
A thousand years of civilization, jujube knows

author:Golden Silk Gong Millennium Golden Silk Jujube

Bai Li Le Ling Ten Thousand Tree Fragrance, Spring Peak Honey Jujube Yellow.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival, the immortal fruit was picked and the qiong pulp was brewed.

A thousand years of civilization, jujube knows

China is the homeland of jujubes. Until today, the total output of Chinese jujube still accounts for 9/10 of the world, and Leling jujube accounts for 1/10 of China's jujube production.Jujube culture has a long history in China, Leling as China's famous golden jujube hometown, jujube tree planting began in the Shang zhou period, more than 3,000 years of history, can be called the ancestor of Chinese red jujube.

In the Northern Wei Jia Sixun's "Qi Min Zhi Shu", it is recorded: "Qingzhou has Le's jujube, rich muscle fine core, cream and fat, for the world's first." "Today, there are more than 3,800 ancient jujube trees in Leling that are more than 1,000 years old, making it the largest thousand-year-old jujube forest in the world.

A thousand years of civilization, jujube knows

The difference between Leling golden jujube is not only that the skin is thin and thick, the muscles are plump and fine, but also that after being cooked and dried thoroughly, you can pull out the soft and shiny golden silk with your hands.

Leling golden jujube has obtained the registration and protection certification of geographical indications of agricultural products of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the "Origin Area Protection Mark" approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, and Shandong Leling has also become a "national-level standardized production demonstration area for golden jujube".

A thousand years of civilization, jujube knows

In 2015, the Food Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture released the relevant inspection report of Leling jujube. The report shows that trace elements such as protein, iron, zinc and calcium of Leling golden jujube are 50-60 times higher than ordinary dates, and the vitamin C content is about 160 times that of ordinary dates.

According to reports, golden jujube can produce 308 kcal of calories per 100 grams of dried dates; each 100 grams of dried dates contains 1.5 grams of protein, equivalent to 5-10 times that of apples; each 100 grams of dried dates contains 700 mg of vitamin C, known as "live vitamin pills".

In addition, it contains 18 kinds of amino acids that are essential for the human body. There is a local folk proverb that says: "Eat jujubes every day, and never see old age all year round." Often eat can "supplement the five internal organs, benefit the qi and calm the spirit, nourish the face and prevent aging", especially for liver disease and gynecological diseases have obvious auxiliary effect, in Leling local Zhuji, Yunhong, Hujia and other areas rich in red dates, the incidence of liver disease is particularly low.

A thousand years of civilization, jujube knows

Shandong Zhengfa Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise in Leling City, Shandong Province, which is committed to the protection of ancient jujube forests, high-end jujube brand production and processing, independent scientific and technological research and development, trade exports, and sightseeing and tourism.

Jinsigong - the leader of high-end jujube brands, let the world fall in love with Chinese golden jujube!


Let the world fall in love with chinese golden jujube

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