
The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

author:Movie box office trailer

"Ramisu, carry it!" ——From the lines in Huang Xuan's mouth in the movie "Rifle Hotel".

Recently, three new films have been finalized in mainland theaters.

One is Makoto Shinkai's "Your Name. , which will be re-screened in mainland China on July 19;

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

One is "In and Out of Peace" starring Xiao Yang and Ayunga is scheduled for September 30 and will meet you on the National Day, the film is written and directed by Liu Jiangjiang, director of "Life Events";

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

There is also a comedy sci-fi film "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" starring Zhang Ruoyun and Zhong Chuxi, which will start in the summer on August 3.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

is a film that is being released, Brother Brown highly recommends "Rifle Hotel", although this movie is less popular, but the quality is good, in one sentence, that is, although it is defeated, it is still glorious.

In addition, Huang Xuan is impressive, he can be so handsome!

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

1. Box office.

On June 28th, it's Friday's new film opening day.

The market totaled 99.48 million, a sharp increase of 100% from Thursday, and the top three were "There is a Store in the Clouds", "Customs Front" and "A Quiet Place: Invasion Day".

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

There are three new films on the list this week.

The action movie "Customs Front" starring Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung received 24.27 million at the premiere, losing to "There is a Commissary by the Clouds" that was released for 7 days, and ranked second.

This movie, Brother Brown watched the movie for the first time, and it can only be said that Qiu Litao has made another decent movie, and there is still some distance from "Kowloon Walled City" and his previous work "Negotiator".

The box office feedback was also unsatisfactory, and the final landing point was about 250 million, which is not proportional to the investment cost.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

The third runner-up was the Hollywood sci-fi horror film "A Quiet Place: Invasion Day", which premiered on Friday and received 21.71 million, and the previous two works have been introduced in the mainland, and this one, like "Mad Max: Berserk Goddess", is a side story, which can also be regarded as a prequel.

The gimmick of the film is to create a silent world, that is, the law of "hanging when you make a sound", the film reverses the previous low-cost investment structure, and directly upgrades the special effects production in an all-round way, three or five monsters are not enjoyable, so let's form a group.

However, judging from the trend, the total box office of this film in the mainland may be the same as the previous two, about 200 million to 230 million, and it is still a little difficult to break through.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

"Rifle Hotel" starring Huang Xuan and Liu Yan had a box office of 4.91 million on Friday, plus the results of previous screenings, the premiere hit 30.46 million, ranking fifth.

To be honest, for this box office, it is basically a failure, the film was originally going to be released on the Dragon Boat Festival, but considering that the schedule is relatively crowded, and the subject matter is incompatible with the Dragon Boat Festival, it was forced to postpone it to this Friday.

During this time, the film company started a small-scale screening strategy for nearly 20 days, but it still did not create popularity, and the current box office of the film is only 70 million, which may be a small loss.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

2. Film reviews.

Recently, the mainland film market has been a little strange, Zhang Jiajia's "There is a Canteen by the Cloud", which has a poor reputation, but it sold 285 million in 7 days, and will eventually target a box office of 600 million.

Hu Ge and Gao Yuanyuan's "Stop-and-Go" Douban got 8 points of high reputation, but the box office was only 110 million, which was close to being released.

The same is true of "Rifle Hotel", but what Brother Brown wants to say is that to measure the quality of a movie, in addition to the box office, there is also the artistic value exuded by the quality of the film.

It is safe to say that "Rifle Hotel" is still glorious despite defeat!

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

This film is directed by Liu Bowen, which tells the story of Li Qing, played by Huang Xuan, who works at the "Home of Patients" Rifle Hotel.

Li Qing sent the "righteous heroes" to prison for ten years, and when he returned home after being released from prison, his father only took a look at him and was admitted to the hospital with a heart attack.

My sister and brother-in-law couldn't make ends meet, plus they were still pregnant with a child, and they could only make up 50,000 yuan for the operation fee of 200,000 yuan, and the remaining 150,000 yuan had to be raised by Li Qingrang.

