
Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

author:Drama about history
"Extinguish the wind and sand, cure the salt and alkali, and focus only on the good of the people."

This refers to the spirit of Secretary Jiao Yulu who was desperately trying to control the sand dunes, turning the sand dunes into fertile fields, and focusing only on the people. No matter how long time has passed, Jiao Yulu's spirit and the concept of fighting for the people will not change!

Jiao Yulu's story is certainly familiar to everyone, and his deeds are deeply inspiring. Why was Secretary Kejiao prevented from holding a funeral by the people of Lankao? Today, I will take you to relive that touching and profound story again.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

"Is this god trying to kill me?" Jiao Yulu's father, Jiao Fangtian, was constantly crying on his knees at home.

At this time, the Jiao family had reached the point of starvation, and even so, they had to endure the continuous harassment of the Japanese puppet army every day to collect grain payments. Originally, there was an old mule in the house, but the mule fell straight to the ground after the staggering grinding, and never got up again.

The only valuable animal in the family was alive and dead, the Jiao family had no previous objects, watching the Japanese puppet army pressing forward step by step, Jiao Fangtian was cornered and chose to commit suicide at home.

However, Jiao Fangtian's death did not exchange for the stability of his family, and the Japanese puppet army did not let them go of their family, but forcibly requisitioned Jiao Yulu and escorted him to Fushun to dig coal for the Japanese puppet army.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

In the mine, Jiao Yulu did not have enough to eat, wear or warm, and missed his family every day. He tried every means to find a way out, and finally one night, Jiao Yulu pinched the time gap between the Japanese puppet army and fled the mining area.

When the Japanese puppet army found that there was a missing person in the miners' ranks, they immediately tracked him down and arrested him, and on the way to escape, he hid and suffered a lot. After experiencing many dangerous situations of nine deaths, he finally returned to his hometown. But Jiao Yulu was afraid that there were still Japanese puppet troops pursuing him, and coupled with another drought in his hometown, he simply took his wife out to escape the wilderness and went to the south.

Within a few years, we finally won the victory of the War of Resistance, and Jiao Yulu returned to his hometown and joined the Communist Party of China.

"I want to be on the front line and contribute." This was Jiao Yulu's first request after joining the party.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

After the Battle of Huaihai began, Jiao Yulu led a team of several hundred people to escort military supplies for the front line with small carts. At that time, the weather was severely cold, and the road was covered with ice and snow, making it difficult to move forward. Jiao Yulu did not flinch, he took the lead and pushed the cart to the road.

On the way, he saw that the team member Xiao Liu was still wearing a pair of straw shoes, and Jiao Yulu gave him his cotton shoes and put on his own grass shoes. Xiao Liu, a member of the team, was reluctant to change, and Jiao Yulu said: "It's okay, I am not afraid of cold by nature, and I will change back when I feel cold." ”

But on the road, every time Xiao Liu wanted to change the cotton shoes back to Jiao Yulu, Secretary Jiao always pretended not to hear. As they went on, more and more people were frozen to the point of unconsciousness, and even then none of them had ever taken munitions or cotton clothes for soldiers.

After liberation, Secretary Jiao actively participated in the work, after several years of grassroots training, Secretary Jiao was transferred to the machinery factory to participate in the work, and it was also this experience that Jiao Yulu suffered from liver disease.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

When Jiao Yulu first came to Lankao, he saw heartbreaking scenes: endless desert wind and sand; flooding low-lying areas; and saline lands where weeds did not grow.

Because this kind of land can not grow grain at all, coupled with the devastation of floods, many fields have no grain at all. Many people are hungry and have to flee the wilderness, hoping to survive elsewhere.

Witnessing the tragic situation of many people and experiencing many similar sufferings, he is determined to help Lankao and change everything here. Jiao Yulu knew in his heart that if he wanted to make the masses live a good life, he would have to eliminate these natural disasters. In order to control the increasingly serious natural disasters such as wind and sand, salinity, and floods, Jiao Yulu led the people of the county to continuously help themselves.

Secretary Jiao persisted in seeking truth from facts, took the mass line, and struggled together with the masses of Lankao County.

He went to check the disaster situation of the communes every day, and when it rained and flooded, he did not fear danger and went deep into the waist-deep water; he also inspected the areas seriously affected in the wind and sand weather; and constantly inspected and studied the management methods of saline-alkali land.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Under his constant investigation and study, Secretary Jiao thought of a way to solve these three natural disasters: using a large amount of silt to crush the sand dunes and planting paulownia trees.

