
Introduction to the Battle of Diaoyu City How many years did the Battle of Diaoyu City last?

author:Interesting history

Before talking about the introduction to the Battle of Diaoyu City, let's take a look at the world pattern at that time! The Battle of Diaoyu City took place during the reign of Emperor Jiayan of the Song Dynasty. As for why there was this war? Of course, it is directly related to the Mongols' deception. In order to be able to live a good life and achieve their goal of unifying the world, the Mongols began to attack the Southern Song Dynasty and European countries, so at that time, China could not help but be bullied by Mongolia, and Europe was also a battlefield for Mongolia.

Introduction to the Battle of Diaoyu City How many years did the Battle of Diaoyu City last?

The image comes from the Internet

The Battle of Diaoyucheng was a famous battle in the Song Dynasty and the Mongol Army, and this phrase is often seen in the introduction to the Battle of Diaoyucheng. It took place in present-day Hezhou, Chongqing, Sichuan. At that time, the Mongol army killed all the way without any effort, so they thought of simply not letting the king do it, so they sent an emissary to persuade them to surrender, and as a result, Wang Shu, the head of Hezhou at that time, was not happy, so arrogant that he could tolerate it, saying that the two countries fought each other and did not kill the emissary, but wang Jian, who was angry, killed the emissary.

Therefore, the Mongols were determined to take Diaoyu City, although the Mongols adopted a siege strategy, but the battle of Diaoyu City was hot and dangerous, so they were ultimately unable to capture, even if they cut off the diaoyu City from the outside world, but Wang Jian still relied on geographical advantages to firmly defend his territory, and always took advantage of its lack of preparation to attack the Mongol army.

Therefore, the Mongol army had no advantage in the Vietnam War, and the city could not be attacked. Coupled with the sweltering heat, many soldiers are already weak and weak. And their manager died of wounds. In this way, the Mongol Khan was left alone, but he was eventually wounded and died. Such an ending was unexpected by the Mongolian army. At this point, the introduction of the Battle of Diaoyu City has also been introduced.

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Outcome of the Battle of Diaoyu City

In the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty, the rise of Mongol power was very rapid, and a full-scale war broke out between the two, which ended with the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty and lasted for nearly fifty years. One of the wars that must be mentioned is the Battle of Diaoyu City. What was the outcome of the Battle of Diaoyu City? Was it the unexpected victory of the Southern Song Dynasty, or the smooth expansion of the Mongol hegemony?

Introduction to the Battle of Diaoyu City How many years did the Battle of Diaoyu City last?

Statue of the Battle of Diaoyu City

The Battle of Diaoyu City took place in 1259, when the Mongols swept through Europe and Asia with great momentum. Led by Möngke Khan, he launched an attack on Sichuan, where the Diaoyu City was located. Diaoyu City was dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, under the leadership of the defending general Wang Jian, the Mongol army was blocked out of the city gate again and again, coupled with the Mongol army's inability to adapt to the weather environment of Shudi, and finally retreated from Diaoyu City. The most direct result of the Battle of DiaoyuCheng was the heavy losses of the Mongol army and the death of Möngke Khan.

The outcome of the Battle of Diaoyu City also had far-reaching implications. The Defeat of the Mongols in this war led directly to the total collapse of the war to destroy the Song Dynasty, which lasted for another twenty years. The army responsible for attacking Sichuan also began to retreat, escorting the khan's coffin back to Mongolia. The other two armies under Kublai Khan's leadership proceeded smoothly as originally planned, but the impact of this incident also failed, and Kublai Khan also began to retreat for the position of Khan. In the larger context of the war, the Third Mongol Expedition to the West also came to a halt, and the Mongol expansion movement went to a low ebb and fell, and never invaded Africa. After that, Kublai Khan began to take control of the Mongols, and he gradually changed the policy of the Mongol army, so that when Diaoyu City surrendered later, the people of Diaoyu City were not slaughtered by the Mongol army.

The Battle of Diaoyu City lasted for many years

There were countless wars between the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia, and in these wars the Southern Song Dynasty was gradually defeated and almost destroyed. However, there was a battle that was a long-lasting guarantee for the weakened country of the Southern Song Dynasty, and this famous battle was called the "Battle of Diaoyu City", also known as the "Battle of Hezhou". To say how many years the Battle of Diaoyu City lasted, the answer is a long and unbelievable number - 36 years.

Introduction to the Battle of Diaoyu City How many years did the Battle of Diaoyu City last?

Diaoyu City is located on a hill called Diaoyu Mountain in hechuan District, Chongqing City. This mountain stands very prominent in Chongqing, with a height of only more than 300 meters. At the foot of the mountain, there is the confluence of the Jialing River and the Fu River, and there is a landform surrounded by water on three sides. Here is not only the steepness of the landscape, but also the convenience of transportation, through the waterway, you can reach almost any place in Sichuan.

Song Meng's battle of Diaoyu City lasted for many years, which attracted much attention, in fact, this war lasted for so many years and the location of Diaoyu City also had a lot to do with it. At that time, the Diaoyu City was stockpiling grain, and the military and civilians were bent on resisting the Mongol army invading to the north, as an important barrier to defend Chongqing, and also an important guarantee to hinder the Mongol army from invading the Song Dynasty to the east.

At that time, the Mongol invasion was approaching Chongqing, but it was hindered under the Diaoyu City of Hezhou, north of Chongqing. In the Battle of Diaoyu City, Möngke Khan was defeated, and the Mongol nobles fought in succession to the Khan's throne. Kublai Khan, who was on the Hubei front at the time, quickly retreated north to compete for the Khan's position, relaxing the invasion of the Song Dynasty and leaving him with respite. The impact of this war was enormous, it caused the Mongolian plan to destroy the Song Dynasty to completely disintegrate, so that the life of the Song Dynasty could be extended for several decades, it can be said that how many years the Battle of Diaoyu City lasted, the Song Dynasty had more years of rest and recuperation.

After Kublai Khan became the Great Khan, he promoted Sinicization, changed the custom of indiscriminate killing by the Mongols, and preserved a large amount of economic and cultural heritage in southern China.

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