
What kind of woman is prone to cheating? A woman who is not financially independent and has no income

author:Su Yue - the separation of the third party

What kind of woman is prone to cheating? A woman who is not financially independent and has no income

Maybe when your other half persuaded you to quit your job and take care of your children and family,

may not have any malicious intentions, and even he never thought that one day he would cheat on the mistress.

So the promise of being good to you for a lifetime may be sincere.

He was willing to hand over the money to you, and he wouldn't let you run out of money to spend, and he did it at the time.

But people change, and you can't guarantee that nothing will change in this world.

What kind of woman is prone to cheating? A woman who is not financially independent and has no income

Before, an original partner told Su Yue that her husband cheated,

In fact, men's cheating is not sudden, and the wives may have expected it a little before.

Just like this original partner, she has been married to a cheating man for nine years, and in the third year, she began to quit her job and go home to be a full-time wife.

After giving birth to a child, I couldn't take care of my family and career, and the cheating man's mother was not in good health and needed to be taken care of.

The cheating man has just been promoted and raised, and the economic conditions are enough to support a family,

I hope that the original partner can temporarily quit his job and take care of the children while also taking care of the mother of the cheating man.

In the words of this original partner, the cheating man begged her to quit her job.

The cheating man promised a lot, such as all the wages were given to the original partner, and the salary card was all in the original partner.

He receives some pocket money every month, and the cheating man's mother has a pension, and this money can also be handed over to the original pipe.

In terms of money, the original distribution does not need to worry about it, and it will not let the original distribution run out of money, so that the original distribution will be in charge of the economy.

And the cheating man will not put the family on the original partner, and he will do a lot of things when he comes home from work.

This original partner agreed at the time, because of the child, because of family harmony, and because of love for cheating men.

Did this man do what he promised? And it did at first.

In the more than a year since the resignation of the original partner, the attitude of the cheating man has been very good.

Thanks to the original match as a whole, praise the original match, and meet any requirements of the original match.

The cheating man's mother also praised the original partner, who was also very filial and good at taking care of the family.

But the cheating man began to change later, and the original partner said that she didn't know what the nodes and factors of change were.

It may be that the cheating man's position has risen again and again, and the original partner has always been a housewife.

It may also be because the former spouse takes care of the children and the elderly, and when he is tired, he will lose his temper with the cheating man.

The cheating man coaxed the original partner from the beginning, to the perfunctory original partner later, and finally became dissatisfied.

In short, the cheating man still changed from "I will raise you" to "I raised you".

The man cheated on a female colleague, and after being discovered, he didn't admit it at first,

Later, the original partner came up with evidence, and the cheating man admitted that he also promised to break up.

was found to be broken, and the cheating man began to break the jar, saying that he loved the mistress and couldn't do without the mistress.

also threatened the original partner that he would divorce if he couldn't get by, anyway, he was not afraid of divorce.

What kind of woman is prone to cheating? A woman who is not financially independent and has no income

This original partner is very painful, and this pain does not only come from the betrayal of the cheating man.

It's more about her own unworthiness, her job was not bad, and she also had a lot of development prospects.

Even if it is not as good as the money of a cheating man, it can develop better.

It will definitely not be worse than the junior who cheated on the man, she chose to give up it for the request of the cheating man.

After so many years of dedication to the family, taking care of children and the elderly, and taking care of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of cheating men.

Even if the cheating man is busy with work, he no longer takes care of the things in the house.

When I got home, I was lying down, and I didn't help at all, and the original partner didn't do anything else except complain a few words.

is such a dedication, trying to maintain an extramarital relationship, but still not stopping the man from cheating.

Why do men cheat? Did the man cheat his original partner in the first place?

Many cheating men are indeed the essence of the problem, and the original partner married this man at the beginning, which is the biggest mistake.

But there are also a lot of cheating men, which are really slow and change over time.

People are really susceptible to the environment, which is why when men are rich, they are prone to being bad.

Because the people I came into contact with were relatively rich men, or rich men who had become bad.

Others cheated on the mistress, relying on power and money to enjoy extramarital affairs,

If a cheating man sees too much and is tempted a lot, he will definitely be tempted.

They will consider their wife's years of dedication, but they will also slowly rationalize their own behavior.

felt that they were raising their wives in return for their wives, and then began to cheat without any psychological burden.

In fact, a cheating man dares to cheat like this, because he believes that his wife can't do anything to him.

Because his wife is supported by him, he has no independent economy, and even if he loses his job for a long time, he may not be able to work again.

It is determined that holding his wife is the real reason why many men cheat.

What kind of woman is prone to cheating? A woman who is not financially independent and has no income

Finally, Su Yue suggested to the original partners, if you encounter this situation.

You have to have the momentum of a fish to break the net, but before that, you have to make yourself have this capital.

If you want to break the net, it's not enough to be alone.

You've got to have a weapon to make a hole in the net, and then try to break through the bigger hole.

You have to collect evidence of men's cheating, and collect the purpose of men's power trade.

If you think about it seriously, a cheating man will not only be divorced, but his career and reputation will be ruined.

If your wife has this ability, a cheating man will be afraid that your fish will die and the net will be broken.

If you also have an extramarital affair and don't know what to do, you can follow Su Yue and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Su Yue, an emotional mentor who can really help you solve your marriage problems.

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