Why would people cover the desert with silt and plant paulownia trees? Because this kind of tree can be planted on the sand, it grows quickly, and within a few years it can grow into a large tree, which can both block the wind and fix sand. Not only that, paulownia can be transplanted every year, and the cost of planting is very low. Silt cover sand dunes can effectively alleviate wind and sand weather, and silt has more nutrients, which can better plant trees and farmland.

After determining this plan to resist the disaster, Secretary Jiao issued an anti-disaster plan to the whole county, so that the people of the county could mobilize to solve the disaster. However, at the beginning, this method did not go well, and many people were not enthusiastic, they felt that the disaster in Lankao was irreparable, and they were unwilling to participate in it, wasting their time in vain.

Secretary Jiao saw their thoughts, and he began to visit them continuously, trying to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses, and personally went to the front line of disaster relief, eating and living with the masses every day, and rallying himself and the masses together.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Gradually, Secretary Jiao's down-to-earth work and eagerness to change Lankao's attitude were recognized by the Lankao masses, who felt that Secretary Jiao was not a person on paper, but sincerely wanted to change The environment of Lankao.

Once, Secretary Jiao and Liu Junsheng, a press officer in Lankao, went to the Xugongzhuang production team of Chengguan Commune to visit and investigate. Before leaving, Secretary Jiao specially explained to Liu Junsheng to bring a good camera, and after the two arrived at the production team, Secretary Jiao went to the field like an ordinary farmer to do work. Liu Junsheng wanted to use his camera to shoot this scene, but Jiao Yulu waved his hand and said: Don't shoot me, it is enough to photograph the masses in the field.

Liu Junsheng was puzzled and thought: What is there to shoot? It may be that Secretary Jiao saw Liu Junsheng's doubts and said to Liu Junsheng in a serious tone: "Didn't you pay attention to it every time we went to the countryside?" When the masses see you taking pictures, they will all be full of spirits and full of fighting spirits, so every time I will ask you to hold the camera, so that the masses can have motivation. ”

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Liu Junsheng understood Secretary Jiao's good intentions, and in the days that followed, he took thousands of photos of the masses. To this day, many of these photographs are displayed in the exhibition halls of Lankao County.

Originally, everything was going in a good direction, but in the early winter of 1963, Lankao suffered a snow disaster. The snow fell from nightfall until early the next morning.

The snow fell overnight, and Secretary Jiao was anxious all night.

The next day, when the snow was still not stopping, Secretary Jiao could not resist going door to door to shout several county party comrades up. Among the people who were shouted up were Liu Junsheng.

Secretary Jiao said to Liu Junsheng: "You remember what I said, and I will inform all the people of the commune production team in a moment." ”

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Secretary Jiao said that all party members and cadres and comrades of the commune production team must visit every household in their area of responsibility to see if there are any families whose houses have been damaged due to snow, and if they find that the affected families have settled them. And to see the economic losses of each family, such as cattle and sheep, the most valuable in the homes of the masses, we must check the death of livestock in time to facilitate the county party committee to make statistical compensation.

Secretary Jiao asked everyone not to talk loudly in the county party committee, but to be down-to-earth, go to the scene to conduct command, and participate in the rescue.

After saying that, he took a few colleagues to various villages, sent relief funds to the disaster victims, arranged for people to repair the houses of the victims, and won the snow disaster not affect the lives of the masses too much.

Jiao Yulu waded through the snow-flooded road and visited nine villages in a row, visiting the people in the villages. However, he did not have time to roast the masses and drink a mouthful of water from the masses.

In the afternoon of the visit, Secretary Jiao came to the home of the elderly Liang Juncai of LiangSun Zhuang. The old man is old, and his wife has long been blind. The old man asked, "Who are you?" What's going on at my house? ”

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Jiao Yulu said: "I was sent by the county to visit your old man's home, the snow is too heavy, do you need any help at home?" Say it though. ”

The old master was moved to tears and said, "Before liberation, the landlord kept squeezing me, so that I had no place to live, and there would be someone who would take care of our lives or deaths." Now it is different, the party can remember our old two, or the party is good, socialism is good. ”

Jiao Yulu is very concerned about the people, but he has extremely high requirements for his family.

Jiao Jianguo, the son of Secretary Jiao, went to the movie and said that he was the child of the secretary's family, and the people in the theater did not charge him money.

