
Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent in the ONE Championship surfaced? Can I challenge the champion directly?

author:Fighting fans

It has been more than two weeks since the official announcement of Qiu Jianliang's signing of the ONE Championship, and there are many opinions on who will be the opponent of Qiu Jianliang's debut. Just yesterday, the official IG of the ONE Championship released a discussion post about Qiu Jianliang's next opponent, listing three alternative opponents. Because it is officially released, it is also considered to be the scope of Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent.

The three rivals are current champion Capitan Petchyindee Academy, first-place Alaverdi Ramazanov and Japan's Hiroki Akimoto.

Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent in the ONE Championship surfaced? Can I challenge the champion directly?

As the current world champion in the weights, Capitan is of course Qiu Jianliang's first goal. At the same time, the debut has a precedent in wang Wenfeng's body, and with Qiu Jianliang's past achievements and popularity, it is not impossible to directly challenge the champion. However, like Wang Wenfeng, who challenged the champion without any adaptation to the ONE Championship, although the opportunity was rare, its success rate was low, and Qiu Jianliang had not been in the ring of the professional competition for two years, and it was obviously unrealistic to return to the peak state immediately if he wanted to come back.

Of course, no one does not want to challenge the championship, but considering all the factors, the risk of Qiu Jianliang's debut is still relatively large.

Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent in the ONE Championship surfaced? Can I challenge the champion directly?

Alaverdi Ramazanov is the former world champion in the ONE Championships, and his previous gold belt was won after beating Chinese boxer Zhang Chenglong. In that match, Ramazanov won the final verdict with a knockdown and was crowned champion. But the good times did not last long, and in the first defense of the title, he was directly KO by Capitan in the second round and lost the golden belt.

Ramazanov is currently in the first place in the werder ranks, but his record in the ONE Championship is not dazzling, with 7-4 wins and 3 losses. If Qiu Jianliang fights against him, then the winner will definitely get a high ranking and will most likely challenge the champion in the second game.

Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent in the ONE Championship surfaced? Can I challenge the champion directly?

The third candidate, Akimoto Takashi Akimoto, is arguably the most promising player in the werderweight, with a current professional record of 24 wins and 1 loss, 10 KO, and the only match that has not won is a cold loss to Joseph Lasiri in the ONE Championship. The match that impressed Chinese boxing fans was the one that impressed Chinese boxing fans twice. In a battle between the two, Akimoto Haogui won by judgment, but it also caused great controversy. In this year's second war, Akimoto Haogui defeated Zhang Chenglong again through the consistency judgment and proved his strength.

Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent in the ONE Championship surfaced? Can I challenge the champion directly?

In an interview with the media some time ago, Qiu Jianliang also said that the one he most wanted to play against was the active champion Capitan, Akimoto Haogui. At present, Akimoto Haogui ranks third in the welterweight, which is also a very good choice for Qiu Jianliang.

In addition, the official IG of the ONE Championship Also left room for everyone to discuss and provide suggestions, and foreign boxing fans would like to see who Qiu Jianliang was fighting against? The answers are even more varied.

Among them, Giorgio Petrosyan, who ranked first in the featherweight, turned out to be a popular candidate who has been repeatedly mentioned. Even though we are also looking forward to seeing this peak battle, but helplessly Qiu Jianliang is currently in the juvenile weedweight, perhaps after he can get the juvenile weedweight world championship, it will be possible to challenge the double gold belt across the level.

Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent in the ONE Championship surfaced? Can I challenge the champion directly?

In addition to George, Rodtang Jitmuangnon's voice is also not small. But today's Qiu Jianliang wants to reduce the weight to the scale of flies, which is even more difficult, if Luo Tang is willing to raise weight, maybe there is still a possibility in the future.

In addition, more reliable boxing fans mentioned Pachtenon (Petchtanong_Banchamek). Although Pachkinon is currently in fifth place in the welterweight, he has yet to win the ONE Championship, having been KO By Capitan for 6 seconds on his debut last year and has yet to return to the professional arena. From this point of view, the current Pachtenon is not the best choice for Qiu Jianliang.

Qiu Jianliang's debut opponent in the ONE Championship surfaced? Can I challenge the champion directly?

It can be said that the three candidates officially proposed by the ONE Championship are all highly likely opponents, and it can even be said that the opponents who made Qiu Jianliang's debut have a clear range, so who do you most want to see Qiu Jianliang play against?

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