
Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness

author:Foraging in the market

Han Meijuan, a mudslide in the short video industry, formerly known as "Han Peiquan", was born in the northeast in 2000, with the golden sentence "There must be a cause and an effect, your retribution is me", "remember to double-click Mo Mo Da", as well as exaggerated actions, makeup, and magical voices quickly became popular on the Internet. In front of the camera, he is Han Meijuan, who plays the "alien" with heavy makeup, and behind the camera, he is sunny and handsome, han Peiquan, who blossoms in suffering, this tragic Internet celebrity with a two-sided life, and gets a life script that is much more difficult than ordinary people.

Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness

Unlike the stars and Internet celebrities who strive to show their beautiful side on the Internet, Han Meijuan often shows people in front of the camera as a "big mother", wearing a disorganized wig and makeup that can't bear to look directly, to "dress up ugly" out of the circle, many netizens think that Han Meijuan is a "jumping beam clown" and "black smoke miasma" on the Internet, but what few people know is that behind Han Meijuan, what is hidden is a post-00 boy facing the pressure of life, as well as an optimistic and positive attitude to life.

Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness
Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness

Han Meijuan is not the strange "big mother" we see, but a handsome and sunny big boy, but the heavens did not take care of him, as soon as he was born, he was diagnosed with congenital "rabbit lips", the condition was once so serious that his family thought he could not survive, and he did not go to the hukou after birth, facing a family full of disciples and a poor family, Han Peiquan's mother left him less than a month after his birth, leaving only Han Peiquan and his seriously ill father and elderly grandmother.

Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness
Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness

Young Han Peiquan from a young age knows how to use his own small shoulders to carry this big family, in addition to the hardships of life, the pain caused by the disease, when he was a child, he was often affected by the strange eyes and ridicule of others because of the "rabbit lips", Han Peiquan, who should have been playing freely in the sun, began to be sensitive and introverted, but under the company and encouragement of his grandmother, Han Peiquan began to be brave and confident, not afraid of the doubts and looks of others.

Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness

At the age of 13, Han Peiquan's father died of illness, leaving him and his grandmother to rely on each other for their lives, and he liked music since he was a child, and he was admitted to the Beijing Modern Conservatory of Music with his own efforts, but at this time, his grandmother was already plagued by old age and illness, in order to treat his grandmother, Han Peiquan decided to take a break from school to make money.

As long as you keep the original intention, you will always get the gift of hard work, in 2019 Han Peiquan entered the vibrato with the image of "Han Meijuan", perhaps the "ugly" is too unique, or his "golden sentence" is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, in just a few days the fans have exceeded more than five million, becoming the traffic responsibility on the vibrato, many stars on the Internet, such as He Jiong, Yang Di, Qiao Xin, etc. have "followed the trend", learning "Han Meijuan" a trick, so Han Meijuan not only earned money for her grandmother's treatment, but also became an Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans.

Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness

Han Meijuan's style began to be gradually accepted by everyone, he did not have any family background, but by his own efforts to make life sweet, no one thought that at first it was only to treat his grandmother to become an Internet celebrity, but he was loved by everyone, some people said that he was "ugly" for the sake of red unscrupulous means, but personally believe that although his style is exaggerated, some of the meaning of bo eyeballs, but such filial piety is worthy of everyone's affirmation.

This year, Han Peiquan is well known to more netizens with "Creation Camp 2021", on the show, Han Peiquan frequently produces golden sentences, bringing a lot of laughter to everyone, and even with a song "Tightrope Walker" to surprise the four seats, let everyone see his different side, netizens also exclaimed: Originally thought it was bronze, the result is a king.

Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness

After becoming famous, Han Peiquan did not "forget the roots", he knew the difficulties of congenital cleft lip and palate patients, so since he became popular, he has been participating in many public welfare projects, and often calls on the public in live broadcasts and programs to give more care to patients with cleft lip and palate, this inspirational, not yielding to the fate of the sunshine big boy, not defeated by the ups and downs of life, but more and more frustrated and courageous, this is the positive Han Meijuan, the back of Han Peiquan's Internet red life, strive to be positive people, no matter what kind of appearance is worthy of our respect.

Front Han Meijuan, back Han Peiquan, ugly for grandma treatment, double-sided life of the tragic Internet celebrity funny with sadness, sad with inspirational Northeast boy No eternal luck, no eternal misfortune Although life is bitter, all bitterness is paved for the sweetness of happiness
I am a foraging record of the city, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! Like to focus on eating, drinking and having fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, paying attention to me, enjoying food without getting lost.

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