
Walnut crisp

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Walnut crisp

Walnuts, also known as walnuts, qiang peaches, are plants of the walnut family. Together with almonds, cashew nuts and hazelnuts, it is known as the world-famous "four dried fruits". Walnut kernels are rich in nutrients, 15 to 20 grams of protein per 100 grams, more fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and contain essential calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements and minerals, as well as carotene, riboflavin and other vitamins. Beneficial to the human body. It is one of the nut foods loved by the people. Walnut crisps are common pastry, delicious and delicious. It is characterized by a delicate texture, softness, a sticky taste, pure sweetness, and a prominent peach kernel fragrance. The method is simple, but how to make walnut crisp is the best, mainly depending on their own taste habits to adjust the details.

by Chenlong

Lard 90 g

Powdered sugar 75 g

Low gluten flour 150 g

Baking soda 3 g

Black sesame seeds to taste

Walnuts 100 g

Egg mixture to taste

Walnut crisp

1. Walnuts are peeled, baked and peeled

Walnut crisp

2. Stir the lard with the powdered sugar well

Walnut crisp

3, 3. Low flour, soda powder mixed through the sieve, add lard and stir well

Walnut crisp

4. Add walnuts and stir well

Walnut crisp

5, 5. On average, 25 grams per serving, rub a circle, use your thumb to press in the middle, brush the surface with egg liquid, sprinkle with black sesame seeds

Walnut crisp

6: Put in the preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 25 minutes

Walnut crisp

7, out of the oven and cool can be packaged

Walnut crisp

8, delicious and delicious walnut crisp

The dough is best to knead the circle, tap in the middle of the press, so that the walnut crisp will crack beautifully, walnuts 150 degrees 15 minutes or so, because the back to the dough after baking, if baked for too long in the back will be burned. The peel of walnuts can not go, I am used to peeling but it is very troublesome, I usually use a toothpick to pick. Walnuts may break up a little before putting them in. The temperature of the first oven is different, so the temperature and time I give can only be used as a reference, and everyone can adjust it according to the temperature and time of their own oven.

Compared with general vegetable oils, the oils of animal oils have an irreplaceable special fragrance that can enhance people's appetite. Especially when paired with radish, vermicelli, and soy products, you can obtain a delicious taste that is difficult to achieve with other spices. Animal oil contains a variety of fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in equal content, almost equal, with a certain degree of nutrition, and can provide extremely high calories. Cream in the human body digestion and absorption rate is higher, up to more than 95%, is a high content of vitamin A and vitamin D seasoning, contains less fat than butter, more suitable for people who lack vitamin A and children.

Lard should not be eaten with plums.

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