
Referral number | Your view of money determines the way you live your life


Today's topic is a bit "mundane", let's talk about money.

I have compiled my "view of money" into 4 sentences:

1. Money itself has no value, but the value of money lies in the fact that it can help exchange value to price it.

2. Money is a double-edged sword, it can make you full of energy, in order to make you fall and sink, what is important is how you choose in front of money.

3. Money is earned, not saved. Your ability and efficiency to earn money is far greater than the wealth you currently have.

4. People who know how to spend money can have more money and a better life.

Here are a few recommended high-quality public accounts

They have attitude, temperature, quality

Worth having

Daily Fun Digest


Recommended reason: We uphold the "fun reading" advocated by Liang Qichao, if you read with a sad face for decades, it is meaningless, life is very boring. Reading is not about how much knowledge you have to grow, but about making yourself an interesting person.

Referral number | Your view of money determines the way you live your life

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A serious carrot jun


Recommended for:

Super will "talk about paragraphs"

Push the most interesting content every day

The "source of happiness" for 1 million young people

Radish Jun is waiting for you to pick up,

Breaking news is constant, complaining is continuous, and funny is continuous.

Serious beep chicken

Recommended reason: Focus on studying all kinds of brain hole problems, and spread serious and interesting serious knowledge! Follow me and feed your curiosity with your brain holes.

Referral number | Your view of money determines the way you live your life

DT Finance


Recommended reason: DT Finance is a public account that likes to use data to see through everything, not to be fooled, young people care about hot spots, urban life, and business topics, can use hard-core data, broken and kneaded to find out the truth.

Jessica Jr. Jr


Reason for recommendation: Recommend a workplace fashion blogger I have ever seen who knows the best way to dress in the workplace [Xiao Zheng Jessica], and more than 700,000 workplace elites across the network are paying attention to her.

After graduating, Zheng Fudan entered L'Oréal to do management training, 15 years + work experience in China, the United States and Australia, and now lives in New York.

Different from the general fashion number, "Little Jessica" focuses on the dress suitable for women in the workplace, practical and grounded, as well as workplace etiquette, body language, workplace tips, cultural differences and other content to help you create the most appropriate workplace image.

Pay attention to [Little Jessica] and be the most fashionable workplace master!

Referral number | Your view of money determines the way you live your life

Golden Horn Finance


Golden Horn Finance, a business tycoon, company executives, industry people are watching the number, the team from FT Chinese Network, Global Entrepreneurs, Times Weekly, head real estate enterprises. Here, we take the era of financial insights to take you through the fog of capital and dismantle the logic behind financial events.

In the past year, we have launched a number of financial works with wide influence on the whole network, with a total of more than 50 million reads. Reason for recommendation: Refuse to be the same, here are exclusive, unique, independent financial reports.

Big Data DT


Recommended reason: "Treasure" that provides dry goods learning resources in the fields of big data, artificial intelligence, data analysis, data middle office, Python and so on! There will also be a variety of fun and strange data interpretation, while learning while eating melon!

Learn about cutting-edge knowledge, the latest technology and case studies, and play with everything big data with 600,000 peers!

Consumer world


Reason for recommendation: Consumer industry (xiaofeijie316), a professional portal in China's consumer field! Accompany and help the rise of 1,000 consumer brands.

Sequoia, Hillhouse, IDG and other first-line institutions are paying attention to the media platform, and China's 100,000 business owners are paying attention to the industry media.



Recommended reasons: The ancient books public account began in 2014, the first largest in the ancient books and art collection auction industry, hundreds of thousands of antique collectors are paying attention to the palm Chinese history supplement, from the ancient book fun archaeology to interpret the fresh historical point of view, antiques, antiques, calligraphy and painting, collection, auction, Sinology, culture, history, reading, Sotheby's, Christie's, Guardian, Poly the latest information delivered in a timely manner.



Recommended reason: [Boiling] is the New Media Review Base of the Beijing News, the head brand of domestic new media commentary. We always adhere to the critical position, density of writing, to present readers with the most aesthetic value of the review products. May the boiling in our hearts prevail over the clamor of the times, and be the most nutritious scoop in the ocean of information.

Vista World Faction


Reason for recommendation: Created by the Vista Magazine team. Faced with this complex and hostile world, we understand each other in a younger, more interesting way.

Defeat emotional hostility with deep understanding; use fun and humor to resist boredom and anti-intellectualism.

Tower Gate


Yiyouth's Youth Culture Observation IP. Care about the real situation of young people in this era, document what this generation is like, reflect on why it is the way it is, and discuss what it can be. We are committed to producing content that deepens our "interest" and understanding of life.

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