
A brief discussion on the theory of shen about four voices and eight diseases

author:Valley clear

Shen Yue (441-513 AD), a native of the Southern Dynasty, was a writer. He helped Emperor Wu of Liang ascend to the throne, and the official Zhi Shangshu was a servant, and the left Guanglu Doctor was transferred to the pawn.

History of the South. The biography of Lu Yue says: "At the end of the Yongming Dynasty, Sheng Wei was an article, Wu Xing Shen Yue, Chen Junxi Xie, and Wang Rong pushed the hub with qi, and Ru Nan Zhou Was good at understanding the sound rhyme. For the text, the palace merchant is used, and the four voices of flat, up, going, and entering are used. ”

Shen Yue, Xie, Wang, Zhou and others founded the four voices, and their original intention was not only to refer to poetry, but to write articles to conform to the four voices. History of the South. Shen Yue Biography: Emperor Wu asked Zhou Sheyue, "What are the four voices?" She said, "The Heavenly Son's Sage is also." The emperor did not obey. It can be seen that Emperor Wu of Liang rejected Shen Yuewen's use of four voices.

As for the theory of the eight diseases, Zhong Rong (468-518 AD), the author of the "Poetry" at the same time as Shen Yue, criticized Shen Yue's "eight diseases" in his poetry commentary: "Diligence is precise, the accumulation is subtle, and the frame is special. Therefore, Wen Duo was restrained and hurt its true beauty. The Yu Shu wen system must be read ironically, and must not be obstructed, but it makes the turbidity flow through, and the kiss is sharp, and the Si is enough. ”

The "eight diseases" are as follows:

Flat head, upper tail, bee waist, crane knee, big rhyme, small rhyme, side button, positive button.

The "Eight Diseases" are compared with the Later Tang Dynasty's Gelug poems:

1 Flat head: The first and second words of the five-word poem cannot be the same as the tone of the sixth and seventh (the first and second words of the next sentence). Otherwise, you will make a flat head mistake.

The Five Laws of gelug poems (仄起式):

Ping Ping Ping, Ping Ping Ping.

The first and second words of the five laws are the sound of the voice, while the sixth and seventh words are the flat sound. As long as you abide by the flat, it is impossible to commit the so-called "flat head".

2 Upper end: The fifth word of the five-word poem (the last word of the sentence) and the tenth word (the last word of the opposite sentence) cannot be the same tone. Otherwise, you will make the mistake of going to the top.

The last word of the sentence of the five-law poem and the last word of the opposite sentence cannot appear in the same voice or the same flat voice.

Example (仄起式):

Mediocre, mediocre, mediocre.

Example (flat up):

From the perspective of these two forms, the upper and lower sentences are relative, and there is no so-called "upper tail".

3 Bee waist: refers to both ends of the large, the middle small. The tone of the second and fourth words in each verse of the five-word poem cannot be the same; or the tone of the third and fifth words cannot be the same.

This will not happen in the five laws of equality, unless the level of the five laws is disrupted. But as long as the format of the five laws is observed, there is no such thing as committing the so-called "bee waist".

4 Crane Knee: If the first and last two words of the five-word poem are flat, and the middle word is single, then the two ends are "thin" and "thick" in the middle, becoming "crane knee". For example, "Emblem Crown Qingyun", only the middle crown word is 仄声. This will not happen in the five laws of the flat, as long as the poem is written in the format of the flat, the so-called "crane knee" will not be committed.

5 big rhymes: Refers to words that cannot have the same rhyme part as the rhyme within two sentences of the five-word poem. For example: "In the fifteenth year of Hu Ji, The Spring Day is alone." Hu and 垆 belong to the same rhyme foot, which commits the so-called "collision rhyme" or "squeeze rhyme".

This taboo was abandoned during the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang people who wrote poetry did not pay any attention to this, because this taboo would restrict the artistic expression of poetry. Just as Zhong Rong, the author of "Poetry," pointed out in an article criticizing Shen Yue's "four voices and eight diseases": "Wen is much imprisoned, and its true beauty is lost."

6 Small rhymes: There can be no words belonging to the same rhyme between two sentences of a five-word poem. Such as: ancient trees and old stones, rapid spring dew sand. The tree and the dew, the lian and the spring are the same rhyme, then the so-called "heavy rhyme, collision rhyme, squeeze rhyme" said. The taboo of "small rhyme" is more stringent than the taboo of "big rhyme". Therefore, it is natural to be rejected and eliminated by the Tang people.

