
College students must have a view of money: the most substantial change is actually a change in thinking mode

author:Xia Qing'er

I'm Qing'er, pay attention to it.

College students must have a view of money: the most substantial change is actually a change in thinking mode

Excerpts from my books

I love a quote from Seven Habits for Highly Effective People: If you only want relatively small changes and improvements in your life, you can focus on your own practices, behaviors, and attitudes, but if you want a major substantive change in your life, you have to change your mindset.

In China, we have a lot of lessons – skills, theory– but never a single one of them tells us how to treat money.

Or maybe we know that the first twenty years of study are all about making money in the future, but we don't know how to make money and how to have more money.

PS: Learning is not only to make money, but more importantly, to realize your dreams, or the value of living in this world, but it is definitely the most basic thing to satisfy your own life.

There is no shame in talking about money, and money, which has no attributes, is more suitable for generous mention on the surface.

In college is a good opportunity, we have money in our hands, we have the right to control it, if in college we can master the initial financial skills, or have a sense of savings, then we are more likely to knock on the door of wealth one step ahead.

College students must have a view of money: the most substantial change is actually a change in thinking mode

A very easy-to-understand financial book

1: Saving awareness

Not long ago, our school suddenly launched a campaign called: Look at how much water you have used in these three years?

The hot water we use for bathing is paid for, usually it costs about three dollars for me to wash once, it costs about fifteen hundred yuan for two years in school, and it costs an average of ten dollars for bathing every three days.

At first, I thought it was only ten dollars, and it didn't matter how much it cost to take a bath.

Until later, there was a comparison, the students in the same dormitory only had 500 yuan, and even some people only used 300 yuan, and there was a gap of more than 1,000 yuan in two years.

This example is very simple, and the reason why I talk about it is to tell you that savings are not as high as we think, nor that we must have a lot of capital before we can start saving and save every penny in our lives.

The first view of money that college students should have is to save every penny of our money and have a sense of saving.

Don't underestimate the fifty-eight cents behind each commodity, gather armpits into fur, gather sand into towers, and multiply fifty-eight cents by tens of thousands or even tens of millions of dollars to get the result of horror.

College students must have a view of money: the most substantial change is actually a change in thinking mode

A visual comparison of the importance of financial skills

2: Financial skills

Making money and managing money, it's actually two different skills.

Making money means how much money we can put into our own pockets, and managing money means how long we can keep this money in our pockets, can we let it increase in value, and bring us a steady stream of wealth?

How to make more money? The only way is to keep improving your skills and become the top 20% in that field.

Managing money is a good demonstration of our financial management ability.

Some people will only put money in the bank; some people will use money to make investments; some people can make money and make profits; and some people will lose their homes and build high debts.

Any skill can only be mastered through learning, and financial management is no exception.

In college, we may not have the opportunity to see some advanced forms of financial management, such as investment, stock trading and so on.

But we can cultivate our own financial awareness by managing our own spending for a year.

Only by first having this awareness can we gradually control our behavior, and then slowly become the kind of person we want to be.

We can make mistakes in terms of financial management, but we must not be ignorant, let alone put our own vision within a narrow range.

PS: Advanced financial management should not be easily tried, and if you do not master professional skills, you will only lose your money.

College students must have a view of money: the most substantial change is actually a change in thinking mode

3: Money and desire

The essence of money is actually to exchange what we want, or service.

People's desires are infinite, so to a certain extent, people's pursuit of money is also infinite.

At first, maybe I just want to buy a mobile phone, or go on a trip, but then slowly I may want to buy a house, buy a car, and then slowly I want to buy some other luxury goods.

People are always dissatisfied, so slowly we will become slaves to money because of our dissatisfaction and our own desires.

At first, we felt that small wealth was safe, but later we slowly became more and more unhappy, even if we made money, we were not happy.

It's all because we don't have a good grasp of the relationship between money and desire.

Be sure to be aware of what you want? If money makes us unhappy, then life has no meaning.

Introduce yourself

Xia Qing'er: A female college student who likes words, I hope that everyone can feel the resonance in my words.

Focus on TV and entertainment commentary as well as everyday life insights

College students must have a view of money: the most substantial change is actually a change in thinking mode

Above all, good night

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The above two books are very good, I recommend you to take a look.

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