
The end of a generation of literati politicians Shen Yue

author:Breeze ancient horse dead branches

As a literary leader during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Shen Yue made remarkable achievements in both literature and historiography, and left a name in history. He not only created the Yongming style, but also compiled the "History of Song", one of the "Twenty-Four Histories", which shows the high level of his literary accomplishment and literary achievements.

Shen Yue as a literary scholar, he was successful. But as an official, it was a failure. His profound literary attainments can achieve his literary and historical cultivation, but it is difficult for him to become an outstanding politician. Perhaps, this is what Confucius called "wensheng quality is history", more than flashy, lack of rigidity.

There is a special record of Shen Yue's illness and death in the Zizhi Tongjian, from which we can glimpse Shen Yue's personality and disposition. Through three specific things, the text vividly connects Shen Yue's illness, illness and death.

The first thing concerns the root cause of Shen Yue's illness. The Tongjian records that once he and Emperor Wu of Liang competed to see who had written more allusions to chestnuts, and as a result, Emperor Wu of Liang wrote three more articles than Shen Yue and won. However, Shen Yue said to others afterwards: "This person (Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu) is careful with his eyes and short, if I don't give him three, he will be ashamed to death." These words soon reached the ears of Emperor Wu of Liang. Emperor Wu of Liang was very angry after hearing this and wanted to clean up Shen Yue. Under the best persuasion of a colleague named Xu Mian, Shen Yue escaped the disaster. However, it can be inferred from the following that this incident has left a deep shadow on Shen Yue's psychology and laid the root of the disease.

The second thing that is recorded is Shen Yue's onset. According to records, one day Emperor Liangwu and Shen Yue chatted idly about Zhang Ji, a relative of Shen Yue, who was killed by the border people, and Emperor Liangwu was very sorry and sighed. But Shen Yue said lightly: "What does it mean to mention the past?" One sentence angered Emperor Liangwu, who at the same time scolded Shen Yueliang, and said that he was not sympathetic to the martyred minister, and could not be regarded as a loyal minister!

Emperor Wu of Liang finished scolding and left angrily. Shen Yue was so frightened by the scolding that his mind went blank, and his soul was frightened away, so that he didn't even notice that the emperor was gone, and he had been sitting there demented! When I woke up, I saw that the emperor was gone. Shen Yue returned home trembling all the way, his liver and gallbladder were cracked, and he was sincerely afraid, so that he had not yet walked to the edge of the bed, but he sat down on his ass, and suddenly sat down and fell to the ground, and he could not afford to be sick ever since.

So there was the third thing, the last straw that overwhelmed Shen Yue.

Shen Yue, who was sick, was afraid that he could not live forever, and naturally there were more nightmares. One day, he suddenly dreamed that the former emperor of the dynasty, who had been forced by him to give way to Zen, was holding a sword to cut his tongue, and he woke up very frightened. So he asked a Taoist priest to write a chapter to the dead former emperor and tell people: The matter of Zen Rang has nothing to do with himself!

This sentence clear-eyed people know at a glance that this is pushing the spearhead to their masters, and it is the behavior of stripping Emperor Liangwu of his clothes: originally he was dressed for everyone's request, and he had to become the emperor's gorgeous appearance, and was tossed by Shen Yueyi, revealing his face of grabbing the throne - although it is a fact, it is an untouchable fact. Of course, it can also be seen from this that Shen Yue is a person who dares to do it, because the act of Zen position is all planned by him.

At this step, Shen Yue can also be regarded as having come to the end of his life. Unsurprisingly, this time, Emperor Wu of Liang knew again. So he sent people to condemn Shen Yue over and over again, under heavy pressure, "The more feared, leap moon, ugly, pawn." ”

Judging from the records of the Tongjian, Shen Yue's illness and even his death stemmed from his inner weakness. Although Shen Yuewen was brilliant, in his bones, he lacked a sonorous power. The root of this fear lies in the fact that he lacks great righteousness, so he goes with the flow, without a firm concept of right and wrong and a firm bottom line of principle, and he cannot fix his heart in his cavity.

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