
The Battle of Diaoyu City began and ended: Möngke Khan was defeated, the war against the Song was suspended, and the Great Song continued to live for twenty years

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Many people think that the combat effectiveness of the Southern Song Army is very weak, which is not true. As a simple example, since the Mongol armies embarked on an expedition, a country could be wiped out in almost a few months or a year or two. However, the Mongols spent nearly half a century in the campaign to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty! So why? This has to start with the Battle of Diaoyu City.

The Battle of Diaoyu City began and ended: Möngke Khan was defeated, the war against the Song was suspended, and the Great Song continued to live for twenty years

I. Causes of war

After the Mongol tribes were unified by Genghis Khan, their dream was to conquer the world!

Therefore, for some countries that do not submit to the subservience, all of them must be destroyed.

Thus, the Mongols embarked on a protracted expedition.

After joining forces with the Southern Song Dynasty to destroy jin, Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty naturally could no longer live in peace, so war inevitably broke out.

However, although the Southern Song Dynasty looked weak, it was not so easily conquered.

In the 22 years from the outbreak of the war in 1235 to the decision of Möngke to launch a large-scale war against the Song Dynasty in 1257, the Mongol army, although militarily superior, did not destroy the Southern Song Dynasty.

Naturally, this result made the victorious Mongols very uncomfortable, so a larger war was being planned.

The Battle of Diaoyu City began and ended: Möngke Khan was defeated, the war against the Song was suspended, and the Great Song continued to live for twenty years

Second, the course of the war

After some preparation, the Great Khan Meng Ge decided to take Sichuan and other places first, completely solve the worries of the future, go down the river, and then directly pound the Yellow Dragon to complete the conquest.

And if you want to take Sichuan, you must go to Diaoyu City!

As before, the Mongols sent emissaries to persuade them to surrender, and under normal circumstances, as long as they surrendered on their own initiative, they would not slaughter the city. Otherwise, the chicken dog does not stay!

Don't look at the overall military strength of the Southern Song Dynasty is not as good as the Mongols, but many people still have a backbone, so the Diaoyu City defender Wang Jian killed the people, and the war broke out immediately!

However, the diaoyu fortified city was not so easy to be breached, coupled with proper command, adequate supplies, and a single heart, which repelled several attacks by the Mongol army in succession.

Seeing that several attacks had been defeated, Wang Dechen, the vanguard general of the Mongol leadership, had a plan, "The siege is the bottom, and the attack is the top."

Then he began to persuade him to surrender, promising the high-ranking official Houlu, a look of "great righteousness and awe".

However, at this time, someone in the fishing city was uneasy, and told you to spew feces in your mouth, and suddenly threw out a flying stone, which hit Wang Dechen solidly.

It is estimated that this person must have been trained, and soon after being hit, Wang Dechen went to the Western Heavens.

After the Great Khan Möngke learned the news, he was really sad!

His sadness should be the same as Li Yunlong's weeping Wei monk.

In addition, this Diaoyu City could not be attacked for a long time, and many Xiao Yong generals had received the "hanging noodles", so they were very angry!

According to the records, in order to capture diaoyu city, Möngke personally supervised the battle in front!

The result?

He was hit by a stray arrow from the Song army and later fell ill and died.

However, whether the record is reliable or not is not certain, after all, the true cause of Möngke's death is still a mystery.

However, the situation of the Mongol army's war against the Song Dynasty this time has undergone great changes!

Because Möngke is dead, the rest of the heirs will go back to grab the Khan's throne!

As a result, Kublai Khan and Ali Buge, who were originally attacking the Southern Song Dynasty, all returned with their armies.

What else did you do when you attacked the Southern Song Dynasty?

The sweat position is really fat!

The Battle of Diaoyu City began and ended: Möngke Khan was defeated, the war against the Song was suspended, and the Great Song continued to live for twenty years

3. The impact of war

The impact of the Battle of DiaoyuCheng was great, first of all, it boosted the confidence of the southern Song Dynasty soldiers and civilians in resisting Mongolia, so that people knew that the Mongols were not invincible.

Secondly, after Möngke's death, the Mongol successors returned to compete for the Khan's throne, which won valuable respite for the Southern Song Dynasty, which was equivalent to indirect continuation, and even had a major impact on the war situation in Eurasia at that time. After all, the Mongol conquests were silent for some time thereafter.

Finally, many people say that the Battle of Diaoyu City changed history because Möngke died. This is debatable, but the new Khan Kublai Khan was indeed a more open man who would not slaughter the city without moving. If Möngke is still alive, I am afraid that after the Diaoyu City was captured, it was really a chicken dog that did not stay...

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