
Your view of money determines your wealth

author:Silent mental notes

The famous American psychotherapist Louise Hay, in his book "The Reconstruction of Life", lists 26 concepts that are incompatible with money, and you account for several of them.

Your view of money determines your wealth

1. Money is ugly and dirty;

2. Money is evil;

3. Money does not grow from trees;

4. I am poor, but I am innocent;

5. I'm poor, but I'm fine;

6. Rich people are liars;

7. I don't want to be rich, I don't want to be domineering;

8. I will never find a good job;

9. I will never make money;

10. Spend money faster than you can earn money;

11. I am always in debt;

12. The poor will never turn over;

13. My parents were poor, and I would be poor;

14. Artists have to contend with money;

15. Only scammers will have money;

16. Always others arrive first;

17. Oh, I can't charge too much;

18. I should not get;

19. I'm not good enough to make money;

20. Don't tell people how much money I have in the bank;

21. Never lend money to someone else;

22. To save a penny is to earn back a penny;

23. Save money for the sake of "unforeseen circumstances";

24. Pressure will occur at any moment;

25. I hate that others have money;

26. You only have money if you work hard;

Your view of money determines your wealth

If you occupy several of the above articles at the same time, it means that you have a high fear of money, it is difficult to have money, or you will lose money.

Are there such people around you, but if there is a windfall, there will also be a windfall, in fact, this is his potential fear of wealth (fear of the bad behind the rich)

Your view of money determines your wealth

I have a friend who told me that she doesn't save money because whenever she makes up her mind to save money and the deposit exceeds a thousand, she gets sick until the deposit runs out, so she says she wants to open it, and it's better to enjoy it herself than to take it to the hospital.

Others will often lie about their income, deliberately reporting low, she is afraid that her income is higher than the people around her, and she will attract resentment. Both are fears of money.

But can money really bring disaster? The explanation given by Louise ▪ Hay is that some people don't want to be rich and punish themselves in this way.

Your view of money determines your wealth

The reason why some people are afraid of money is actually afraid of becoming strong and incurring the hatred of others

But how did this happen? You can look back at your own childhood, this concept is often generated because you can't compete fairly in childhood, and the strong have to let the weak. #Psychology ##每天学点心理学 #

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