
From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?


3 battles college entrance examination, 8 years of industry adherence, a leap to become the helmsman of the wine industry, he proved with actions that "as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle" is an eternal truth, he is Qin Nan.

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

From obscurity to a trader with a valuation of over 100 million, he only took 1 year. The liquor brand "Donkey Kicking Horse" founded by it has been valued at more than 100 million yuan by capital in just half a year, and its momentum will set off a "cow and horse dispute" in the "liquor giant" Niulan Mountain. No one can succeed casually, what makes him? What makes donkey kicking a horse stand out from the crowd of liquors?

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

Newton, who was resting on the farm, was accidentally hit by an apple and discovered gravity; Archimedes, who was bathing in the bathtub, felt his body float slightly, and found buoyancy, and their success was both accidental and inevitable. Everyone has countless times in their lives the same experience, but only to do the "same experience", no one thinks more, no one achieves what they do.

Qin Nan's achievements are both accidental and inevitable. A casual class reunion, because he thinks one step more than others, deeply thinks about the audience needs and development of the liquor industry, and has today's donkey kicking horse Beijing Erguotou.

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

When it comes to baijiu, people will first think of Maotai, Wuliangye, Jian Nanchun... But for the younger generation, there are few people who can afford to drink such an expensive liquor. As Qin Nan's old classmate said, the post-90s are the main force of the liquor industry, but high-end liquor is still a luxury for the post-90s, and it is necessary to produce a liquor that the people can afford.

A sentence inadvertently said by the old classmate stirred up a thousand waves in Qin Nan's heart, he did a survey of the liquor market, coupled with years of industry experience, resolutely quit a stable job, and had the idea of starting a business.

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

This extra step of thinking has made the result of liquor - donkey kicking horse.

It is not enough to think one step more than others, but also to pay practice, to pay ninety-nine percent of the sweat. Effort does not necessarily have to be rewarding, but not trying is necessarily not rewarding. To be successful, effort is required. The same was true for Qin Nan.

In order to realize his dream of entering a key university, he fought for the college entrance examination 3 times and finally realized his dream. After graduating from university, he entered a first-line brand company responsible for brand promotion work, worked diligently and earnestly, and achieved good results in his post. The accumulation of these efforts eventually became a stepping stone to his success.

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

In these 8 years, he not only has rich industry experience, but also allows him to gain a title that accompanies him all his life. This is because of his personality similar to that of "Xu Sanduo" and the face that resembles Wang Baoqiang, and he has won the title of "Xu Sanduo of the Wine Industry".

Donkey kicking horse and er pot head can be described as two unrelated words of wind and horse cattle, but they have become a well-known name in the liquor industry. This name sounds interesting and novel, and if you look closely at the history books, you will find that this name has a deep historical and cultural heritage.

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

Legend has it that when Temujin paid tribute to the Jin Dynasty, Jin Zhangzong praised his country's shochu for not being able to drink: "Don't get drunk on donkeys, but make donkeys kick horses." Qin Nan developed the liquor brand - donkey kicking horse with this historical anecdote, and took "donkey" as his brand image.

In the selection of the color of the bottle, some effort has also been made to adopt the popular color recommended by the authority - emerald green. Paired with off-white, it's eye-catching and eye-catching. Not only that, but also painted his brand image "Donkey Brother" on the bottle, which is very recognizable.

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

In terms of the taste of the wine body, it changed the spicyness of traditional liquor, invited Chinese wine critics to brew it personally, and after dozens of times of blending and hundreds of market evaluations, finally created this pure grain good wine with "soft entrance, delicious taste, and no head".

In the promotion of the brand, it has designed some relatively new and interesting content, and presented in the form of animations, memes, animations and short videos that are very popular at the moment, bringing consumers a new experience - "more interesting, better drinking, more recognizable". Moreover, it has cooperated with popular films and televisions such as "Our New Life" and "Hidden and Great", which is close to the lives of young people.

From obscurity to over 100 million traders, in just 1 year, what did he do right?

In this way, the donkey kicked the horse quickly entered the public's field of vision, and because of its delicious taste, it quickly occupied the liquor market, with a valuation of over 100 million yuan in half a year.

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