At the entrance of the hospital, he met Aunt Xiumin, who was lost, and the badge showed that the Rifle Hotel was calling her. Out of good intentions, Li Qingrang sent Aunt Xiumin to the Rifle Hotel, where she met Ma Xiaolin, the proprietress played by Liu Yan, as well as a group of patients and their families.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

Li Qingrang was released from prison and re-employed, looked for several jobs, and finally was stuck on providing a certificate of no criminal record, it was obvious that it was difficult for him to find a job like this, at this time, he met Wang Daji, played by his old acquaintance Dong Baobao.

Childhood friend Wang Daji is engaged in demolition work, one of their lands, is the nail Hu Ma Xiaolin's Laifu Hotel, Wang Daji asked Li Qingrang to be an undercover agent, as long as the business of Huang Laifu Hotel, you can get 100,000 yuan commission.

So, Li Qingrang came to apply, Ma Xiaolin was talking about an angel investor at this time, all parts of the hotel had to be improved, and the staff had to be expanded.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

Laifu Hotel is a hotel next to the hospital, the charge is very cheap, it is calculated according to the monthly rent, most of the patients who come here are surviving for a long time, some are the patients themselves, and some are accompanied by their families.

Only after entering the blessing did I understand that in this life, death is not terrible, but waiting for death. This humble and dilapidated hotel is more of a depressive and desperate hotel. In Ma Xiaolin's words, the ultimate goal here is the "home for patients".

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

Ma Xiaolin used to be a cancer patient, her husband left him, she was alone with her children, stayed in Laifu, actively cooperated with the treatment, and finally recovered, the original owner died, so she transferred this hotel to her.

Because of the demolition of the Rifle Hotel, Li Qingrang, Ma Xiaolin, and various relationships with patients were mixed together. At the same time, working at the Rifle Hotel, Li Qingrang regarded this place as his home.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

"Rifle Hotel" explores the hospice care of patients' homes, the plight of those who have been released from prison returning to society to find a job and being discriminated against, the pain of their original family, the sad life scene of the old man Dink, as well as social issues such as violent demolition and punishment of rape and evil, as well as the transmission of Chinese filial piety culture and love.

No matter from any point of view, the quality of this film is good, with the shadow of "I Am Not the God of Medicine" and "Life Events", Brother Brown gave this film four stars, 8.0 points, it is worth recommending.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

3. Huang Xuan.

Huang Xuan used to give people a feeling of being a literary and artistic youth idol, and several big directors have praised him, such as Chen Kaige's "The Legend of the Demon Cat", Feng Xiaogang's "Fanghua" and "Only Yun Knows", etc.

After "The 93 International Train Robbery", Huang Xuan began to look for transformation, and in this movie, he carried out the ruffian to the end.

Li Qingrang is a multi-layered character, on the one hand, he has to raise money for his father's surgery and has to do hidden work, and on the other hand, after getting along with everyone day and night at the Rifle Hotel, the atmosphere here slowly melts him.

I don't know when he can't leave this place anymore.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

Although Li Qingrang was in prison, from the bottom of his heart, the reason he went to prison was to do justice, his father was ashamed of his imprisonment, and he always wore the "excellent teacher" watch that his father gave him, even if the watch was gone, he never discarded it.

His father gave him the name "Li Qingrang", which means that he is good like water and should not give up, and he doesn't want the word "let", so he changed his name to Li Sanqing, he longed for his father's approval, but he couldn't get his father's understanding and respect.

So much so that at Mr. Fu's birthday party, a bowl of black sesame paste made Sanqing burst into tears.

Also, send Liu Yan home, if the squirming feelings are about to leave, this cup of ramisu, you can carry it!

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

The final demolition battle is even more handsome! The ruffian has become brave and strategic, and he has done everything to eliminate evil, so unhappy!

In other words, Huang Xuan's acting skills have also been recognized by Wu Ershan, in the trilogy of "Zheng He Goes to the West", he will play Zheng He, and there will be almost no suspense at the box office.

The premiere hit 30.46 million, although "Rifle Hotel" was defeated, Huang Xuan can be so handsome

IV. Conclusion.

In the pet world, the name of Rifle is second to none, and in the movie, it is not a dog. Rifle Hotel is a home for patients who encourage each other, fight the disease together, are not afraid of the future, and always look forward to a new life.

Ignite a life that never gives up, let's live it well!

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