
Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

author:Fat Fu's cabin

We all know that if you want to comment on the greatest scientists in history, you must be indispensable to Newton, but Newton is also known as the first cannon of science, and the people he sprayed were Hulk, Huygens, and even the church, Andaughton produced 1.5 million words of theological works in his lifetime, more than all his academic works combined, and Newton's reason for the church is why he did not allow others to read the Bible He also wrote some works of biblical criticism, the most famous of which is "The Historical Change of Two Famous Bible Errors".

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

The worst thing was probably Franstead, the director of the Greenwich Observatory, whose important observations were plagiarized by Newton. At that time, Newton was revising the second edition of the "Principle", and lacked astronomical observation data as an argument, so he asked Franstide, the director of the Greenwich Observatory, for his celestial map, but Franstide's celestial map was not completed, and he was perfecting his own data and correcting errors and omissions, so he did not want to disclose it, and it was even more impossible to publish it.

However, Newton falsely preached the holy decree and asked for data from the observatory on the grounds that the Queen of England had compiled a catalogue of constellations. Then the second edition of "Principles" was published, Franstead saw that he was going to die, so he went to collect all the published books, and Newton looked at it, and dared not give me face, and directly deleted the name of Franstide in "Principles"! And because Fransted's celestial chart was not complete, there were many errors, such as he recorded Uranus in 1690, but he did not recognize it as a planet, but registered him as 34 Taurus.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

Celestial chart

So Newton lashed out at Franstide, saying that he was not good, angry Flansted was depressed, and also expelled Franstide's good friend Gray from the scientific community, Gray is the father of electricity, discovered the phenomenon of electricity conduction, determined that some objects are conductors, some objects are not conductive, but Newton in the Royal Society as president of the society for 24 years, Gray only one article published in the journal, Newton also forbade the society to provide journals to Gray, Gray's scientific research talent is very high, If it is not excluded by the scientific community, the application of electricity should be able to be pushed forward not long ago! Of course, history is also fair, and Franstide's celestial chart was eventually named the Franstide nomenclature.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

However, Newton's best thing should be the battle with Leibniz about the inventor of "calculus"!

Leibniz, founder of Calculus. It's the one with the beautiful black hair below. Leibniz also made important contributions to logic and philosophy.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

The fundamental reason Leibniz and Newton pinch each other is that the two men have always declared themselves the inventors of calculus.

We all know that the fight between Newton and Hu Ke was the biggest scandal of Newton's life! When Hooke first studied the law of gravitation, he came to a more limited conclusion because of his mathematical ability. When Comrade Newton studied this, he found that all the mathematical tools available were not sufficient to draw broader conclusions. He did indeed cow, and as a result, he invented a set of mathematical tools to solve Hooke's unsolved problem, which was later calculus.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

Most importantly, Newton created calculus, known as the flow number method. But Newton did not make this invention public for most of his life, but merely circulated his personal manuscript among friends. Newton did not publish a book until 10 years after inventing calculus.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

Although Leibniz invented calculus later than Newton, he published his work before Newton. And invented a set of related, very perfect symbol system, operation system. He published his results in a number of professional journals, and his results have been widely used in Europe.

As far as Newton and Leibniz are concerned about the creation of calculus, although they differ in background, method and form, and have their own characteristics, the merits of the two are comparable. It stands to reason that there is no need for two people to pinch each other at all.

In this pamphlet, the Swiss mathematician De Dürer believes that Leibniz's calculus work borrowed from Newton, and Leibniz was further accused of plagiarism by British mathematicians.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

In early 1699, other members of the Royal Society (of which Newton was a member) accused Leibniz of plagiarizing Newton's work, and the controversy broke out in 1711. Newton's Royal Society announced that an investigation had shown Thataton was the real discoverer, and Leibniz had been denounced as a liar. But later, it was discovered that Leibniz's epilogue to leibniz was written by Newton himself, and the investigation was questioned. (Newton was president of the Royal Society, and it was normal for him to write the epilogue.) )

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

This created discord between the two factions of European mathematicians who supported Leibniz and the British mathematicians who supported Newton, and even attacked each other sharply.

