
Take the road of Sima Nan! Zhejiang University female students gave graduation speeches to the places where the motherland is most needed, but they have applied to go to the United States

author:Yu said that he was still resting
Take the road of Sima Nan! Zhejiang University female students gave graduation speeches to the places where the motherland is most needed, but they have applied to go to the United States

Recently, Yang Jinwen, a female student of Zhejiang University with excellent talent and good appearance, spoke on stage as an outstanding student representative at the 2024 Zhejiang University graduation ceremony, and she said in her speech: "I hope we are still tenacious idealists, and shine in the place where the motherland needs it most on the land of China I love......

But Yang Jinwen just got off the podium, and he was on the hot search: It turned out that soon someone on the Internet pointed out: Yang had already applied to study in the United States before!

In the comments of many people on the Internet, they are souring this excellent female college graduate: one thing in words and one thing in action; Inconsistent hearts and mouths, different words and deeds; The stage is fake and empty, and the audience is very real......

Actually, is that really the case? INTERVIEWER Isn't it just a college graduation ceremony, a bit like a reality show-like speech? In our society, throughout the ages, there have been countless people on stage, not all of them are so energetic, foaming and talking full of pomp, and the people in the audience, just listen to it, if you take it seriously, then you are either stupid, or too easy to be brainwashed!

Back then, when US President Clinton visited China and came to Peking University to give a speech and interact, a female student cadre of Peking University specifically raised a question of "freedom and democracy" and wanted to make things difficult for the US president, but later, who would have thought that this woman married a white man in the United States and gave birth to two big fat sons - this Peking University girl who loves the "freedom" of marriage so much, in her heart, really has a bitter hatred for the freedom of the United States? In fact, "the mouth says no, the body is very real" also!

Think about it again, some of the "traffic patriotic performance artists" that are very popular on the Internet - such as Sima Nan, Zhang Weiwei, Chen Ping, Xiang Ligang, etc., in fact, in terms of playing "famous double standards", which one can be the grandfather of Yang Jinwen's classmates?

Take the road of Sima Nan! Zhejiang University female students gave graduation speeches to the places where the motherland is most needed, but they have applied to go to the United States

Besides, Yang Jinwen just went to the United States to study, and no one said that he would not return to China in the future, right? Moreover, going to study in the United States is not necessarily completely contradictory to her sentence "to the place where the motherland needs it most", right?

The Qing Dynasty of that year, in order to save the dynasty itself, also specially opened up the first batch of Chinese students to study in the United States; After the reform and opening up of New China, the state also organized many batches of publicly-funded students to study in the United States -- to "study" in the United States, in a sense, it can also be regarded as one of the "places most needed by the motherland", right?

First, after returning from the United States, he can "master the skills of the master to control the country"; Second, even if someone doesn't want to come back, it can be regarded as one more person who "goes deep into the enemy's den", and even if there is one more overseas Chinese, it can also make our friends more all over the world, right?

Think about it, Sima Nan, who was praised by fans as "the first person in the great patriotic world", he could have gone to the United States more than ten years ago, and even if he was caught by the inferior elevator of the American imperialists, he had to secretly buy a small house of more than 250,000 US dollars in the United States.

Although Master Sima insisted that this was a rumor for more than ten years, he finally admitted that it was true and explained that "this is to invest in the United States and make money from Americans"; And after having a small house in the United States, Sima Nan's son also went to the United States to study piano, why didn't he see Da Sima's tens of millions of fans, and angrily scolded him as a "schizophrenic with a different personality"?

Master Sima, who claims to have more than 70 million fans and responds to every call, has become a super winner of "entering China without regrets in his life and living in California" - but when it comes to our classmate Yang Jinwen, he just said "go to the place where the motherland needs it most" in his speech, and then study in the United States, it has become "on-stage doctrine, off-stage business" - if you want to step on Yang Jinwen, let's spit out Sima Nan first!

Take the road of Sima Nan! Zhejiang University female students gave graduation speeches to the places where the motherland is most needed, but they have applied to go to the United States

There is also a famous "national teacher-level" professor like Zhang Weiwei, who is "far ahead in the clearance style", he himself says that "I have bought land and houses in foreign countries", and he also worked as a professor in a university in Switzerland where "chickens and dogs smell each other in the middle of the night". So, why should we be embarrassed by Yang Jinwen, a female college student who has just left the domestic school?

There is also Professor Chen Ping, who holds a high retirement salary in China, while saying to the Chinese people, "Our income of 2,000 yuan is higher than the quality of life of Americans with an income of 3,000 US dollars", but on the other hand, he has long been in the United States, lying in the big villa of his daughter who is married to a white man, and enjoying the decadent and declining life of the United States with lower quality than the Chinese.

Of course, these well-known professors of ours will educate students who speak and do things like them. And Yang Jinwen only went to a place where "the motherland needs to learn the most" - the United States, which is still the world's first power, but do you want to be such a "double standard" and criticize this "good student of the new era" of Sima Nan, Zhang Weiwei, and Chen Ping?

On stage, wearing colorful filters and saying the best words, the main thing is not to listen to your heart - but to the audience and the big people on the stage; As long as you listen to it clearly, you will be like Professor Zhang Weiwei, and you can put 180,000 yuan in your pocket for a class!

In order to be like Sima Nan, he can not only earn a lot of self-media income, but also keep showing his face in movies, concerts, and endorsement advertisements, so that he can have the money to pay tribute to the real estate tax in the United States every year!

Take the road of Sima Nan! Zhejiang University female students gave graduation speeches to the places where the motherland is most needed, but they have applied to go to the United States

But if you really believe their enigmatic smiles on stage and their ghostly words, then you have something wrong with your own brains.

In this world, it has always been said that it is the easiest and the most difficult to do! Netizens who regard those who use the technique of "beautification" to say big words, falsehoods, and empty words as idolatry, when you wake up, your idols are already lying in your most opposed American homes!

Of course, Yang Jinwen can also choose to say some sincere words when she speaks on stage, and even say some inappropriate "anti-ear advice", but will she have good fruits to eat? ——When we accuse children of not telling the truth in the front desk, in fact, it is those adults and our society that should reflect on and be criticized more than that!

a set of "double sets of kung fu" on stage and off the stage; the "two-handed skills" of the front hand and the back hand; the "two lives" of the same face and the same behind the scenes; A "two-faced man" who is "full of doctrines and a belly of business...... All kinds of people live in our world like a living fragrance, with such a rich and colorful real life mentor, can we educate Yang Jinwen less?

So, if you want to insult Yang Jinwen, please ask yourself first: Am I a two-faced person? Am I a man of my word? ——Especially the famous masters Sima Nan, Zhang Weiwei, and Chen Ping, they have to take off the masks they have worn for a long time, and ask themselves so much! [Original Comment: Yu Says It's Closed]

Take the road of Sima Nan! Zhejiang University female students gave graduation speeches to the places where the motherland is most needed, but they have applied to go to the United States
Take the road of Sima Nan! Zhejiang University female students gave graduation speeches to the places where the motherland is most needed, but they have applied to go to the United States

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