
What is your view of money? What limits your desire for wealth?

author:Linshen's nagging mother

In my cognition, I always feel that talking about money is customary, or that if I don't earn the so-called big money, it is a manifestation of incompetence, and I am ashamed to discuss salary and money with others.

When we were young, adults always said how hard they worked, and if we wanted to live well, we had to study well and find a stable job to make a lot of money. So the purpose of our reading and hard work is to make a lot of money and live a good life, and we ignore our own interests.

I came across the book "Puppy Money money" and refreshed my understanding of money.

Money itself is neutral, neither good nor bad, and it has good and bad meanings for that person only when it belongs to that person.

In the first three chapters of the book, many places make me feel a lot of feelings, and I really realize:

When we don't know what we really want, we want more money.

Sometimes, what we really want doesn't necessarily need money! Or rather, it is necessary to clarify the true will first, and then the other resources are automatically matched.

In the final analysis, sending your own clear signals, knowing your own mind, knowing your strengths, and then visualizing, and acting continuously without limiting beliefs, is the secret revealed by money and money in the book.

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