
Explanation of the articles provided by Internet Weekly published by enterprises and institutions

author:Ciweek Internet Weekly

1. General Note

1. Including the technology, solutions, cases, ideas, strategies, models and other articles of enterprises and institutions with strong innovation.

2. It must be reviewed and modified, and if necessary, it must go through the process of supplementing materials and reshaping.

3. Academic research papers written in the name of enterprises or institutions or natural persons in enterprises and institutions are excluded.

2. General Introduction

Internet Weekly (CIWEEK), competent unit: Chinese Academy of Sciences, organizer: China Science and Technology Publishing and Media Co., Ltd., General Counsel, Honorary Editor-in-Chief: Zhou Guangzhao, ISSN: 1007-9769, domestic unified issue number CN: 11-3925/TP, postal code: 82-876. As a leading, iconic and innovative platform in the context of the big Internet era such as new ideas, new consciousness, new forms, and national innovation, its intrinsic gene is "half a step ahead", and the program is "all walks of life in the world unite, and the Internet must be realized!" ”

3. Purpose

The spirit and pursuit of "half a step ahead" is the element of success, new consciousness, new ideas, new perspectives, new theories, new technologies, new things, new phenomena, new ways, new methods, new forms, etc., is the key to igniting the passion of authors, readers and guides, supporters, partners and platforms themselves, and should be the starting point of the purpose and operation model.

"All walks of life in the world are united, and the Internet must be realized!" The universe is my heart, and my heart is the universe. The Internet that people stumble upon, build, and interact with in a moment of history is a reflection and symmetry of "everything" and "whole" that human beings can understand, not an independent existence. Exploring the "meta" universe is the common journey of all people, so all walks of life will naturally unite. Although all kinds of manuscripts are based on different fields, they must be the "yuan" of co-exploration and co-gathering of life, the "yuan" of science, the "yuan" of technology, the "yuan" of logic, the "yuan" of passion, the "yuan" of the universe, and the "yuan" of innovation.

IV. Categories of Manuscripts (Including but Not Limited to)

1. Policy.

2. Technology.

3. Solution.

4. Cases.

5. Products.

6. Service.

7. Mode.

8. Thoughts.

9. Method.

10. Method.

11. Development strategy.

12. Business situation.

13. Enterprise culture and philosophy.

14. Invention.

15. Patents.

16. Test results.

17. Global Technology Review.

18. Overview of phased innovation.

19. Analysis of new types of things.

20. Comments on new phenomena.

21. Craftsmanship.

22. Scientific values.

23. View of science and art.

24. Policy comments and recommendations.

25. Free creativity.

26. Technical application point of view.

27. Future forecasts.

28. Any idea.

5. Review principles

1. Original.

2. Have a certain degree of innovation or leadership or novelty.

Sixth, the preliminary process

1. Discuss one matter at a time.

2. Specific analysis of specific problems.

7. Synchronization

