
That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

The peach crisp in childhood memories is fragrant, crunchy, and dregs in one bite.

By out of control of the fat man

Lard 80 g

Powdered sugar 80 g

Whole egg mixture 25 g

Medium gluten powder 145 g

Baking soda 2 g

Aluminum-free baking powder 3 g

Crushed peanuts 30 g

Black sesame seeds to taste

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

1, the first step of frying peanuts, oilless and waterless pot in a low heat slow frying, simmer until slightly caramelized flavor overflowing, peel.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

2, beat into pieces, do not break too much. Put it next to it for later.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

3: Soften the lard and whisk until slightly fluffy.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

4: Add sugar and then whisk to the creamy state as shown in the picture.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

5: Add the sifted medium gluten powder + baking powder + baking soda.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

6: Stir until there is no dry powder and add the crushed peanuts. Stir slightly to combine

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

7. Pour on the silicone pad. It doesn't look like a group, but you can catch a group directly. Carefully grasp the long strips.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

8, about 30 grams a, in a ball. Don't doubt it. The next step is the same dough. That's it.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

9: Preheat the oven to 165 degrees celsius in advance. 15-20 min Slightly flattened by hand.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

10. Use a rolling pin to press a hole in the middle. Note that leaving points spaced ha, will swell

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

11: Touch the epidermis with some egg mixture. Just throw it away. Sprinkle black sesame seeds in the middle.

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

12, the last few minutes must pay more attention to Ha, to prevent the color of baking paste

That fascinating bowl of #Exquisite One-Man Food #Memory Peach Crisp

13, the side of the break is like this, is it very crisp to look at? It's a pity that there is no way to send a video, otherwise the crunchy sound will be absolutely amazing. Ha ha

Lard: The wise see the wise.

Compared with general vegetable oils, the oils of animal oils have an irreplaceable special fragrance that can enhance people's appetite. Especially when paired with radish, vermicelli, and soy products, you can obtain a delicious taste that is difficult to achieve with other spices. Animal oil contains a variety of fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in equal content, almost equal, with a certain degree of nutrition, and can provide extremely high calories. Cream in the human body digestion and absorption rate is higher, up to more than 95%, is a high content of vitamin A and vitamin D seasoning, contains less fat than butter, more suitable for people who lack vitamin A and children.

Lard should not be eaten with plums.

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