
It's not that you can't manage it, it's that you can't manage it, and parents have a way to deal with their children's rebellious period at the age of 2

author:Pediatrician Bao Xiulan

Recently, colleague Xiaoying has always been in a hurry to work, almost always the last to the office, the whole person is disheveled, very curious about what she has experienced, why is it so nervous?

Who knew that she grabbed the life-saving straw to knock down the bitter water to me, saying that her baby is now more than 2 years old, especially difficult, sleeping for several consecutive nights is always inexplicably crying, has been shouting not to don't, always want to hold to sleep, ask the old man is not frightened during the day, said no, in the morning up clothes refuse to wear, always stick to me to let me hug, hug the old man said no, give the lollipop to eat directly throw away on the ground, a displeased directly on the floor rolling.

I didn't have time to wash my face, I didn't have time to comb my hair, and I went to work like a war, which was almost annoying.

It's not that you can't manage it, it's that you can't manage it, and parents have a way to deal with their children's rebellious period at the age of 2

After listening to Xiaoying's words, expressing deep sympathy, it is really not easy for a new mother, the terrible two-year-old, the mother on the way to parenting has common distress.

Because children in this period are experiencing the first rebellious period of life, children in this period have the following characteristics:

◆ Like to do it, sing the opposite tune, you say everything "no"

◆ Independent consciousness has initially formed, and everything wants to come by itself

◆ It is easy to get angry, and throw things when you are angry

◆ I always like to take other people's things for myself, but my own things cannot be touched by others

◆ Like graffiti, you get angry, she draws more vigorously

The little angel in the eyes of adults has become a "little demon" at the age of 2, and parents must want to know why this situation occurs.

It's not that you can't manage it, it's that you can't manage it, and parents have a way to deal with their children's rebellious period at the age of 2

First, the formation of "self-awareness"

In fact, the child can walk independently from the age of 1 to have the formation of self-awareness, but may not be able to express, until the age of 2, self-awareness is obviously presented, the expression of action and language is more and more coordinated, from the original rely on parents for everything, to now everything likes to do by themselves, you want to help her, she is not willing to say, no, I come, you walk away, can not touch, etc., and even more will appear to throw and roll to let parents meet their own requirements, really make people laugh bitterly. This kind of rebellion is actually a necessary stage of a child's growth.

Parents do not have to be too anxious, actively cope, understand the needs and reactions behind the child's emotional expression, in order to better cope with the measures.

Second, turn "you want to do" into your own habit

Often hear parents talk to children are a kind of deliberative tone, such as: you have to brush your teeth before going to bed at night; after playing with toys, you have to remember to put them back in place Oh, then more heard answer is, I don't want to, so parents do not put "you want to do" hanging on the lips, but to tell the child why to do, such as brushing teeth, you can say the benefits of brushing teeth and the disadvantages of not brushing teeth, so that children are more understandable, let it become a daily habit of children.

It's not that you can't manage it, it's that you can't manage it, and parents have a way to deal with their children's rebellious period at the age of 2

Third, turn "choice" into acceptance

Many parents will give their children multiple choice questions when they can't negotiate with their children, such as: Do you want to eat noodles or dumplings tonight? Do you want to eat chicken thighs or carrots? At this time, if there is something in the choice that the child likes, the child will also cooperate to make a choice, more often, the child will make additional answers, so parents should consider more about the child's needs, turn the multiple choice question into a statement, stand in the child's point of view, and give the child respect.

Fourth, turn the "order" into a reminder

Parents see children throwing toys or painting on the wall, they will use the tone of the command and the child to say, can not throw toys, can not be scribbled on the wall, otherwise it will be beaten, the tone of the command is actually difficult for the child to accept, often will ignore or wow cry to show, more often parents need to calm down, with a peaceful tone to remind the child on it,

For example, "Throwing toys, toys will also be uncomfortable, we put the toys that we don't play with back in place, the toys will be very happy." "The wall is like a child's face, you scribble on the wall, he will become a crying face, next time we draw on paper." 」 This way the child will be more receptive.

Fifth, give more opportunities to try

2-year-old babies, will like to carry out a variety of attempts, although some will not be able to do, some may also have insecure factors, but within the scope of the parents' eyes can give more opportunities to try, after failure may be frustrated, parents can give appropriate encouragement and guidance, so that the child's self-awareness to develop in more good ways, more willing to accept the help of parents, is not blindly said no.

It's not that you can't manage it, it's that you can't manage it, and parents have a way to deal with their children's rebellious period at the age of 2

Appropriate "punishment"

When the child makes unreasonable trouble, grabs the child's toys, and has the behavior of beating people, the parents can temporarily lock her in the small black room, or punish the station, ignore her for the time being, give her a feeling of self-please, recognize her mistakes, calm down and then patiently reason with her, your words are easier to be listened to by the child.

In short, 2-year-old children are in the stage of self-consciousness development, and parents need to be more patient to guide, actively encourage, and master the above four points in order to make the child's growth path smoother and the parenting path of parents easier.

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