
Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

author:Sycamore one edge

Shen Yue was the founding hero of the Southern Dynasty Liang, born with heavy pupils, two pupils in his left eye, and was brilliant from childhood, a beautiful man, but eventually died of fear.

When Shen Yue was young, because his father was killed, he could only rely on his mother for his life, and his life was very poor. But since childhood, I have loved to read, and I don't feel tired during the day until late at night. For the sake of his body, his mother secretly put less oil in the oil lamp so that Shen Yue could rest early.

Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

Shen Yue's hard work from an early age has created a talent and written a good article. In adulthood, he relied on his own talents to enter his career and be reused.

In the early years of the Qi Dynasty, Shen Yue served as the Commander of Xiangyang County. He served Xiao Changmao, the prince of Wenhui at that time. Being able to do things around the prince is naturally a bright future. Soon he was promoted to infantry lieutenant and was in charge of documentation. The Prince's Eastern Palace attracted a lot of talents, but the Prince only loved Shen Yue very much. Every time the two of them talked, they would talk late.

Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

Prince Wenhui had a problem, he didn't like to get up early, and the other ministers were not good at saying anything, so they let Shen Yue bring words. After Prince Wenhui heard about it, he actually wanted Shen Yue to come early and get up himself. It can be seen how much this Prince Wenhui likes Shen Yue.

After Emperor Qi Ming ascended the throne, Shen Yue was naturally reused, and he was promoted to the rank of general of the auxiliary state, conscripted into the Five Soldiers Shangshu, and promoted to the position of Guozi Sacrifice Wine.

Shen Yu had a good friend named Xiao Yan, and the two met in the West Residence of King Jingling.

Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

Not long after Emperor Qi Ming became emperor, he died young and began to be ruled by the prime minister. However, it did not take long for Xiao Yan to raise an army, take control of the capital, and begin to take charge of the affairs of the imperial court.

Therefore, Shen Yue's life is very good, without the protection of the prince, his good friend is in power again, and it is still a great future.

Everyone believed that Xiao Yan had the qualifications to be an emperor, and he could change dynasties and ascend the throne as emperor. As a good friend, Shen Yue naturally actively promoted this matter, and at that time he trusted the wizard very much, and the wizard prophesied: "Walk in the water, be the son of heaven." ”

Shen Yuexiao was reasonable and moved with affection, believing that now that the heavens, the earth, and the people were all in Xiao Yan's area, it was natural to ascend the throne as emperor.

In addition to Shen Yue, there was also a minister, Fan Yun, who was very much used by Xiao Yan and gave the same answer.

Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

Don't look at Shen Yue as a literati, but when he does things, he is very decisive. He secretly wrote the edict and the document of the official setting up the situation, and made an appointment with Fan Yun to persuade Xiao Yan to ascend the throne. After Xiao Yan saw it, he was naturally happy in his heart, thinking that the time had come and he could ascend the throne smoothly.

After Xiao Yan ascended the throne, he naturally reused Shen Yue, appointed Shangshu servant, and was given the title of Marquis of Jianchang County. Since then, Shen Yue can be described as an official luck and prosperity, all the way to the promotion, the official to the prime minister.

Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

After all, the emperor is an emperor, and the companion is like a companion tiger. Emperor Wu of Liang had some old grudges with a man named Zhang Ji. After Zhang Ji's death, Emperor Wu of Liang and Shen Yue talked about this matter, and Shen Yue said: "Shangshu Zuo's servant shot out the history of the assassination of ren border states and counties, this is a thing of the past, why mention it again?" Ordinary people don't think there is anything to say about this. However, Emperor Wu of Liang was very angry, believing that Shen Yue was shielding his relatives, and he was angry: "When you say such a thing, are you still a loyal subject?" After saying that, he left angrily.

Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

Strange to say, Emperor Liangwu had been gone for a long time, and Shen Yue was still there in a daze, and his heart was very uneasy. When I got home, it wasn't long before I fell seriously ill. One night in a dream, I dreamed that Qi and Di Lai had cut off his tongue, and his body trembled with fear. The next day, he quickly invited the wizard to see a doctor, and he said exactly the same as in the dream.

Shen Yue, a talent of the Southern Dynasty, was born with heavy pupils, why did he die of fear? Sentiment

Shen Yue thought that Qi He and Emperor resented him, so he prayed to heaven, saying that the liangwu emperor Xiao Yanchan was not his idea. This was just heard by the imperial doctor sent by Emperor Wu of Liang to treat Shen Yue's illness and gave it to Emperor Wu of Liang.

Emperor Wu of Liang was naturally very angry, and the matter of his ascension to the throne was something that Shen Yue strongly advocated, but now he had pushed everything to me. So he sent people to condemn him many times, and Shen Yue worried all day, and eventually died of fear. It's a shame.

Shen Yue was a rare talent, the leader of the southern dynasty literary circles, proficient in musical rhythms, and led the atmosphere of the literary circles at that time. It can be said to be an inspirational model, from a poor family, all the way to the prime minister. However, in the end, due to qi and di tuomeng who had once loved him very much, he came to take revenge, which led to his own prayer of exoneration, and he was resented by Emperor Wu of Liang, and was eventually scared to death.

The experience is legendary, and it is sometimes a sin for a person to be too liked. To love someone is to be devoted, or it will be born of love and hate.

This article is original by Sycamore, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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