
"Jiao Yulu" ‖ a very simple but thoughtful collection of scripts

author:That flower review book

Because it is simple, true, and rough, it can reflect profound thoughts and huge energy.

From the end of 1930 to the spring of 1966, it was the golden period of creation belonging to Zhao Shuli, a modern novelist, people's artist, and founder of the yam egg pie. During this period, he created a large number of literary works, including novels, operas, poems, miscellaneous essays and other more than 2 million words. His representative works of fiction include "Three Mile Bay", "Little Erhei Marriage", "The Change of Li Jiazhuang", "Li YoucaiBan" and so on.

In this article, I will share a collection of Zhao Shuli's scripts - "Jiao Yulu". This book contains five operas, namely: "Han Yuniang", "Vientiane Building", "Two Worlds", "Ten Mile Shop", and "Jiao Yulu".

"Jiao Yulu" ‖ a very simple but thoughtful collection of scripts

In the script of "Jiao Yulu", because of the era in which the author lived at that time, he only began to create three plays of "Jiao Yulu".

From the overall point of view, this collection of plays fully reflects the author's deep-rooted feelings for the countryside and farmers who were born in the countryside, grew up in the countryside, and are deeply rooted in the countryside. And when he used this simple emotion to jump into the literary works with his frank and generous handwriting and the unique colloquial words of the north China countryside, it achieved the greatness of his thoughts and works.

When I finish reading each script, my mind will be full of thoughts, and I can't help but admire the author's delicate observation and artistic techniques created by combining the original and simple folk style.

"Jiao Yulu" ‖ a very simple but thoughtful collection of scripts

The content of each script in this book can be endlessly evocative, if I have to choose one to elaborate, then I will choose "Han Yuniang".

"Han Yuniang" tells that the bitter woman Han Yuniang was promised by the traitor Zhang Wanfu and Ma Erhu to the minfu Chen Pengju in order to restrain Chen Pengju, but the treacherous plan discussed by the two traitors unexpectedly contributed to a good thing. When Han Yuniang learned that Chen Pengju was a promising young man, she persuaded her husband to flee. As a result, Chen Pengju escaped from the tiger's mouth alone and became famous a few years later.

However, because Han Yuniang originally escaped to cover her husband, she was sold to the rich man by the traitors again, and the good fortune in misfortune was that Han Yuniang successfully escaped from the rich man's house by chance and was taken in by the well-wisher Liu Family. Since then, Han Yuniang has called Liu Shi a righteous mother.

For a long time in her life of missing her husband and fleeing, Han Yuniang was physically and mentally haggard. Unexpectedly, when she and her husband Chen Pengju met again, it became a day of farewell.

"Jiao Yulu" ‖ a very simple but thoughtful collection of scripts

This script reflects the feudal, oppressive, backward and helpless scenes of that era. And Han Yuniang was also a rare woman of that era, she was willing to put aside her happiness and safety, and desperately saved her husband to make greater contributions to the people. Her righteousness is admirable, and at the same time, her experience is also regrettable.

Such works are born at the bottom and in the most authentic places, so they are more impressive. From the scene of the oppression of the people at the bottom to the scene of resistance, it reflects the indomitable spirit of the people at the bottom. At the same time, this script also reflects the moths of the society at that time from the side, such as traitors and rich men, such people are lustful, the same people are one country, but there is no country and nation in their hearts, like the ants that destroy the dam, which is really hateful.

"Jiao Yulu" ‖ a very simple but thoughtful collection of scripts
"Jiao Yulu" ‖ a very simple but thoughtful collection of scripts

Several other scripts in this book are also very delicately described, and the ideas are also very profound, and interested friends can go to the book to read it carefully.

If you want to understand the rural history of our country in the 1940s, you can't help but read Zhao Shuli's works.

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