European scientists quickly formed an "anti-bull" alliance, and John Bernoulli of the Leibniz camp challenged mathematicians throughout Europe with the "fastest descent line" problem, and sent the problem to Newton to see if Newton could solve it. Newton was furious and gave a solution overnight, punching John Bernoulli in the face and saying bluntly, "I don't want to be teased by foreigners on mathematical problems." ”

Leibniz then launched a series of counterattacks, and in 1711-1712 submitted two consecutive verbal protests to the Secretary-General of the Society, expressing his dissatisfaction with Newton (the president of the Royal Society was Newton... In addition to the Royal Society, Leibniz and Bernoulli teamed up to write anonymous leaflets and sent them to major academic institutions throughout Europe, expressing that Leibniz invented calculus.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

John Bernoulli

Later, the argument between the two people rose to the religious beliefs of the two people, and Newton looked down on Leibniz's "animism" and "theosophy", thinking that Leibniz's idea was a fool, he believed that God was such a cow, how could he interfere with the operation of the universe? He must have designed a perfect mechanism for the universe, and then gave the universe a "first impetus" to make it work—and then how human beings toss in the universe has nothing to do with God.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

Leibniz was also dismissive of Newton's view of the mechanical universe: "If God were to create the universe like a watchmaker, wouldn't he have to wind the universe regularly?" ”

The endless arguments between the two eventually intensified Newton's anger, and Newton then formed an eleven-member committee in the name of the Royal Society to deal with the dispute between the two.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?


Newton provided the committee with detailed information anonymously, from his early experience in calculus research to his correspondence with Leibniz (both of which were hammers), and these detailed statements and reasons were recorded, indicating that Mr. Newton was the first inventor of calculus without objection.

Even the Leibniz camp collapsed under Newton's powerful offensive: John Bernoulli was not afraid to confront Newton head-on after being punched in the face; King George, the elector of the Hanoverian court whom Leibniz served, and King George, who later succeeded to the British throne, came to England to avoid unhappiness between Newton and Leibniz, and did not dare to take Leibniz to London. Even Leibniz himself did not trust him enough, and Newton's side naturally felt more reasonable.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

Finally, in 1716, Leibniz died of illness, and Newton was content to delete Leibniz's name in the third edition of the Principia. The Royal Society's investigative report became Newton's most satisfying counterattack against the other side.

As a result of this incident, the two schools of mathematicians parted ways in the development of mathematics and stopped the exchange of ideas. To some extent, the development of mathematics was hindered.

Of course, this now seems to be particularly speechless, because long after the deaths of Newton and Leibniz, things were finally clarified, and the investigation confirmed that the two had indeed completed the invention of calculus independently of each other, and that the invention of the two of them in calculus had no reference at all.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

So we now see Leibniz and Newton as the founders of calculus.

No one is immaculate, and Newton's work in the field of science is indeed great, he described gravitational force and the three laws of motion. These descriptions laid the foundation for a scientific view of the physical world for the next three centuries and became the foundation of modern engineering. By demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's law of planetary motion and his theory of gravitation, he showed that the motion of terrestrial objects and celestial bodies followed the same laws of nature; provided strong theoretical support for the solar center theory and promoted a scientific revolution.

In mechanics, Newton elucidated the principle of conservation of momentum and angular momentum and proposed Newton's laws of motion. Optically, he invented the reflecting telescope and developed color theory based on observations of triangular mirrors diverge white light into the visible spectrum. He also systematically expressed the law of cooling and studied the speed of sound.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

Mathematically, Newton shared the honor of developing calculus with Gottfried William Leibniz. He also proved the generalized binomial theorem, proposed "Newton's method" to approach the zero point of the function, and contributed to the study of power series.

In economics, Newton proposed the gold standard. It can be said that Newton is indeed an all-rounder in scientific research! And Newton is indeed desperate in scientific research!

Newton did many bold experiments, such as staring at the sun for a long time to record the spots and flashes of vision. But the following experiment he did is really not something that ordinary people dare to try.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

According to Newton's account, he used a thick needle, pierced between the eye and the eye bone, and as far as possible to the back of the eyeball, and then used the top of the thick needle to compress the eyeball... The eye then sees many white, black and colored halos, which appear exceptionally clear when he rubs it on the eye with a thick needle, and disappears when he stops rubbing.

Newton Leibniz "calculus" controversy, who is the master of "calculus"?

Therefore, no one is perfect, we must look at a person dialectically, do not deify him, and do not be too demeaning!

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