
Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

author:Map Emperor

Throughout the history of the Song Dynasty, both the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty were fighting with the nomadic forces in the north. First, the Northern Song And Khitan Liao State fought in youyun Sixteen Prefectures, and then joined forces with the rising Jin State to attack the Liao, and eventually both the Liao and the Northern Song Dynasty died in Jin.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

The Song Dynasty was driven to Jiangnan, the Jin army went south, "searching the mountains and inspecting the sea" to hunt down and kill the Southern Song Emperor Zhao Shuo, although the Southern Song Dynasty did not forget the Northern Expedition, but the Song court was willing to be peaceful, with Lin'an (Hangzhou) as the capital, lingering, and even did not hesitate to pay tribute to Jin.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

The Mongols rose on the plateau, the Jin Dynasty was defeated by the Mongol army, and gradually retreated, and the capital city repeatedly moved south to avoid the army. The last emperor of the Jin Dynasty died in the battle of the Song and Mongol forces at Caizhou City, and the Jin Dynasty fell. However, history repeats itself, and what awaits the Southern Song dynasty is the same fate as the Northern Song Dynasty. In 1234, after the Song and Mongols jointly destroyed the Jin Dynasty, in 1235 the Mongols began to invade the Southern Song Dynasty. In 1276, Lin'an Province was breached. In 1279, the Southern Song Dynasty was completely destroyed in the Battle of Yashan, and Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea with Zhao Fu, the emperor of the late Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty fell.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

Battle of Diaoyu City

After the Mongolian army invaded the Song Dynasty, the soldiers and civilians of the Southern Song Dynasty swore to resist to the death, giving the Southern Song Dynasty another decades of life. Among them, the most resolute and durable resistance is not Diaoyu City (located in Hechuan District, Chongqing). In 1258, the Mongol Khan Möngke personally led an army to attack Sichuan, all the way to the bamboo, but did not want to plant a big heel in Diaoyu City. Wang Jian of Zhizhou in the Southern Song Dynasty refused to surrender, and the Mongol army attacked Diaoyu City, not only could not break the city, but even the Great Khan Möngke was wounded by artillery and died. Diaoyu City "fished" to "big fish", known as "God's whip", delayed the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty. It was not until the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty in 1279 that diaoyu City, which had been held for 36 years, surrendered under the leadership of the general.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

Mongol Expedition to the West

In fact, before the Mongols attacked the Southern Song Dynasty, they had already risen and attacked the city everywhere, but their main direction of attack was to the west. Genghis Khan and his descendants had already carried out a large-scale expedition to the west from 1218 to 1223, conquering many parts of Central Asia, all the way to Persia and northwestern India. After Genghis Khan's death, while the Mongol army invaded the Song Dynasty, his grandson Batu carried out a second western expedition from 1236 to 1241, capturing Theros (present-day Russia) and reaching the Danube Valley. The third expedition was from 1253 to 1258, capturing Persia and the Two Rivers Valley to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

Kublai Khan destroyed Dali

For the southern invasion of the Mongol army, the southern Song Dynasty military and civilian resistance was fierce, and Möngke Khan decided to attack the Song from the west, and the soldiers pointed directly at dali. In 1253, Kublai Khan led his army to divide into three routes, go south for thousands of miles, completely annihilate the main force of the Dali army, destroy Dali, and complete the attack on the Southern Song Dynasty.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

Yuan Dadu City

Möngke Khan was shelled and died of his wounds at Diaoyu City, and Kublai Khan won the battle with Ali Buge for the Khan's throne and became emperor in 1260. In 1267, Kublai Khan launched the Battle of Xiangyang. In 1271, Kublai Khan changed the name of the country to "Dayuan", and the following year the capital was set at Dadu (present-day Beijing). In 1273, Fancheng fell, Xiangyang City was destroyed, and xiangyang city, which had been held for 6 years, fell into the hands of Meng Yuan, and the southern Song Dynasty was gone, and it was only a matter of time before it was destroyed.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

The Yuan Dynasty and the Four Great Khanates

Under the strong external expansion of Genghis Khan and his descendants, the Mongol Empire became extremely vast, centered on Helin and spanning eurasia. In order to control these areas, Genghis Khan divided them among his sons and formed four major khanates, namely Chincha Khan, Chagatai Khanate, Wokoutai Khanate, and Ilkhanate. The four khanates followed the Yuan Dynasty as their suzerain, but after the death of Genghis Khan, the major khanates began to drift apart, the Yuan Dynasty was difficult to control, the Chincha Khanate and the Ilkhanate gradually developed independently from control, while the Wokoutai Khanate and the Chagatai Khanate were still under the control of the Yuan Dynasty due to their close proximity. In 1309, the Yuan court and the Chagatai Khanate divided the Wokoutai Khanate. The Chagatai Khanate later fell into internal turmoil and was divided into east and west. The Western Chagatai Khanate was replaced by the Timurid Empire, which flourished and swept through Central and Western Asia before being destroyed by the Uzbeks. The Eastern Chagatai Khanate was destroyed by the Dzungar Khanate in the early Qing Dynasty, and the Dzungar Khanate was destroyed by the Qing Dynasty.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

The Yuan Dynasty province system

After the Yuan Dynasty entered the Central Plains, Zhongshu Province was set up near the capital, called Belly. In order to weaken the local government and strengthen the rule of the imperial court, the principle of staggering the teeth of the dog was used to divide the rest of the country into 10 provinces in the line, referred to as provinces or provinces, which have been used to this day.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

Peasant revolt at the end of the Yuan Dynasty

In the late Yuan Dynasty, the corruption of the government and natural disasters occurred frequently, and the people did not have a good life. From 1351 onwards, under the call of Liu Futong and others, peasant uprisings in various places rose and fell, and eventually formed a situation of division of the masses, such as Chen Youyi, Xu Shouhui, Zhang Shicheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, and so on.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

The Yuan Dynasty fell

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born from a cowherd, stood out and laughed to the end. In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, followed by the Northern Expedition to expel the Yuan court and capture Dadu.

Battle of Diaoyu City, Mongol Empire Expedition to the West, A Brief History of the Yuan Dynasty (11 maps)

Yuan Ting retreated to the north of the desert, known in history as the Northern Yuan. In 1402, the Yuan chancellor Ghost Lichi usurped the Northern Yuan to establish tatars, and the Northern Yuan perished.

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