
Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

author:Xiaochuang Literature Society
Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation
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Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

In 2019, at the scene of CCTV's "Challenge the Impossible" program, a young figure stood in the spotlight, which caused the audience to exclaim. 6-year-old Wang Hengyi faced the severe test of "Tang Poetry Nine Palaces" and gave the correct answer in only 5 seconds, easily defeating the adult contestants present.

This boy, known as the "Walking Chinese Poetry Library", shocked the audience with his performance.

However, as the applause subsided, doubts began to erupt. Netizens asked: Is this a real genius, or is it another over-cultivated "hurt Zhongyong"? Wang Hengyi's astonishing talent has sparked deep thinking about talent and education, and a discussion about the cultivation of prodigies has begun.

Sprout: A seed of genius

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

In the spring of 2013, in an ordinary family in Qingdao, Shandong, Wang Hengyi fell to the ground. This seemingly ordinary baby has become the focus of national attention in just a few years.

Wang Hengyi's extraordinary journey began at the age of one and a half. One day, the elderly grandmother He Xia, as usual, taught Xiao Hengyi to recite the "Three Character Classic" in a soft voice. Suddenly, the little guy's crisp childlike voice made He Xia's eyes widen in surprise.

This child, who had just learned to speak, was able to recite it to her rhythm with unmistaken accuracy.

This discovery made He Xia realize that the innocent child in front of her might have extraordinary talents. From that day on, she began to consciously guide Xiao Hengyi to get in touch with more classical literature, and explained to children the philosophies contained in Chinese classics such as "Di Zi Gui" and "Three Character Classic" in an easy-to-understand way.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Hengyi is 3 years old. At this time, he showed an amazing ability to learn. He has been able to read more than 3,000 Chinese characters and recite more than 100 ancient poems.

His memory is like a sponge, greedily absorbing the knowledge around him. Not only that, but he also showed other talents: he was able to recognize the flags of more than 200 countries, and he could say the name of the song with unmistakable accuracy just a few seconds after hearing the intro of the song.

Wang Hengyi's extraordinary talent not only surprised his family, but also attracted the attention of the outside world. In 2017, He Xia decided to put a short video of her elaborate teaching of her grandchildren on the Internet, which unexpectedly attracted the eager attention of thousands of netizens.

Three-year-old Wang Hengyi became famous with this video, winning titles such as "prodigy" and "genius cute baby".

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

However, as Wang Hengyi's fame grew, a thorny question arose: how to correctly guide this gifted child so that his talents could be fully developed without depriving him of the joy of childhood? Faced with this challenge, He Xia is well aware of her heavy responsibility.

She understands that in order to cultivate a true child prodigy, it is not just as simple as teaching children to read and memorize poems; More importantly, how to guide children to look at life correctly, how to enlighten their thinking, and let them continue to pursue excellence on the road of growth.

Wang Hengyi's story allows us to see the perfect integration of talent and education. It tells us that every child has the potential to be extraordinary, and the key is how to discover and nurture it.

At the same time, it also reminds us that education should not be rigid and boring, but should be fun and passionate.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

Watering with Love: The Wisdom of a Grandmother

In Wang Hengyi's growth process, his grandmother He Xia played a pivotal role. As an ordinary old man who loves literature, although He Xia has no professional educational background, she has explored a unique and effective training method with her deep love for her grandson and dedication to education.

She understands the importance of stimulating interest in learning. Instead of rote memorization, she chose to use storytelling to transform boring ancient poems into vivid and interesting fairy tales.

Whenever she tells the stories behind the poems, Xiao Hengyi is always engrossed, as if she is in a wonderful imaginary world. This method not only made it easy for Wang Hengyi to memorize the poems, but more importantly, it cultivated his strong interest in classical literature.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

However, He Xia's approach to education was not all smooth sailing. Sometimes, Xiao Hengyi will also lose his temper like other children and is unwilling to study. Faced with this situation, He Xia always waited patiently, and then skillfully guided her grandson to rekindle his interest in learning.

She believes that true learning should be joyful and heartfelt.

In addition to creating a learning atmosphere, He Xia also actively looked for a variety of suitable books, providing Wang Hengyi with a rich reading vision since childhood. Whenever the family goes out, Wang Hengyi can always use his keen observation to quickly identify the rare Chinese characters in the street and alley shop signs, which amazes his grandmother.

He Xia's efforts soon paid off. Xiao Hengyi not only excelled in literacy and memorizing poems, but also gradually cultivated a strong interest in other subjects such as history and geography.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

His thirst for knowledge is like a never-extinguishing flame, constantly burning and shining.

However, as Wang Hengyi's reputation gradually spread, doubts followed. Some people worry that this intensive education method will stifle the child's nature and make him another "hurt Zhongyong".

In the face of these doubts, He Xia has always maintained a calm mind. She firmly believes that with the right approach, intensive learning and a happy childhood are not contradictory.

He Xia's educational method has brought us profound enlightenment. She told us that education should not be a cramming indoctrination, but a process that stimulates interest and leads thinking.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

At the same time, she also showed the important impact of the family environment on children's development. By creating a strong learning atmosphere, we can help children develop learning habits and curiosity more naturally.