7 Pangnew: In the two verses of the five-word poem, there can be no words with the same rhyme (the same tone). For example, if there is a word "month" in the five-character sentence, it is not allowed to be more secure with the word "fish, yuan, ruan, wish" and other words that are homophonous with the word "month". If you write poetry according to this regulation, is there still a splendid Tang poetry culture? Fortunately, the Tang people did not buy Shen Yue's account.

8 Zheng niu: The two sentences of the five-word poem cannot be mixed with the same rhyme and the same four-tone word of the rhyme mother. For example: "Light light sunset twilight, flowing fire scatter autumn gold." Nishiki is the same as the golden vowel mother, and has committed the so-called homophony and homophony taboo. However, the poets of the Tang Dynasty broke through all kinds of barriers hindering the development of poetry with innovative and open-mindedness and arrogance, and created a Tang poetry culture that will forever be recorded in the annals of history. The following author excerpts a few poems included in the Quan Tang Poems to appreciate how they wrote poems freely and freely.

"Sending Monks to Hunan"

In Xiangshui Wanyu, Shiyou Fangcao was born.

After climbing a mountain and begging for food, there is no companion to enter the clouds.

Rain and flowers fall, spring cattle embrace fog farming.

I don't know where to listen to the apes tonight and the moon.

The last words of the second sentence of the poem, "sheng", and the last words of the eighth sentence, "sound", belong to the homophonic mother and rhyme mother (shehg).

Guan Xiu's "Shanglu Envoys' Second Song" (2)

Sima Qianwenya sage, three heads and nine strange mill incense dust.

Passing on the di cao lin and phoenix, and finally chang chaofu and Shen.

Lou Towering Jiaoge has been raining, and the wind is full of harmony in the spring of the city.

Because he knew that Huan Hai had gone up and went, he saw the people in Gaozong's dream.

The last word of the first sentence of this poem, "ren", is the same as the last word of the last sentence, "ren", which belongs to the rhyme of "heavy word".

"Sending a Question to the Lawyers' Court"

Jinxi Guangli towered over the terrace, and the division courtyard was high and green.

The deep bamboo stick smells the remnants of the chime, and several sails are seen in a tea.

Burning incense is just to see the new law, and the walk is hesitant to damage the green moss.

Mo Qi's inscription poem went east again, and the stone house was cold on the roof.

The last word of the first sentence of this poem, "Tai", is also the same as the last word of the eighth sentence, "Tai".

Guan Xiu "Huai Shang Feng Ancients"

After the chaos of the old garden, the first ten years began to meet the king.

Long hate south smoke playing, usually only smell themselves.

The barren window is autumn and the sky is full of clouds.

Mo sighed late, and ZTE was using text.

The last word of the fourth sentence of the poem, "smell", and the word "wen" at the end of the eighth sentence, are also homophonous vowels and vowels (weh).

There are 508 poems in Guan Xiu's Quan Tang Poems.

Huai Mao's "Shanggui Prefecture Thorn Shi Dai Tong Zhi Ii"


Home in Fuxi, Shanxi, Fujian, where there are warblers crying.

Now it is not in the warbler's cry, the warbler is crying in the old days.


Home in Fudong, Fujian Province, where the age has a bonus.

Now it is not in the bonus, the flower is red in the old days.

The first poem, the word "West" was used twice, the word "in" was used three times, the word "place" was used twice, the word "warbler" was used three times, and the word "cry" was used three times.

The second poem, "East", "Flower", "Red", and "Place", was used 2 to 3 times respectively. Judging from the poems of guan xiu and huai mao, the poets of the Tang Dynasty did not shy away from the so-called "squeezing rhymes", "bumping rhymes", "heavy rhymes", "heavy characters", and other stereotypes and bad habits of "four voices and eight diseases" advocated by Shen Yue. However, to this day, it is really strange that some people have taken the "four voices, eight diseases" created by Shen Yue, Zhou Yong and others in the Southern Dynasty more than 1500 years ago to apply the current Gelug poems. The poetic rules that people follow now are formed through the careful design and long-term practice of the ancestors of the Tang Dynasty, and their flatness, confrontation, and rhyme are all in line with the principle of suppressing the sound and rhyme of yang and frustration. Poetry focuses on the expression of artistic conception, and the form should serve the content, not the content serves the form. Therefore, there is permission for the equality in the poetic grammar, such as the seven words of poetry one, three, or five, of course, this is not absolute. There are remedies for "rescue", and there are "lonely peace" (lonely servants) to avoid secrets. These designs are for the convenience of poetry creation and the consideration of content play.

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