
Zhu Yawen told his father that he had received a movie called "Chosin Lake" but did not consider whether to participate

author:Zhou Hang Media

One day, Zhu Yawen called his father: "Dad, I recently received a movie called "The Battle of Chosin Lake", which tells the story of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. I haven't thought about it yet. On the other end of the phone, Zhu Calm's father suddenly became anxious. He said, "What are you still thinking about?" You must be involved in this project! ”

Zhu Yawen told his father that he had received a movie called "Chosin Lake" but did not consider whether to participate

It turned out that Zhu was born into a military family, and his family had strong patriotic feelings!

Zhu Yawen, born in 1984 in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, his grandfather was a soldier, his father was also a soldier, he became a prosecutor after retirement, his mother was a university teacher, so he was very strict with him from childhood, but he had a literary and artistic heart, secretly watched TV dramas, wrote poetry, and later studied vocal music.

Zhu Yawen told his father that he had received a movie called "Chosin Lake" but did not consider whether to participate

However, when he was admitted to college, he applied to the acting department. In 2002, he was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and became a classmate of Liu Yifei. In fact, his starting point is not low, in his sophomore year, he filmed the TV series "Sunshine and Rainy Season". At the age of 19, he entered the entertainment industry, and also met the beautiful rich woman Pan Yutong at school, and the two talked very engaged and gradually fell in love with each other.

Zhu Yawen told his father that he had received a movie called "Chosin Lake" but did not consider whether to participate

Later, Zhu Yawen filmed a lot of scenes, but none of them were very popular. His girlfriend Pan Yutong accompanied him through the most difficult period. Until 2006, Zhu Yawen accompanied his girlfriend Pan Yutong to the interview of the crew of "Breaking into Kanto", and the assistant director looked at him and said: "There is no role suitable for you here!" He was fired without even looking at his resume. He was about to leave when he accidentally bumped into the shoulder of general manager Zhang Xinjian.

Zhang Xinjian looked at this angular and sharp-eyed boy, who was very suitable for playing a role in the play, so he stopped Zhu Yawen and asked, "Which school did you graduate from?" Zhu said, "Beijing Film Academy!" After hearing this, he decided to let Zhu Yawen give him a resume.

After reading the resume, the general manager chatted with Zhu Yawen for half an hour and decided to let him play the third Zhu Chuanjie.

However, he pasted the photo of the three brothers of the Zhu family on the wall, thinking that Zhu Yawen was more suitable for playing Zhu Chuanwu, but at that time it was decided that Qi Kui would play Zhu Chuanwu, so the director asked the makeup artist to give Zhu Ya cultural makeup. But after dressing up, Zhang Xinjian immediately decided: "Chuanwu is him!"

Zhu Yawen told his father that he had received a movie called "Chosin Lake" but did not consider whether to participate

In this way, Zhu Yawen played the role of Zhu Lao'er, who had a distinct personality.

In fact, Zhu Chuanwu did not die in the play, and he was very happy with Xian Er, but once the screenwriter Gao Mantang went to the crew to explain the story, and Li Youbin, who played Zhu Kaishan, said: "So many people have sacrificed for Lao Zhu's family, but Lao Zhu's family is getting better and better, and it is impossible to say that a person is not dead."

Gao Mantang thought that this was reasonable, and after thinking about it, he decided to let Zhu Chuanjie, played by Zhu Yawen, die.

Zhu Yawen told his father that he had received a movie called "Chosin Lake" but did not consider whether to participate

When Zhu Yawen heard the wind, he was still thinking about continuing to play the next movie, and he panicked. Why did he suddenly write himself to death? So he took the hairy crab to the screenwriter Gao Mantang and asked, "Can you not let me die!" Gao Mantang shook his head and said, "Although he ate your crab, you must die!"

After the script was revised, Zhu Chuanwu died heroically on the anti-Japanese battlefield.

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