From obscurity to limelight

Wang Hengyi's extraordinary talent soon attracted the attention of the media, and his stage journey began. In 2017, Wang Hengyi, who was only 3 years old, made his debut on a TV show and amazed the audience in the program hosted by Meng Fei.

When Meng Fei randomly selected a page for Xiao Hengyi to read, this immature little boy showed a calmness far beyond his age. He read every word fluently, and the precise sentence breaks surprised the adults present.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

In the process of guessing the name of the song, Wang Hengyi showed amazing reaction speed and extensive knowledge reserves. Whenever the music plays, he is always the first to press the button and say the name of the song accurately.

His performance not only won warm applause from the audience, but also amazed the audience in front of the TV.

Two years later, 5-year-old Wang Hengyi appeared on the TV stage again. This time, he brought his beloved "Poems of a Thousand Families" with him, confidently saying that he could recite any poem in the book.

When the host and guests randomly selected poems, Wang Hengyi could always answer fluently, recite the whole poem completely, and could perform it affectionately, showing a deep understanding of the poem.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

In 2019, 6-year-old Wang Hengyi participated in CCTV's popular program "Challenging the Impossible" and accepted the severe test of "Tang Poetry Nine Palaces". In this session, contestants are required to randomly select 10 poems from 300 ancient poems, and then identify the name of the poem and recite the entire poem in a very short time according to the chaotic arrangement of 9 word prompts.

Faced with this challenge, which even adult contestants find tricky, Wang Hengyi gave the correct answer in only 5 seconds and successfully passed all the test questions. This amazing performance made him famous in one fell swoop, and he was known as the "Walking Chinese Poetry Library".

However, with fame comes the voices of skepticism. Some people are worried about whether Wang Hengyi really understands what he is reciting, and others question whether this intensive way of learning will affect his physical and mental health.

In the face of these voices, Wang Hengyi showed maturity beyond his years. In the show, he expressed his innocent desire to realize his grandmother's dream, showing the warmth in his heart.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

At the same time, he also said loudly that he will show a more outstanding performance next time, showing his unyielding spiritual strength.

Wang Hengyi's mother, He Xia, responded to the doubts with a calm and calm attitude and insisted on implementing her own way of educating people. She said that cultivating children's interests is as important as social skills, and has always guided Wang Hengyi to move forward in the direction of all-round development, rather than pursuing fame.

Wang Hengyi's stage performance not only showcased his amazing talent, but also provoked people to think deeply about genius education. His story teaches us that while cultivating special talents, it is also important to focus on the holistic development of children, so that they can show their talents while maintaining innocence and happiness.

From a "prodigy" to a dream-chasing boy

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

Time flies, and the little boy who used to recite ancient poems on TV is now 9 years old. In the past four years, Wang Hengyi has not only not stagnated, but has made great progress in all aspects, and responded to the doubts of the year with practical actions.

Now Wang Hengyi is already a third-grade student in primary school. His accumulation of ancient poems has reached an astonishing more than 1,400, far exceeding the more than 500 poems four years ago.

However, unlike four years ago, he is no longer simply memorizing, but is beginning to understand the meaning of the poems deeply and be able to explain them in his own words.

In an interview, Wang Hengyi said frankly that studying ancient poems made him feel extremely happy, as if he was swimming in the world of music.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

In school, Wang Hengyi also found his place. He is no longer the "prodigy" who can only memorize, but has become a favorite friend of his classmates. He often takes the initiative to share what he has learned with his classmates and explains historical stories in a vivid and interesting way.

This willingness to share attitude has impressed both teachers and classmates.

In addition to ancient poetry, Wang Hengyi has developed a strong interest in history. He took the initiative to take on the additional responsibility of the school's history class, planning the course content, compiling teaching materials, and explaining history knowledge to the students in a lively and lively way.

This attitude of active learning and willingness to share shows the potential of Wang Hengyi's all-round development.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

Wang Hengyi's ambition is not only to become an excellent history teacher, but also to inspire the public with his lifelong career, so that the general public can appreciate and deeply feel the charming charm of traditional Chinese culture.

He is not arrogant or discouraged, learns from others' strengths, and always maintains a humble and low-key way of dealing with the world.

Wang Hengyi's growth story has brought us profound inspiration. It teaches us that true geniuses are not only good at one thing, but more importantly able to develop holistically, turning their talents into contributions to others and society.

At the same time, it reminds us that the purpose of education should not only be to cultivate "child prodigies", but also to cultivate a new generation that is well-rounded, loves to learn, and is willing to share.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

The perfect blend of talent and education

Wang Hengyi's growth process provides us with valuable educational inspiration. His story shows us that every child has the potential to be extraordinary, and that the key is how to discover and nurture it.

At the same time, it also reminds us that education should not be rigid and boring, but should be fun and passionate.

Wang Hengyi's example demonstrates the power of combining talent with the right approach to education. It encourages us to be more open and inclusive, to appreciate and support each individual.

Wang Hengyi: Won the CCTV championship at the age of 6, but was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong", what is the current situation

In the future, we look forward to seeing more children like Wang Hengyi give full play to their talents and contribute to society under the correct guidance, while also enjoying a happy childhood.

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