
Han Shou stole incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen Yue thin waist, why would he put it together

author:Hello Cai Si

Han Shou steals incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen About thin waist, this is China's ancient "four major winds" rhyme, so often put together to joke, in fact, are between men and women so little things, is to make more distinctive, have personality, become a must. There are similarities and differences between them. Therefore, the elegant and popular appreciation, citing the scriptures, are also interesting.

Han Shou stole incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen Yue thin waist, why would he put it together

"Han Shou stealing incense" comes from the "Biography of Jia Mi" of the Jin Dynasty, and liu Yiqing of the Southern Dynasty Song Dynasty "The New Language of the World and The Confusion of weakness": "Jin Han Shou is beautiful and beautiful, and Jia Chong is a Sikong Tuan. The young girl was happy to see her at noon, so that the maid could sneak up on the sound and ask, and when she was going to stay, the family did not know, and stole the western region to give the birthday. Chong Zhi zhi smells the strange fragrance of shou and tells Yu Chong. Chong is the right and left of the interrogating woman, and it is right. Filled with secrets, he lived as a female wife. Therefore, as it was passed on, gossip became a "graceful thing", and "Han Shou stealing incense" became an allusion to the secret love of men and women.

"Xiang Xiangyi stealing jade" refers to the matter of the famous Han Dynasty literary scholar Sima Xiangru. Sima Xiang is like a good drum harp, and the name of the piano he uses is "Green Qi", which is one of the best in legend. This master was good at reading and fencing when he was young, and was named "Martial HorseMan Changshi", but this was not his original intention, so he resigned from the official on the pretext of illness and defected to Lingwang Ji of Linqiong County. There is a rich man Zhuo Wangsun in Linqiong County, and his daughter Zhuo Wenjun, with a beautiful appearance, loves music and is good at drumming and playing the piano, and is very literary, but unfortunately did not hire a husband to die, and became a new widow.

Han Shou stole incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen Yue thin waist, why would he put it together

Sima Xiangru had already heard that King Zhuo's grandson, the daughter of a man of both talents and good looks, took advantage of an opportunity to visit Zhuo's family and expressed his admiration for Zhuo Wenjun through the piano, he played the piano and sang, "Feng Xi Feng Xi returned to his hometown, wandered all over the world to seek his phoenix, there was a beautiful woman in this hall, and the room was full of people poisoning my intestines, why was it handed over to Mandarin ducks." This kind of wording, which seems to be straightforward, bold, and enthusiastic today, naturally made Zhuo Wenjun, who was listening behind the curtain, feel moved, and after meeting with Sima Xiangru, he fell in love at first sight and agreed to elope. That night, Zhuo Wenjun packed up and walked out of the house, meeting up with Sima who was already waiting outside the door, thus completing the most glorious event in the two men's lives.

Zhuo Wenjun is also worthy of being a strange woman, and after returning to Chengdu like Sima Xiang, she is faced with the situation of the four walls of the family. "Life is precious, love is more expensive", before marriage is the truth, after marriage into bullshit. To live is to beg for a living. Therefore, the two small families generously opened a liquor store in Linqiao's hometown, and sold wine themselves, finally making the father who wanted face confess their love.

Han Shou stole incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen Yue thin waist, why would he put it together

Later generations, based on the love story of the two of them "illegally eloping", composed the piano song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" and passed down to this day. The Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Hu has a poem "Sima Xiang Ruqin Song", which says: "Feng Xi Feng Xi is not a phoenix, and the mountains and rivers are immeasurable." The sycamore knot is in the morning sun, and the weak water of the maundy feathers is soaring high. This is a full affirmation of "elopement" love. The "stealing jade" of "like stealing jade" is said to have the meaning of Yang Guifei's theft of the Ning Wang Yudi in the Tang Dynasty, and anyway, this matter was implied by posterity to elopement and metaphor.

