
A good cadre sent by Chairman Mao - Jiao Yulu

author:Listen to me

One day in the late winter of 1963, the cold wind swept the goose feathers and snowed all night. The entire county seat of Lankao was covered with thick white snow.

A good cadre sent by Chairman Mao - Jiao Yulu

As soon as the day was dark, Jiao Yulu, secretary of the county party committee, dragged the county party committee staff out of the hot bed one by one and went to the county party committee office for a meeting. Jiao Yulu said emotionally: "Comrades, you see, this snow is getting heavier and heavier, and the life of the masses is already difficult, and now it is definitely more difficult. At this time, can we bear to lie down on the hot kang with peace of mind? Jiao Yulu's eye circles turned red as he spoke. He paused and continued: "We will immediately take grain and money to the homes of the masses who are in difficulty in their lives to help them tide over the current difficulties."

A good cadre sent by Chairman Mao - Jiao Yulu

Jiao Yulu

Jiao Yulu's words seemed to light a fire in everyone's hearts. Comrades immediately took action. A comrade grabbed Jiao Yulu, who was walking toward the door, and said, "Old Jiao, the wind and snow are very big, and your body will not be able to stand it, so just keep watching the phone at home." Jiao Yulu didn't seem to hear it, and strode out the door facing the wind and snow.

Jiao Yulu braved the wind and snow to walk through one village after another, and came to Liangsun Zhuang in front.

Liangsun Zhuang has a low hut with two old people living in it. The old man Liang Juncai fell ill in bed, the old lady was blind in both eyes, the family life was very difficult, the most need for care and help, Jiao Yulu entered the village, did not say a word and looked down into this broken and dirty hut.

As soon as Jiao Yulu entered the house, he saw the dilapidated scene of the hut, and his nose was sour. He stepped over to the edge of the bed, sat down at the head of Uncle Liang's bed, and said, "Uncle Liang, how is your illness?" Life is difficult, right? We came late. ”

Uncle Liang opened his eyes and saw a strange face, but he was so kind and strange, so he asked, "Who are you?" Jiao Yulu replied, "I am your son." Uncle Liang asked again, "On a snowy day, what are you here for?" Jiao Yulu said, "Chairman Mao asked me to come and see your old man." Uncle Liang listened and said movingly: "Thank you Chairman Mao and his old man for worrying about us." In the first year, our village was flooded, but the side business was not bad, and everyone had food and drink. If this disaster had happened in the old society, I am afraid that my old bones would have rotted long ago! As he spoke, Uncle Shed tears.

When Lady Liang heard that it was a cadre sent by Chairman Mao, she was busy reaching out her hand and caressing Jiao Yulu in a hesitant manner, from her arm to her shoulder to her face. While stroking, he said, "Come, child, let me see the good cadres sent by Chairman Mao." My wife lives to this, it is worth it! ”

Jiao Yulu comforted the two old men and said, "If you two old people have any difficulties, just say it."

Uncle Liang said: "The government has just issued relief cotton clothes, and the team still wants to repair our houses, I don't lack anything, we can't always reach out to the government!"

Jiao Yulu listened to Uncle Liang's words and was deeply moved: What a good people! No matter how difficult their lives are, they are not willing to increase the burden on the state. Jiao Yulu took out 20 yuan and gave it to Uncle Liang and said, "Uncle, you take this money to nourish your body first." I will go back to the team and say, as soon as the day is clear, I will repair the house for you! ”

Uncle Liang took the money, and with tears in his eyes, excitedly took Jiao Yulu's hand and said: "In the old society, Chinese New Year's Eve, the landlord came to force the rent, so I had to hide in a foreign country and live in someone's cowshed. When the landlord could not find me, he smashed my pot and sealed the door of my house. Today, the Communist Party, Chairman Mao's good cadres braved the heavy snow and sent money to me. I will never forget the Kindness of the Communist Party and Chairman Mao in my lifetime!

On this day, Jiao Yulu and his comrades trekked dozens of miles in the university, visited nine villages, and comforted dozens of peasant families with difficulties in life. But who knew he was suffering from liver cancer! People said affectionately: Secretary Jiao has all the people in his heart, but he does not have himself.

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