
Jilin snack white meat blood sausage preparation

author:Anecdotes to see the world

With a unique flavor of white flesh and blood sausage, it has a long history of being known as Jilin Food Garden. The flavor characteristics of this dish are: white meat is as thin as paper, white and light, delicious and fragrant, fat but not greasy, thin but not chai, soft and tender, blood sausage crisp and tender, hot soup fresh and mellow, condiments are complete, winter is not cold, summer is not hot, hot people.

Jilin snack white meat blood sausage preparation

Delicious white flesh and blood sausage


Pork belly, pork belly, fresh pig blood


Water, salt, monosodium glutamate, sand kernels, cinnamon, monosodium glutamate, pennant cinnamon, purple hydrangea, clove, green onion, ginger shredded


1, with the skin of pork belly skin down with an open flame to burn the skin, soak in warm water for half an hour to take, scrape the charred skin, boil in a pot of boiling water, cook thoroughly with low heat, remove the ribs while hot, let cool and cut thin slices and plate.

2, the pig fat intestines are clean, the skin is turned inward, and one end is tightened.

3, fresh pig blood clarification, the upper serum plus 1/4 of the water, salt, monosodium glutamate and with sand kernels, cinnamon, edge cinnamon, purple cinnamon, purple hydrant, clove seasoning noodles mixed with stir well, pour into the pig intestine, tighten the seal, boil the pot with low heat until floating, fish out to cool slices, blanch in the water pot such as soup bowl, add green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate and other spices and broth, with white meat on the table.

Jilin snack white meat blood sausage preparation

White flesh and blood sausage preparation

When the white flesh and blood intestines were produced and by whom, it is difficult to verify. But the white flesh and blood sausage are inseparable from the Manchu folklore of sacrificing pigs for generations. There are two kinds of sacrifices connected to white flesh and blood intestines; One is the Han sacrifice of pigs to the gods, and the ceremony of "leading animals" and "ornaments" must be carried out at night. The ceremony ends before dawn.

The above is some specific practices about the white flesh and blood sausage of Jilin snacks, do you know it? If you know the practice of Jilin snack white meat and blood sausage and want to know more About Jilin Snack Method, then come to the cooking Internet café.

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