The "Zhang Chang Thrush" dictionary refers to the matter of Zhang Chang, who was an official in the Han Dynasty, at home to paint his wife's eyebrows, the love of husband and wife, the show of small episodes, and the common feelings of the world. But by the villain ulterior motives to tell the emperor where, life rose to politics, almost convicted, this love show so became famous, has become the old metaphor of husband and wife good feelings, not easy, then the wives and concubines are in groups, there are power and money in hand, rare fine goods.

Han Shou stole incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen Yue thin waist, why would he put it together

Zhang Chang was a native of Pingyang during the Han Dynasty and Jing Zhaoyin during the reign of Emperor Xuan. "Zhang Chang Thrush" is from the "Book of Han , The Biography of Zhang Chang". This Zhang Daguan had a good life, and when he met Emperor Wu of Han, he was replaced by a faint prince or a yongjun, and his life was not guaranteed, and he had to go to prison at the lowest. Why does Zhang Chang like to draw eyebrows for women! What kind of goods their own women have, it is also clear to close their eyes. It is said that his wife was injured when she was young, and her eyebrow angle had shortcomings, so he had to paint his wife's eyebrows every day before going to work, so someone told Emperor Wu of Han about this.

Once, Emperor Wu of Han asked Zhang Chang about this matter in front of many ministers in the imperial court. Zhang Chang said, "The joy of the boudoir is even greater than that of the thrush." "It means that between husband and wife, in the boudoir, there are more excessive things to play than thrush, you just have to ask me if the national affairs are done well, I can't draw eyebrows for my wife, what do you care about it?"

Han Shou stole incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen Yue thin waist, why would he put it together

The "Shen Yue Thin Waist" dictionary, from the "Nanshi Shen Yue Biography", is famous in the famous lyricist Li Yu's words "Shen Waist Pan Sideburns Wear", which is mostly used in literature for the character of the literati, meaning that it is a derogatory word with a compassionate nature of sickness and emaciation, depression and disease. Later, the Ming Dynasty poet Xia Wanchun also had a verse that read, "The wine cup is ancient and pottery, and the belt is three times around the hate Shen Lang". There are also "Shen Yue sick thin", "Shen disease", "Shen waist", "Shen belt", "Shen Wei", "with eye shift holes", "belt width" and other dictionaries are derived from this.

Shen Yue (沈約), courtesy name Xiuwen, was a native of Wuxing Wukang (present-day Western Deqing County, Zhejiang) during the Southern Dynasty, who served as an official in the Song, Qi, and Liang dynasties, and was generally referred to in the old history as a Liang Dynasty official. Shen Yue was born in a family of Menmen, and there is a so-called "Jiangdong Hao, Mo Qiangzhou, Shen" in history, which shows the prominence of his family's social status. Shen Yue has been reading very hard since he was a teenager, and the books he read during the day must be reviewed at night. His mother, fearing that his body could not support such hard study, often reduced his lamp oil and removed the fire for him early. In his youth, Shen Yue had already "read a group of books", wrote a good article, and developed a strong interest in historiography. From his twenties, he spent a full twenty years to finally write a history of Jin. Unfortunately, this history of Jin has not been able to survive.

Han Shou stole incense, just like stealing jade, Zhang Open thrush, Shen Yue thin waist, why would he put it together

"Han Shou steals incense, xiang is like stealing jade, Zhang Chang thrush, Shen Yue thin waist" is collectively known as the ancient "four major wind currents". The ancient word "wind flow" is very different from our current "wind flow", which is roughly equivalent to what is called romantic today, which is very desirable, not just a little thing between men and women. It can be seen from this that the sick seedling Shen Yue has suffered a lot of losses, the "stealing jade and stealing incense" style of people is the dry of real knives and real guns, Zhang Chang thrush is also created and appreciated in labor, and there is no relationship with eroticism. Laugh and stop. (Text/Cai Si reading history Picture/From the Internet)

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