Jiao Yulu was very angry after learning about this matter, and immediately asked the child to go to the theater to apologize and pay for the ticket, and he also reviewed it at the meeting. Later, he made rules that explicitly prohibited anyone from watching a movie without buying a ticket and going through the back door.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Jiao Shouyun, the second daughter of Secretary Jiao, recalled her father: "My father earned more than one hundred yuan a month, which was not less at that time. But he had to support our six children, support his grandmother and grandmother, and constantly help the people in need, and his life was always bad. But no matter how difficult life was, he never exchanged the convenience of his position for any benefit. ”

Jiao Shouyun also said: "When I was a child, someone came to bring food to our family, but my father directly refused. When the county wanted to give our family some subsidies, Secretary Jiao resolutely did not want it, and his father said that he should first focus on the masses, and some people had more difficulties at home and could not take it themselves. ”

As Jiao Shouyun said, Secretary Jiao has not sought selfishness for himself in his life. Until his death, Jiao Secretary's futon was torn to 78 patches and he was reluctant to change it.

Many people who have intersected with Jiao Yulu know that Secretary Jiao's health is not good. Jiao Yulu suffered from hepatitis before he became secretary of Lankao, and working day and night in Lankao made Secretary Jiao's condition more serious.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Colleagues often saw him pressing his stomach and taking medicine every day that he did not know what to cure. There were many colleagues who advised Jiao Yulu to go to the hospital for examination, but Secretary Jiao only verbally agreed and never went to the hospital for examination.

Secretary Jiao's secretary Li Xianhai recalled: Every time Secretary Jiao's stomach hurts, he will put a teacup in the liver and press it hard. This relieves the pain.

Secretary Jiao was not in good health, but still did not listen to the advice of the people around him, and every time he was persuaded by his colleagues and family members, he first promised to deal with the past, and turned his head and forgot about it. After such a hard resistance for a period of time, Secretary Jiao fainted when he held a meeting with colleagues to study the next step of the anti-wind and sand planting plan. The surrounding colleagues rushed Secretary Jiao to the hospital.

Although Secretary Jiao was sent to the hospital, it was heart-wrenching that after a detailed examination by the doctor, it was found that Secretary Jiao had suffered from liver cancer. Because of the lack of early hospital examination, liver cancer has worsened to an advanced stage, and everyone is helpless. The doctor said that his time was running out and that all he could do now was to alleviate his pain through medication.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Jiao Yulu suffered from illness before his death. Because of the cancer, his liver was in excruciating pain, causing him to scream at one point. Even so, Secretary Jiao prevented the doctor from prescribing medicine and injections for himself, and he was reluctant to spend more money on himself.

Despite the physical devastation, Secretary Jiao was still worried about Lankao's anti-wind and sand relief situation. He asked his wife to contact his colleagues to inquire about the situation, and when she told him that the disaster relief in Lankao was progressing well and that families could have a good harvest this year. Hearing this news, Secretary Jiao, who could not eat anything originally, also had a big appetite and ate.

When Secretary Jiao was at his weakest, he also asked people to call colleagues from the county party committee and tell him: "Don't spend money for me, Lankao's economic situation has not yet improved." Remember the variety of paulownia trees, and strive to make the natural disasters here disappear in a few years. ”

Secretary Jiao's health deteriorated, and he finally left us in mid-May 1964 under the torment of illness. In order to commemorate Secretary Jiao, the people of Lankao built a martyrs' cemetery on the sand dunes on the edge of the county seat and buried Secretary Jiao here so that he could see Lankao in the future.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

On the day of Secretary Jiao's funeral, countless Lankao people spontaneously sent him off. Crowds of people from all directions on the road were shouting: "Wait a minute, don't bury Secretary Jiao." ”

The reason why they shouted like this was that they hoped to rush to see Secretary Jiao Yulu for the last time before the funeral.

Many others stopped the funeral procession at that time and presented flowers to Secretary Jiao. Suddenly, the whole street was filled with the sound of people crying and weeping.

The disaster relief measures formulated by Secretary Jiao have brought endless changes to Lankao. Large and small sand dunes, strong wind sand, saline areas are all covered by large areas of trees and green forests, and the original desolation has long since dissipated. Windswept sand, flooded land and saline fields are saved by these paulownia trees. The paulownia tree he planted in those years has now grown into a towering tree, so that today's Lankao has gone from the original no one is willing to stay to the current stable economic development, from the weeds in the field to the current rice and flowers. Everyone in Lankao loves and thanks Secretary Jiao, and to this day, the people of Lankao still remember such a people's secretary, and it is he who has made Lankao change today, so that Lankao people can live a good life.

Why did the people of Lankao prevent Jiao Yulu from being buried? He died at the age of 42 and patched the bedding with 78 patches

Jiao Yulu's spirit constantly influences us, and only with the qualities of hard work and fearlessness like Jiao Yulu can we realize our great Chinese dream.

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