white meat and blood sausages according to the northeast folk and Manchu people every New Year's Festival, adding the variety of white meat and blood sausages on the basis of the original dishes such as the tip of the liver and the three kinds of slippery, and constantly improving and improving, and gradually the white meat sausages of "Jixingyuan" are famous and have been unanimously praised by customers near and far.

The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, Jixingyuan officially listed the museum, which was moved to Beijing when the Japanese invaded Shenyang, until 1957, when the museum reopened in Shenyang. Although it has gone through hardships, the taste of the white flesh and intestines of the restaurant's main dish is unchanged, and it is even more timeless.

The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast
The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast

There are two main types of traditional white meat operated by that restaurant: one is "steamed white meat". It uses pork belly on a thin-skinned and tender waistline, cuts it into 6 inches long and 4 inches wide meat cubes, washes it and cooks it in a pot until it is seven or eight times ripe, then fishes it out and let it cool. Then cut into thin slices and steam in a drawer for a while. The meat slices are slightly rolled, fat but not greasy, and the meat is rotten and mellow.

The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast
The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast

Another white meat is "white meat with tiger skin", which uses the same ingredients and knife work as steamed white meat, the difference is that after cooking the meat for four or five minutes, take it out and roast it on the stove to a golden brown, and then put it in the pot to cook. The meat slices are golden brown, and the meat is mellow and fragrant, fat but not greasy. That blood sausage is made of fresh pig blood, the casing is made of pig's small intestine and washed many times, the blood sausage is filled well, boiled underwater pot slow cooking, cooked out of the pot with cold water soaking. It is characterized by bright blood sausage, delicious and tender.

The main dish of the old restaurant, the white flesh and blood sausage loved by the people of the Northeast

The century-old shop is exactly the white meat blood sausage selected with such care, plus the production is fine, the seasoning is delicious, so the white meat blood sausage of the home dish is naturally to achieve white meat fat and not greasy, meat rotten and mellow, bright blood sausage, delicious and tender; when eating with leek flowers, tofu milk, chili oil, garlic paste and other condiments, more mellow and tender, hot people. I think this is also the secret of the old-fashioned restaurant getting better and better in the ups and downs of the past century.

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