
But ask how much you are worried about, and you will know that the night is short and long

But ask how much you are worried about, and you will know that the night is short and long

Soundtrack / Ilan Eshkeri - No Secrets

Voice Actor Duty / Yuan Fangzheng

For previous audios, please listen to them in the Himalayas

Nocturne of The Hidden Marquis

Mist in the night frost, He Guan Xiang Xiaoguang.

Pillows often have powder, and I can't sleep in bed.

The lan ointment is more beneficial, and the lavender is extinguished and the incense is revived.

But ask how much you are worried about, and you will know that the night is short and long.

Author / [Southern Dynasty Liang] Xiao Gang

But ask how much you are worried about, and you will know that the night is short and long

The title of this poem is "Nocturne of The Proposed Shen Yin Marquis", and Shen Yinhou was Shen Yue, the leader of the Qi Liang literary circle, who was named the Marquis of Jianchang County by Xiao Gang's father Emperor Liangwu, and Wasyin, who was called shen yinhou. Therefore, this can also be regarded as a tribute to Xiao Gang to Shen Yue.

Where is the tribute? Well named. Shen Yue's "Nocturne" is dedicated to the sorrow and sadness of the night. If a person has Yaxing again, and plays it at night, it is only a matter of a few nights, and it is not possible to talk about "night and night". Only sorrow and resentment, like a shadow, have not been broken, and they are dedicated to attacking people's hearts every night when they are alone, so they are called "night and night", taking its continuous meaning.

The river is vertical and horizontal, and the Big Dipper is horizontal and straight.

The stars and hankong are like this, Ning Zhi has memories in his heart.

The lone lamp is ambiguous, and the cold machine is still weaving.

Zero tears to whom, chickens sighed.

- Shen Yue's "Nocturne"

Although the title of the poem is good, the content is worse than Xiao Gang's poem: it is probably also written that it is difficult to sleep all night, but "the lone lamp is unknown, the cold machine is still weaving" is only a scene that is half-clear and vague in the morning, not as good as Xiao Gang's "Lan Anointing is more beneficial, the lavender extinguishes the incense", five times and three times to continue, continue, this is the state of tossing and turning, sitting and lying in peace.

The beginning of Xiao Gang's poem is also good. "Mist in the night frost, He Guan Xiang Xiaoguang." Seeing the frost in the night, although it was also slightly bright, I knew that it was not the light of dawn that brought hope, but I still couldn't help but think about it, which set off the length of the night even more.

The conclusion is better. "But if you ask how much you are worried about, you will know that the night is short and long." Measure the length of the night with melancholy. Lord Li Hou famously said, "How sad can you ask the king?" It's like a river of spring water flowing eastward." Use spring water to measure the amount of sorrow. Both sentences have the same magic.

Many people are writing about the topic of night and night mourning, but not many people write new ideas.

Sitting idly and mourning is also self-pity, and the hundred years are more than a few hours.

Deng You was childless in search of his fate, and Pan Yue mourned his death.

With the same cave meditation, his birth will be more difficult.

Only he will open his eyes all night long and repay his life without raising his eyebrows.

——Yuan Shu, "Three Songs of Sorrow and Sorrow", Part III

Yuan Shu wrote a mourning poem to his wife, "Only he will open his eyes all night long and repay his life for not showing his eyebrows." Well written. There is no rendering of how to toss and turn, how not to sleep, how to be painful, just five words, "open your eyes all night", which is written frighteningly. The eye is the seedling of love, and the human mood is all flowing in the eye waves, Yuan Shu writes like this, it seems that there is no more joy and sorrow, no aura and vitality, the shape of the skeleton is barren, and it feels like it is going to be detached. Very vivid, much better than the saying of night and night of sorrow and night of thought.

I want to cover up the incense and talk about it. First of all, the double moth is sad and short.

Urge the young man to go to sleep first, and the mandarin is warm.

The stubble was filled with residual needle and thread. Stripping and indulging in emotion.

Keep the tent headlights, always wait, look at Yi Jiao's noodles.

——Liu Yong, "Chrysanthemum New"

The other is Liu Yong's song. Other people's nocturnal nocturnes are sorrowful and mournful, sad night, sad night, sad night rain, sad night eternal, etc., Liu Yong is not, he wrote, "want to cover up the incense and talk about the strings, first pick up the double moth sad night short", infinite love things waiting to be arranged, only too much sorrow, the night is too short. There is already happiness, but always want more, full of resentment, but also a kind of chic sorrow.

But ask how much you are worried about, and you will know that the night is short and long

Poet and poet critic

Author of "Life Has No Intention to Read Zhuangzi" and "Less Traveling Words"

Commentary Publishes The Complete Collection of Haizi Lyric Poems (Commentary Collection Edition)

Sai Poetry · Aftermath

In this poetry contest, we will take the theme of "After the Fact"

The subject matter is not limited, and it is appropriate to not exceed eight lines

Tang Xiaobing, a well-known scholar and professor at the University of Chinese of Hong Kong, was invited to serve as a judge

The campaign closes at 24:00 on January 14 and we will select 10 winners

Each will be given 1 copy provided by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

"I Love These Nights We Spend Together"


Night 3227

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