
School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!


Today is September 1, 2017, the first day of school, breakfast is the most important of the three meals a day, in the past August, as long as I am at home I will make breakfast for my daughter and husband, with these pictures to record the past summer vacation of 2017, although August is summer vacation for most students, but my daughter officially started classes on August 1, Monday to Saturday is still in school late. These breakfasts are also so that the daughter can have enough energy to study in the morning.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is the breakfast of August 2, meat pine bread, white ear stewed bird's nest, yogurt, sweet orange.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is the August 3 breakfast: coconut flower-shaped bread, sweet orange, white fungus stewed bird's nest, steamed corn.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is breakfast on August 4: coconut flower type bread, sweet orange, white ear stewed bird's nest, banana shake and coffee.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is breakfast on August 5, 2017: dumplings, coconut bread, milk and sweet orange.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is breakfast on August 6, 2017: raw fried buns, lettuce, red bean rice paste, coffee and fruit.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is the breakfast on August 7, 2017 with dumplings, raw fried buns and yogurt.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is breakfast on August 8, 2017: sandwiches, yogurt, dragon fruit milk cubes.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is breakfast on August 9, 2017: taro pancakes, dragon fruit cubes, lettuce and cantaloupe.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is the breakfast of August 10, 2017: sandwiches, milk bird's nest and cantaloupe.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is the breakfast of August 11, 2017: peanut butter sandwiches, four seasons of beans and olives, minced meat noodles, cantaloupe.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is August 14, 2017 breakfast with bean paste pan cake and peanut butter toast. Red beans tonic blood, peanuts tonic kidneys, peanut butter can be made by themselves, I like a little peanut grain, feel that there are coarse peanuts to be real.

School has started, I miss my summer vacation with breakfast, and I still eat breakfast at home!

This is breakfast on August 20, 2017, with fried dumplings, red bean rose cake, avocado egg salad and milk.

That's all I did for breakfast in August, did you like it?